... the human being becomes neurotic because he can not withstand the extent of frustration which society imposes in the interests of its cultural ideals ... or eliminate these requirements would greatly diminish a return to the possibilities of that ...
Sigmund Freud.
The work of our lineup was about normal and pathological, was based on some readings and de reuniones que pudimos llegar a plantear algunos interrogantes, como ejemplo qué es precisamente lo que determina el límite entre ambos conceptos, o bien, hasta qué punto llega la cultura, la sociedad o la ciencia misma a mostrarnos qué es el concepto de NORMALIDAD.
Fue a partir de este interrogante, el que está referenciado continuamente a lo NORMAL, que a mi me llevó a cuestionarme acerca de qué es lo que hoy nuestra sociedad plantea como “ideal” por alcanzar, fue por eso que escogí el punto del programas que hace referencia al síntoma y cultura, y ver de qué modo poder relacionarlo con nuestros ideales tradicionales, ideales postmodernos, o aquellos ideales que se han perdidos, en towards the emergence of "new", come to occupy places to fill to cover them, avoiding the responsibility to take care of ourselves ...
The question of ideals "lost" in society and the influence of science them was the issue that I would mainly develop in some way, that's why maybe my literature does not directly answer the question raised by the Chair as to respond to what interests me I had to appeal to another material expand what is already raised.
The question is based primarily on what is the ideal we want to achieve, or we must consider whether the ideals have been overturned, it's just a perfect body that we want to achieve?, a body that lacks any beauty? A body that brings together the "best", the best parts? a body free from any kind of distress, discomfort, regret? It seems that something has been lost in the tradition of our ideals, something has been changed, is another "thing" to be achieved, it seems he is not dressed, of getting a good dress ... but that dress, cover and in turn show, what we are? What we want to be? We do not know, what appears as if new is that it seems that a separate question of what is to be achieved, it seems that nothing satisfies us, is that the phrase "full whine" come really meaning, will not that be "filled" drown us what we eat?
... Every angel is terrible in this obligation to enjoy, free of past and future private. It's just got to be your body, but he suffers, your mind does not matter: enjoy! When the traditional ideals crumble, the body becomes the ideal, the body blended with sauces (genetic, neural, hormonal) become the cause of himself ...
Pommier tells us (...) when the traditional ideals crumble the body itself becomes the ideal (...) "the issue may not be raising the loss of ideals, but think of it as surrogates such as hidden ideals, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom their place, for others, perhaps contrary, maybe opposites, they come to give us another sense and that will inevitably take on another meaning. Well, the novelty of such a question, is how human beings take it, maybe these questions we get when we say something is "normal" or not is ...
Postmodernism, rather than do away with the ideals, repressed. The ideal became unconscious and it works the backs of those who pay homage. Lying in the calculations, it becomes frightening, because it imposes a belief devoid of act of faith.
is simple: if everything is determined, if each effect is the result of a case the subject is no longer responsible for anything. If all answers to one estimate, the subject rejected the causes of their troubles are the society or family. The innocence undone in this way, little by little, the social bond. Innocence kills ...
A huge crackdown on the fault is carried out in this way. Science objective
perfectly the ideal self, that angelic body with the dreamer, and thanks to this perfect mechanism protects the ego ideal, in that instance paternal claims that the body does not confuse yourself, which is unsuitable for organic limits that their existence depends on the look of others, that Unlike the body does to himself ... male or female any scientific evidence proves the materiality of the body, it is no longer the mystery that the ghost and were untouchable myths: Return to the sheer range of materials, techniques demonstrated. It is merely a machine, a little more complex than those already known to manufacture. Stop being an exception in the order of the universe, his exile is interrupted, is nothing more than an object. As the universe, weighed and measured.
In this respect E. Galende says "... the collective suffering, in which Freud thought, is now taking the form of silent stupor: gross forms of drugging or more subtle and quiet. Although no less harmful, small additions that are blunted our sensitivity to pleasant or unpleasant stimuli, the loss of love relationships and general discrediting of his choice: freedom, including sexual batch of loneliness and isolation ... the struggle with the body and death have also made technical wrestling, information, percentages ... social life, its institutions, we have been anonymized. The subject has brought more and more brokers and intermediaries between him and the management of your life, no longer belongs entirely, even when met with a doctor want to kill you ... the division between anonymous power and mass is one of the features more of the technological society of today ... modern medicine looks at disease in the biological sign for which you need to exclude the subject, as well as psychology, looking for the man in the signs of language, reintroduces all the problems of subjectivity. The forcing of the meetings between the two disciplines, following the ideal of a unified man, has become the symptom of a mismatch ... the biological structure is a wise order, it governs with information, the gene makes us body, the instinct destination. Much of today's illnesses are read as a failure of information systems that regulate smooth operation of bodies ...
This benefit obligation at the time not to live in abundance and happiness, and peaceful. Not at all: you have to enjoy right away, even from misfortune: it is what you see in the media to take advantage as well. You have to enjoy no escape. If you might enjoy this: we would have more sleep, life would be there, full.
We can say that what is in decline is the modern ideal, but the project of modernity. Postmodernism is nothing more than drive the project of modernity to its logical, but stripped of all ideal "humanistic."
The logic of consumption has arrived and has overwhelmed even with the ideals of the people, is something that should not happen before our eyes without seeing it ... the replacement of traditional ideals were released in exchange for the HERE AND NOW ... or perhaps you want to hide is the responsibility of acts that we are themselves, to hide our symptoms ...
it be that this new logic of consumption to help us implement the exercise of looking the other way when it's time to see why certain things happen to us, not to deposit the etiology, following issues as our external objects as conforming to let us no longer promotes the possibility of questioning, of being responsible, having to do with ourselves? "(...) if the same man as regularly ingested prescription antianxiety medication, ignore any conscious guilt going from a relatively illegal drug to a legal drug. This fault disappears because the drug desubjetiviza the cause, it is implicit in an organic disorder and not moral. The result is a belief: that it is a genetic neurological dysfunction. The Phantom of the organic functions as a religion that ignores itself (...)
not it be logical to think that something that happens to our body is more likely to be effective, product or call for help from ourselves, something that speaks from within and also appears to be more comfortable turning a blind eye on what ails us? "(...) Most of my physical pain may subside and my moral pain can get high, I can almost completely ignore the duel, and the misfortunes of others does not differ too of fiction with which I baited the media (...)"
Lacan teaches us that love speech is a law that puts out a being of joy, the capitalist discourse not only reinstated but she calls him permanently, which is not without important consequences for the subject
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There is nothing that separates enjoyment is not the barrier that would stop the enjoyment as segregated in the structure as waste. On the contrary, as suggested by B. Lecouer ... this fully aware of the mechanics of consumer capitalism that introducing a system entirely from the time it takes place in the circuit whether the case of property as men.
Perhaps the question we should ask is, it is best to think that science is held (or holds us) on the promise, the illusion "that" is going to be a useful complement to fill, to cover us, or more Rather, it should horrify the possibility that may come into existence "that" to come to complete what need not be complete, that comes to fill what he "ought" to be empty, to come and fill our hole that allows our existence, the existence of our desire. For if "that" takes consistency ... would not answer "that" question allows us to follow in life, the question that keeps asking, would not answer, or rather, to override ... WHAT WE LIVE? OR ... WHAT WE CAME TO LIFE? ... Could it be that life is really about answering these questions, could it be that would reach to inhibit answer to the last of our symptoms, those symptoms that drive these questions, is it not really the live questioning the reason for our existence perhaps we have found a way to live, and find that its response would be to cancel the very reason of life? Bibliography
· Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book 17 - "The other side of psychoanalysis" (production of the four speeches)
· Mario Perniola: "The dress and naked." Gérard Pommier
· "angelic bodies of postmodernism."
· L. Mandel: Late Capitalism. "
· Bernard Lecouer: "Drug addiction in the discourse of capitalism (the compared to the products subject of discourse). "
· Emiliano Galende: "Psychoanalysis and mental health."
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