:: From the word boundaries .
Psychoanalysis had its birth in the inquiry about the particular configuration that the symbolic order attributed to the nature of man.
In analytic practice is speaking, so the analyst has only a medium, the word of the patient. This tool, because only faces its own limitation.
slashing The word truth of the unconscious, comes to the fullness of time in which the subject disappears, but that has reared, briefly. That Truth flows is essential to have movement in the metonymic speech, movement of deception in the inconsistency infinite routing to an insistence that the failure to be made to walk. That territory is unconquerable, impossible to know, the missing portion of the speech aware to realize its continuity and that the road is disguised as a cunning, why not be confused with the unconscious mental process of perception that makes him conscious. "What is involved in the process of Abfuhr and comes under the sign of the pleasure principle, the conscious subject does not apprehend anything, except to the extent that there is something in centripetal movement, in which there is an impression of movement to speak. " [1]
Adding to the precarious internal capture thought processes, is the device that the word taxed in the joint. So that I illusory dominance keeper of knowledge, diluted in a half that unfailing, the consequent fall in the misunderstanding, the misunderstanding. The existence of truth outside discourse, is the need to continue talking because everything can not be said.
The not-all leading to an opening whose shape is created by molding the signifier is linked to the articulation of demand, burial of sheer necessity, the primary state of deprivation that subjugated the helpless body in its own invalidity a state of tension without resolution, rather than through the intervention of one who, with significant response in both obviate the need for specific action, and acquires the privilege of occupying the place of the Other. In that mythical first experience is experienced in the enjoyment gained immediacy that has not been asked, nor expected, resulting in the introduction and disappearance of the purely organic in the universe symbolic. It constituted a track association to guide the way to take the desire in your search, put the memory of the first, unique and unrepeatable satisfaction. Once installed, the mark sense, this phase shift occurs which renders impossible the adequacy of the defendant so desired, thus condemning immortality eternally unsatisfied desire, so to face the reality will always lead to an inevitable failure. The caesura introduced leaves something to be sure, the
enjoyment of that first encounter with the Other all remain inaccessible. He returns to find as nostalgia, and longing, but at this time and lost necessarily has left a void, nothing in the living la Cosa. It has existed in the privacy of others that such accounts, has left his mark as unbridgeable gap, giving in the absence of the condition of possibility of the formation of significant styling man with his hands. Making fundamental to the distance on this thing, ensuring a full enjoyment, and as such is deadly. Here is the interdiction of incest function as touch point between law and desire, makes the mother thing, that essential desire, the forbidden object, lost. With the introduction of significant is the way for the downfall of that enjoyment comes in order to live in the absence of any enjoyment. The distance kept
in relation to das Ding, takes to return a long way but never finding, keeping his end away and unreachable, the orientation is governed by the law of pleasure. Rule the collation of significant for the maintenance of homeostatic levels, installing energy quiescence for this free guided as to the discharge dynamics. Thus, regulation is in terms of discourse, so that "the pleasure principle are signs things" [2] . Significant of these bonds, gravitational representations, something beyond their domination, freely moving energy is the rest elusive, exiled to the outside of meaning, in that irresolute silence, the Thing. Despite being hole, nihil for nothing, forms the scaffolding upon which will be held throughout the gait of the subject in terms of their desire. As the organizing principle of subjective events, being the occupant of that central place, to escape structuralism structure and in this sense is both inside and outside, in a position extimia, which allows its role attributed cause and be a condition of existence of the word.
Here we have the word natural defying that trend back to a former state and initial opposition to the only goal that any living organism can be death. Being inaccessible speaker significance, subject to man slavery speech in which truth is shifted by sliding the desire in their endurance. Talk is a more complicated detours that imposed a deviation from the original vital goal. The word back from the dead while condemning the tragic incompleteness.
Where does the silence, the unspeakable, where do you inarticulable takes refuge in words? Psychoanalysis has discovered the word means that gives meaning to the individual functions in the discourse rather than search for truth. However, at the instant in which the patient meets the impossibility of say, does present distress. As repetition of a primitive reaction against a significant threat at the origin triggered the absence of the object is an index of the real return of the deadweight loss, emptiness that can not be represented either by image or by the signifier. Where the case begins to walk for psychoanalysis, in the same place runs into its limit.
Jacques Derrida - "Two essays."
Freud, Sigmund, "The unconscious."
Freud, Sigmund, "Beyond the Pleasure Principle."
Freud, Sigmund, "Inhibitions Symptoms and Anxiety."
Lacan, Jacques, "Function and field of speech and language in psychoanalysis. "
Lacan, Jacques, "Opening the clinical section."
Lacan, Jacques-Sem.XI. "The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis."
Lacan, Jacques-Sem. 7. "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis."
Massot, Oscar, "" Essays Lacanian. "
Salafia, Anabel, "Practice and discourse of psychoanalysis."
[1] Lacan, Jacques. Seminar "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis" Chap. V Das Ding. P. 64.
[2] Lacan, Jacques. Seminar "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis" Chap. IX p. 148.
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