:: The ethics of psychoanalysis and the desire
To begin with my individual work would stop raising the issue that was of interest to address the group made for the cartel, namely: "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis."
With respect to the work of personal development, my intention is intended to articulate the ethics of psychoanalysis and the analyst's desire. Is ethical and what is not in an analytical device in the position of the analyst. As should conduct a psychoanalytic therapy.
Initiating work
As I pause to consider a question of concern to try to arrive at an answer, as comprehensive as possible:
To what extent is no obstacle in the analyst's desire their own desire as a subject of the unconscious?
The phrase "analyst's desire" is purely an expression of Lacan that at first seems to oscillate between two meanings:
A desire attributed to the analyst: In the same way in which the patient attributed to a knowledge analyst, also attributed a wish. Therefore, the analyst is not only a subject supposed to know, but also a subject that is supposed to want. Thus the term "analyst's desire" no reference to the real desire of the analyst's psyche but the desire which the patient attributed to him.
The analysand is a knowledge in the subject of the analyst. It is this assumption by the analysand on the existence of a subject who knows what starts the process of analysis, not knowing that actually has the analyst. It is clear then that "subject supposed to know" does not refer to the analyst himself, but a function that the analyst can come to embody in the cure. As the analysand the analyst is embodying that role can be said that the transfer has been installed. This may be an early stage of cure, or even before, but often the transfer takes some time to settle. So Lacan in 1964 defined the same transfer as the attribution of knowledge to a subject. The analyst should not delude itself into thinking you really have to know that attached to it. The analyst must understand that knowledge assigned to the analysand, he knows nothing.
But that kind of knowledge is on this assumption which gives the analysand the analyst? It is assumed that the analyst knows that of which no one can escape, namely the significance of what is actually on the patient says. In other words tends to assume that the analyst knows the secret meaning of the words of the analysand, these meanings that ignores the very person speaking. What is hidden, without revealing the analysand's own speech.
AND A analyst's own wish: This would be the other way we call the phrase "desire of the analyst" and refers to the desire that the analyst should be encouraged in the way of running the cure. There is a desire to do good or to cure the contrary is a non-desire to heal, is a desire to analyze. Nor is the desire to which the patient identifies with the analyst, the "analyst's desire" is designed precisely in the opposite direction to that identification. Then the analyst as just want to say no such identification, but the truth emerges own analysis of the uniqueness of the subject of the analysand, this truth is completely different from the truth of the analyst, is the "analyst's desire" for Thus a desire for an absolute difference. It should be noted that Lacan put this item on a wish of the analyst tries to articulate the question of the analyst's desire in the heart of the ethics of psychoanalysis.
But the sense of explaining in some way the analyst is carried away by the desire to own their work, Lacan argues that this is done, or rather, this is achieved through a training analysis. And it argues that it is necessary and essential to pass oneself for a cure to become an analyst analytical. The term training analysis
taken as defined by the IPA (International Psychoanalytic Association) refer exclusively to a treatment in which the analysand comes with the purpose of forming an analyst, as distinct from a therapeutic analysis, so called, are as a means for an analysis approach that is where the analysand enters with the purpose of removing certain symptoms. This distinction between training analysis and therapeutic analysis established by the IPA was one of the critical objectives in addressing the issue that makes Lacan. While this is consistent with the IPA on the need to go through a psychoanalytic treatment to become an analyst, disagrees with the above distinction (between training analysis and therapeutic analysis.) For Lacan there is only a form of analytic process, regardless of what the purpose for which the patient undertakes the treatment, which led him to arrive at the analysis, and argues that the completion of an analysis, or analytical process, not the removal of symptoms but the passage from analysand to analyst.
And if we talk about "the analyst's desire" it would seem optimal for the development of this work address XXII Chapter VII of Lacan's seminar entitled: "The demand for happiness and analytical promise." Lacan
In this passage tries to convey what the position and the determination that the analyst should be, for it takes into account countertransference and demand which the patient makes the analyst, this claim, implicit or explicit, is that of happiness.
It uses an analysis with this hope, find the highest good. It is the duty of the analyst to know that this does not exist, has no place in his promises. The psychoanalyst should not respond to the demand of the analysand, not to promise anything either, in a way that the analyst would try to explain (if it is requested by the analysand) or make it clear that he does not promise the reduction of suffering, but a resistance to the suffering uncontrollable, it is able to bear the suffering.
Happiness has to do with the realization of desire, satisfaction without repression, we speak of sublimation (the term refers to the change of goal in the satisfaction of the drive). At this point Lacan elaborates and immersed in the issue about the relationship of beauty and the sublime turn in relation to the object as satisfaction rehallazgo, notes that this does not happen, or is it just an illusion. The fulfillment of desire has nothing to do with the object itself, with the encounter of the object itself, but refers to the change of object, this possibility of metonymy that occurs in the speech. That relationship itself metonymic of a significant other that we call desire, is precisely not the new object or the object before, but that is changing the object itself.
Here lies the importance of the analyst's position, his desire, and come to play an important role abstinence, is thus the analyst must pay a price for it, the price is its being, what is lost in the transference relationship.
The psychoanalytic clinic is defined by the ways that the analyst's desire opens. We say that there be the analyst (just be sexed), one is not an analyst, psychoanalysis exercises. There is another representation of the analyst that is manifested in the transference. So the only subject in psychoanalytic practice is on the patient. Due to the existence of a single subject in the analysis, note that the assumption of a subject-side analyst starts, where is a subject opens the door for the existence of the unconscious, to the emergence of the subject of the unconscious because the unconscious is expressed in its charter ethical analysis and therefore in need to go see, you must be careful because at some point the unconscious shown. In Chapter 2 of the seminar of Jacques Lacan XI called "the Freudian unconscious and ours" I was interested in developing options for addressing the term unconscious. It begins by defining and suggests that "the unconscious is structured like a language", so going to make a link between the unconscious and language, which shows the structure that gives status to the unconscious, thus ensuring that the term unconscious to become something able to find something affordable, to be qualified and objective manner. The subject of the unconscious is not permanent, only occurs in the analytical device, for outside it may also emerge this subject of the unconscious, there should always be someone to talk to another between transfer, since the subject of the unconscious occurs as effect of speech exists only there. The unconscious speaks to us, is able to speak, the level of truth sought the unconscious, that is the truth of the subject, can only be found in the speech corriente, ésta verdad no se debe buscar entonces por fuera de lo dicho, la verdad nos habla por medio de lo que se expresa del inconciente en el discurso. Y se debe esperar su aparición en las denominadas formaciones del inconciente, es decir, en todos aquellos mecanismos involucrados en tales fenómenos (lapsus, sueños, síntomas, chistes) denominados por Sigmund Freud como “las leyes del inconciente” que son: la condensación y el desplazamiento que Lacan define como metáfora y metonimia respectivamente. Todo esto depende de la posición del analista, y esta posición esta determinada por sostener el “deseo del analista”, es decir de abstenerse en su propio deseo con el fin de no obstaculalizar analysand's own desire.
This is the principle or rule of abstinence, in the "Dictionary of Psychoanalysis" Laplanche and Pontalis, is defined as follows: "the principle that analytic treatment should be directed so that the patient finds the minimum possible substitute satisfactions of their symptoms. For the analyst this means the rule of not meeting the demands of the patient, nor play the roles that this tends to impose. The notion of abstinence is implicitly linked to the principle of the analytical method, while this fundamental act becomes the act of interpretation, instead of meeting the requirements patient's libidinal " [1] . We see clearly the position taken by the analyst, the neutrality that must exist for his part in the analysis in order to prevent the suffering of the subject does not achieve the appropriate download and should be extended astray. Therefore the analyst should be in position to be surprised, knowing in advance that will come in an analysis by the analyst is very dangerous because it allows something to happen.
we appoint as a fundamental requirement for the analyst to put in place, the "personal analysis" to be performed, referring to it would be appropriate to see what Freud is to be noted in "Tips doctor about treatment Psychoanalytic ":" ... any unsolved repression in the medical corresponds to a blind spot in its analytical insight. " [2]
see with this quote from Freud's emphasis on the analysis of their own, personal, so they can be the place to be occupied by an analyst and can not stop talking about the art of care (evenly) floating adopted by the analyst, and taken as the counterpart of the fundamental rule of free association that is proposed to the analysand.
The method or the rule of free association is a fundamental constituent in the art of psychoanalytic treatment, is to express all thought without exception, say whatever comes to mind, tends to suppress voluntary selection of thoughts, is the verbal manifestation of everything that comes to mind of the analysand, eliminating all critical position that blocks all content mental. In analyzing what matters are the moments in which the patient ceases to be consistent, we seek the hidden meaning in the meaningless, incoherence of speech. He spends what is said in other words, the wording of the statement, the self the subject of the unconscious.
Listening to the analysand by the analyst is going to happen in a position of attention (evenly) floating, this technique is the correct way to position themselves for to move from saying that the analysand. Sigmund Freud in his text entitled: "Recommendations to Physicians on the Psychoanalytic Treatment" develop the following: "The technique of evenly suspended attention is unwilling to look at nothing in particular and to provide all that one hears the same evenly suspended attention, thus avoiding a danger that is inseparable from all deliberate set is this: as soon as one tense deliberately their attention to a certain level, starts to choose between the offered material and this selection is due to their own expectations or inclinations. (...) We must listen and not ignore if you look at something. As seen, the provision of fixed throughout is equally necessary for what is required to review, namely that relates everything you can think of, without criticism or selection procedure " [3] . Following as central to this comment that the analyst quoted in that position should not grant the privilege to any element that appears in the speech of the analysand, in what it says on the patient. Must suspend any maneuver or attitude that makes the analysand focus attention on it, must lead in this way to allow it to function as freely as possible all sorts of unconscious activity. With this rule, the analyst has the opportunity to discover the connections that has the unconscious content to the discourse of the analysand, the analyst will identify and retain in his memory all that anyone discursive incoherence nonsense appears, to later find its resolution. As we know the unconscious structures come to light or become aware of deformation primarily through associations, which are left to establish through the mechanisms already exposed previously named as condensation and displacement Freud or Lacan as metaphor and metonymy. This passage deformed unconscious content as such is because it is unpleasant for consciousness. Lacan
will address this technique used by the analyst in his function in his position as an analyst, this ethical position to take the course of analytic treatment, or rather it ethically psychoanalytic listening, and will argue that is the analogy between the mechanisms of the unconscious and language, the structural similarity between all the phenomena of the unconscious, that is what must be run as freely as possible in the analysand, and this occurs most effectively if the analyst is in this position of "Attention (evenly) floating, which allows your see is not an obstacle to the position offered to him the analysand, namely, to surrender to free association.
me a question arises or rather a question in relation to this position to take by the analyst: How can it not be attention directed or guided by their own unconscious motivations and desires? The answer would undoubtedly be that the analyst's personal equation is not only reduced (training analysis), but also must be determined and controlled by self-analysis of countertransference. Freud
While this term is not widely developed (self-analysis), we see that a document devoted to this issue, also alluded to on occasion. Self-analysis refers to the investigation of a self through certain procedures, the psychoanalytic method itself. From year 1910 Freud in relation to the counter, going to feel the weight of self-analysis in psychoanalysis, in stressing the importance of continued research analysts with respect to its own dynamic unconscious, will argue that this requirement relates to self-analysis point where no analyst can go beyond what they allow their own resistance and complex, this barrier makes the analytical procedure, damaging the analysand in the analytic progress, then Freud optimal and ethical claims as to who does not carry such abandon his self-analysis analyst position, this means giving up analytically treat the sick. In Lacan regarding this issue in 1950 will discuss the counter taking it as a "resistance," resistance that is characteristic of the analyst, which is an obstacle in the progress of the psychoanalytic cure. Lacan in his seminar I describe: "Nobody has ever said that the analyst should not have feelings about their patient. But not only has to know not give in to them, hold them in place, but also how to use them properly in their technique " [4] . The analyst to behave in a way, do not access their passions, because it has more strong one's desire to take the place of the analyst, or being moved by "the analyst's desire" as defined by Lacan, the desire premium above their passions, motivations, incentives, etc., from your soul, the subject that governs their mental processes.
With regard to one's analysis to be performed by the analyst and the analysand, it is noteworthy that the analyst will occupy different parts moving in relation to the analysand. In the speech of the analysand are part of nonsense, but no assumption of sense because the analysand's symptoms are directed towards the analyst. We found two phases for this: the first is the "semantics" that is where the analyst goes to the place of the Other (the big Other), he plays, is the place of the word, and the second phase called "libidinal" is the way how this Other moves to the other (similar), go to the place of object "a" (cause of desire). As you can see Lacan will say that the analysts involved in healing a place of purpose. We can take the analyst as an object that is not represented, but is framed in the chain of signifiers, namely then when the analysand's associative chain has a gap, who goes into that hole is the analyst, the analyst as object. But it is very important to clarify that there is anything that makes the truth of desire, but the truth of desire is what is needed to desiring such failure is what causes the desire, and analysis of what it is, what is the analyst is to lead the analysand to articulate the truth of his desire.
To go closing the work of individual development, to end the theme developed in point: "The ethics of psychoanalysis and the analyst's desire" would speak of the end of analysis. After Freud in "Analysis terminable and interminable" arise and examine whether it is possible to conclude a test or they are all inconclusive, Lacan's going to take this issue and go some way to respond by saying that it is possible to speak of the conclusion analysis. The cure is a process that has a definite direction, a structural progression, and this structure has a beginning, middle and end, to this end Lacan will call then just "end of analysis." To further adjust the closing track, it is giving importance to the distinction that Lacan between the end of analysis and the goal of psychoanalytic treatment. The goal of psychoanalytic treatment, or the goal of analysis is to bring the analysand to articulate the truth about his desire. All psychoanalytic treatment to reach this goal can be considered successful. In contrast to the question of analysis is not know whether the cure has been reached or not their goal, but whether it has attained to its logical end point. The purpose of analysis involves a change in subject position the analysand (subjective dismissal), and a corresponding change in the position of the analyst (the loss to be the analyst, the fall of the analyst from his position as subject supposed to know). At the end of analysis the analyst falls like the rest, is reduced to a mere rest, mere object "a", as the cause of the desire of the analysand. The end of analysis is also considered as the passage of the condition of the analysand to analyst. The end of analysis is not the disappearance of symptoms, or cure an underlying disease, because the analysis is essentially a therapeutic process but a search of the truth and the truth is not always beneficial.
Handout practice of clinical professor 1 "A", Dr. Marite Colovini, School of Psychology. UNR
D. Evans Introductory Dictionary of Lacanian Psychoanalysis. 2007. Paidós Ed. Ba. As Freud S.
Medical advice on psychoanalytic treatment. 1912. In Complete Works. Amorrortu Ed. Volume XII. J. Lacan
Bs Seminar I. Freud's technical writings. 1953-1954. Paidós Ed. J. Lacan
Bs Seminar VII. The Ethics of Psychoanalysis. 1959-1960. Paidós Ed. J. Lacan
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Bs [1] Laplanche and Pontañis. Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. 2004. Amorrortu Ed.
Bs [2] S. Freud Medical advice on psychoanalytic treatment. 1912. In Collected Works. Amorrortu Ed. Volume XII.
Bs [3] S. Freud Medical advice on psychoanalytic treatment. 1912. In Collected Works. Amorrortu Ed. Volume XII.
Bs [4] J. Lacan Seminar I. Freud's technical writings. 1953-1954. Paidós Ed.
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