Sunday, October 12, 2008

Intelectronmotion Detectors

writing and repetition: "the preliminary interviews and symbolic play"

Preliminary interviews are the place and time of the first plays, which refer to the singular desire to live the subject that brings their symptoms, their illnesses, their sufferings.
These help to define a site and a first time enabling the first listening and bearings of the possible game that is played with the patient to prevent the symptoms, anxiety, inhibitions invade your life, skewing the desire that drives vital.
The passage of the preliminary interviews at the beginning of treatment does not depend on chronological time, but the emergence of the turns required to substantiate it.
Preliminary interviews ranging from the first encounter with the analyst until the time transfer by an act, there is the beginning of the analysis. Ilda
levin [1] explains that it is important that those working with children or adolescents taking into account the reasons that drive the consultation of parents or guardians do not necessarily coincide with the pleas of the child. "Just as adults choose who treats the child must be able to choose and find, if given time, ways to show whether or not to address their problems," she adds.
"They are also suitable site to enable the ball to open in the end the demands of desire and thus distinguish with our prospective patients, children, adolescents or adults, demand and desire." Must be the right place for that in the case of children or adolescents, they do not continue to function as a reference point of the parental complaint, questions arise about the possible responsibility of everyone in the problems that are afflicting the child or adolescent implication arising each, at least the questions, the problems faced. Beatriz
Janin [2] considered in the preliminary interviews will outlining who calls and what he asks. Who suffers and why, what conflict is, if intrapsychic or intersubjective, and what are the prevalent determinations.
"During the first interview with the analyst arise, from the reports of the suffering that prompted the inquiry, the threads of a plot unknown and unconscious, that drives these demands without the prospective patient and analyst know what input. A strange temporality begins to play between the time of updating this and past traumas are not passed, but truly present. While there are strange and enigmatic, modulating the suffering, "says Beatriz.
When the interview is with children, play, drawing, silence can even show what the child's problem from the standpoint of the child if he is willing to listen to their suffering. From the first encounters
install a framework by which the analyst fails to perform, so the play, drawing or speaking, are received in the same way that the story of a dream or a symptom, not taking into consideration you see or you think of the design of the game, but if it is well located from the analyst's desire, the take from a perspective enigmatic, abstaining, to interpret, to give a sense that will be but of course the picture you see. The drawing should be considered as a hieroglyph, a letter that is there to be read, but whose significance is unknown in principle. Ilda Levin
To start the analysis is marked from a question, a dream, say, a state not known knowledge begins to do its job, and installed the tip of the subject supposed to know, the transfer time , equal to the child or adolescent without the installation of the transfer, no treatment is possible and that even in serious conditions. Beatriz
Janin considers important to note that:
1 - When consulting for a child not to know who is consulted.
2 - that there are multiple transfers
Game 3 - which refers to those calling for those involved in what they say
4 - to those who consult always ask something for themselves.,
5 - the reason for consultation can be different for each parent and child than for himself.
6 - how to say what bothers them may have varying modes of expression.
7 - which will surely matters other than the reason for initial consultation (disagreements and difficulties of each parent, knottings different) that lead to that child is placed in a certain way.
With young children are important relational interviews (child mother, father, child) and a family interview that allows deploying office under the dynamics of the whole group.
She adds that "just as no adult patient would receive a reply asking certain items, I believe that children have their way, so what if we provide appropriate material (which really can be anything with which to drawing, playing or modeling). And show us willing to listen, to get into their world to take seriously what you say and believe what they tell us. "
"I usually start by asking the child if he knows it consulted parents and that is what worries him what he would like to change, what bothers you about what happens, "she says.
Children talk about their suffering as they can ... as long as someone is willing to listen.
is hard to believe that a child knows what it is what is proposed if it is not explained. The idea of \u200b\u200bworking together is central and Beatriz uses the term work for not locating the game as a goal but a means. A child may choose to draw or talk and tell what happens as they can.
child is important to clarify the role of the analyst, believing that in the beginning is an unknown adult and not have to know what you will.
The child will invest the analyst or not, or awaken in them pieces of his own childhood. Play with approaches and distances, repeated past stories, characters moved on the therapist of his life.
Regarding the interview with parents is very important for the analyst to consider supporting the possibility of a shift in parental sayings. And to hear what the place of the child's symptoms in the family economy and fantasy. In the "two notes on the child," Lacan [3] refers to the child as a symptom of family structure. It is essential to listen to what place the child in the maternal and paternal fantasy. The preliminary interviews and meetings called during treatment should be able to recover for each subject symptomatic projections that imprison the child to have to represent a certain role in the family configuration of desires and pleasures in the way of symptoms.
is of fundamental importance in the role of play therapy with children. The emergence of symbolic play is a reflection of the transition to the subjective constitution and the imminent appearance of the symbolic domain.
In cases where the subjective deployment is hampered, the game turns out to be the best way to work with a child who can not outline its own registration the symbolic, it encourages and helps throughout the game so that it can deploy its subjectivity and install that symbolic play on their own can not reach.
regard, Baraldi Clemencia "Play is serious" he says, "To play is indispensable something that precedes the arrival of a child to the structure and it is in play a desire about him. A child can not find a place symbolized, may be referred to all their needs for food and hygiene, but this is not enough. Meeting the needs are not enough for a child because the child is made greater need of a child, Lacan will say, is to meet "a Anonymous no desire, an urge that you stay as one that accounts for the Other. Only then will register your game and mental representation. Only then will find there a boy made subject. " [4] The author asks "When does a child's life?" And says "Usually in the symbolic frame between words and dreams, promises and Adveniente wove their parents long before breeding. Once born will take over the structure of language to ADvenir subject. " [5] and deploy its own game the child can more easily travel the road to seize the structure.
Playing Far from being a spontaneous action, is the effect of the infant's work done.
is through play that the child can take over their brands and subjectivities. Clemencia
Baraldi asks "what do we play and what are the elements that we find to say that this activity is present?". To answer this question refers to the inaugural game in place from psychoanalysis and is the game known as fort-da described by Freud in Beyond the Pleasure Principle: "The child exhibited the habit of throwing away from him, a corner or under a bed, small items that was within reach, so that there used to be easy to gather their toys. And in doing so uttered, with an expression of interest and satisfaction, a strong and prolonged 'oooo', according to the matching trial the mother and the observer, there was an interjection, but meant fort (left). Finally I realized that this was a game and that the child did not use his other toys that play to 'is going'. One day I observed that confirmed my point of view. The child had a wooden reel tied to a piolín. It did not occur, for example, dragging behind him on the floor to play favorites, the holding the string, behind the railing of his crib with mosquito netting, the reel disappeared there, the boy uttered his significant 'oooo' and then pulling the string, you get the reel back to the crib, now waving their appearance with a friendly 'da' (here is). That was, therefore, the full game, the disappearing and returning. The more often had only seen the first act, endlessly repeated itself in quality of play, but the greatest pleasure, no doubt, was for the second. " [6] Baraldi
Clemencia says about this "a child with a toy factory floor, ie the reel spool longer to acquire another sense, it is always the toy that he built. " [7] In this way the child differs from their toys, "he is no longer a mere object, there is a gap, a gap between the two." From this construction that makes the child symbolic play begins. What
the deployment of symbolic play enables besides being part of the path to subjectivity? Not only allows the processing or the recording of conflict situations threading allowing outside what remains of pleasure (in the hereafter). But also allows the movement of separation and the formation of the self, the appropriation of one's body. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Ø Ilda Levin, "Preliminary interviews with children and adolescents: the role in the clinic today." Psychological News Supplement. Issue 361, March 2008. Ø

Beatriz Janin, "Opening the game." Psychological News Supplement. Issue 361, March 2008. Ø

Baraldi, C. "Play is serious business." Homosapiens Editorial, Rosario, 1999. Ø

Freud, S. "Draft Psychology" (1895), Volume I, Collected Works. Editorial Amorrortu, 1986. Ø

Freud, S. "Beyond the Pleasure Principle" (1920) Volume XVIII, Collected Works. Editorial Amorrortu, 2003. Ø

Lacan, J. "Two notes on a child" in speeches and texts 2.

[1] LEVIN ILDA "Preliminary interviews with children and adolescents: their role in the clinic today." Current monthly supplement Psicológica, Issue No. 361, March 2008.

[2] BEATRIZ JANIN "Opening the game ...". Monthly supplement psychological News, Issue No. 361, March 2008.
[3] Lacan "Don notes on children" in speeches and texts 2.

[4] Baraldi, C., Play is serious business. Early learning ... before it's too late. Homosapiens Editorial, Rosario, 1999.

[5] Baraldi, C., Play is serious business. Early learning ... before it's too late, "Early Intervention: The preliminary play," Homosapiens Editorial, Rosario, 1999.

[6] FREUD, S. Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920), Volume XVIII, Supplementary Works Sigmund Freud, Editorial Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 2003.

[7] Baraldi, C., Play is serious business. Early learning ... before it's too late. Homosapiens Editorial, Rosario, 1999.


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