Saturday, October 11, 2008

Excellent Letter Of Intent

:: Some specifics of psychoanalysis in public: the emergency clinic.


Psychoanalysis effectors thought public health opens a series of questions, positions and arguments, in short, issues, which this paper is not intended to close, but if you make the attempt contribute to border, in order to produce knowledge on the subject.
Think of a public hospital, means be in a place which make visible a series of throughput. It is a place par excellence where medical knowledge is deployed, namely highly ritualized and filed in his practice, which is marked by the making, medicine hardly raised the possibility of doing nothing to a particular case. Medical knowledge involves a relationship between doctor and patient, sustained in that knowledge is only the medical side. For medicine, the patients represent a system bodies (the biological body), which for some reason - either exogenous or endogenous-start to fail in their work, subsuming the patient to the object category of medical intervention to restore prior to the disease, the patient desubjetivando. Medicine necessarily mean that doctors do their work from that budget, an issue that should not be judged in moral terms, and These characteristics are intrinsic to the medical work.
Psychoanalysis not only results in a know the suffering, but also, and fundamentally, it is a subject of this knowledge. Psychoanalysis involves and is held in this mode s deal with psychological distress, this divergence from the conception of man as a system, its structure and biological function - vision that represents the body as a system of organs-specific functional interaction characteristic of medical logic does not imply that the psychoanalyst in public health institutions should put their forces to abolish medical logic (fairly serious issue ridiculous and unfounded), but if it means being careful not to fall into playing it. It is necessary for analytic work on public effectors (and in this there is no difference with the private sphere) can account for its specificity and its logical and epistemological disagreement with other practices.
The above discussion calls for a question we are there differences in the position of an analyst in the field of public and private? Psychoanalysis does not fall outside the clinic with universal clinical psychoanalysis is marked by the unexpected surprise in this regard, no patients, treatments and clinical strategies to be standardized. As Alejandro Manfred raises (psychologist, psychoanalyst Rosario, with performance in the public sphere) in an interview with the poster which I belong (and whose work appears this writing) is good to get away from the term to refer to the device psychoanalytic practice ".... because this way there is a risk that psychoanalysis is transformed into a technique that applies in all cases the same way ..." [1] . This involves thinking that what characterizes the psychoanalytic discourse, not imaginary paraphernalia (including the couch and picture frames with pictures of "old" and Lacan), but the main thing is the listening mode and the assumption of a subject in which he speaks. This is what is essentially the ethics of psychoanalysis, the assumption of a subject, depository of knowledge about their desire.
In institutions where it is perhaps more possible to be seen that psychoanalysis works with subject foreclosed by modern science, and that where the medicine is faced with a body, as organic, psychoanalysis is a subject. This characterization of the divergent logic and epistemology of medicine on psychoanalysis must not be more than a tool to put to work in public health institutions, where the presence medical discourse is dominant. This move implies that as potential analysts, too imaginaricemos relationship with the medical discourse, since the difference is something to gridding, without involving the effacement of the tension between discourse, but the erection of imaginary constructor for the representation physicians, may end up becoming a sealing barrier that must be removed, while tick as appropriate ethically when necessary
is interesting to address the issue of analytical practice in the field of emergency, where issues related to ethics, epistemology (understood as the logical implications of the different discourses of the institution in question), deepen and see dissolve the extremist positions on the matter. It's interesting how Manfred Alexander situated with respect to that hospital emergency rooms are places "less ideological" [2] , this does not mean that ideological issues are not played, but it practices and interventions are not made a dogmatic way and the relationship with medicine, not necessarily play from there, contrary to what one might think. In this sense, in this sense, medical knowledge and its application, more specifically the drug intervention is a resource and often allows the possibility of analytical work, manfred placed it entirely preferable to the state of inhibition in a situation that requires some type of intervention: "... it is preferable to the doctor who operates under his knowledge (if not intervention by the intervention itself) that he who "abatata" and is overcome by the situation " [3] . Nor should we lose sight and this is indicated also by Manfred- [4] that doctors generally are inhibited in the act of deciding not to do and that is where are sometimes wrong drug interventions.
is necessary to take into account the drug intervention, while resource situations and sometimes decompress to work and puts it Mirta Kuperman, "the psychoactive involved still the body and returning to the body. It is in this silence where the word can be heard " [5] , considering that the pictures more frequently in the ward of a hospital today are: attempted suicide by poisoning through ingestion of drugs, pictures of psychomotor excitement, panic attacks .
think is relevant to the dimension of temporality into the emergency clinic, where they differ. The urgency for medicine is marked by haste, for the here and now, which is no stranger to psychoanalysis in practice hospital, as there are time constraints, but in the case of clinical analytical interest pause to allow the questioning, the doctor placed subjectiving cog in the machine as heal and the patient thought of as the diseased organ. This does not, or should not be assumed that installs a time analysts linked to such philosophical speculation in the hospital guards, unless interventions marked by the urge not to reproduce the logic desubjectivating. In the context of urgency, something important is the intervention, although it is the decision to do nothing, we must keep in mind that doing it is also a deliberate act. Work in
effectors public with these riches that involve the relationship with other discourses: that of medicine, political discourse (or social protest or conservative, etc.). This involves thinking about the multiple traversal of the hospital institution to which to mention earlier. Work from psychoanalysis in the mental health field in hospitals, it also involves the maintenance of the task with little or no financial remuneration from the state, but to see is an incomparable training space that invites edilicias overcome difficulties political, economic institution in question is from a place of creativity (without implying with a veil covering the shortfalls in terms of exercise of our work), giving a possibility of a deepening of the aspects clones, which are of theoretical and practical training.
The intention of this work has been thinking about the potential and difficulties of analytic practice in public health effectors in the movement that involves the investigation of the issue also occurs, weakening sometimes imaginary constructor are extremely sealing. Questions remain open
, things that do not close, but something becomes very effective: the assumption that psychoanalysis is reinvented in each case, there is the application of a theory. Bibliography


Various Authors, The Urgency: the psychoanalyst in hospital practice., Buenos Aires, Vergara, 1984.
-Clavreul, Jean, The medical order, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bslang. 1983.
- Various Authors, Journals of psychoanalysis and the hospital.
Bs [1] Manfred Alexander, personal communication with the author.
[2] Manfred Alexander, personal communication with the author.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Kuperman, Mirta, "Chlorpromazine: Trademark for the subject," The Urgency: The psychoanalyst in practice hospital TTAA, Dreyzin, Hannibal, BA, Ricardo Vergara Ed, nd, pp. 125.


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