Monday, October 13, 2008

Brazilian Wax Vs Carribean Wax

: Anxiety as a guide in the direction of the treatment in the clinic with children


The theme of the poster that called me to do this job is "Clinica with children." Marité Ferrari in his seminar "The direction of the treatment in the analysis with children: the drive and the object," says: "There is no field that confronts us with both the castration that working with a child ... we all versions possible fault. " Following this statement I thought a crucial issue in the clinic with children and not just in it, castration anxiety.
Freud tells us in the conference 25 th to the first state of anxiety refers to the separation from the mother and all the anguish (distress to a stranger, darkness and loneliness) always refer ultimately to the first time, this archetype . Considered reactions to the danger of loss of purpose. For example when a child is hurt in front of a strange face, not because the face is strange, but because in the face waiting to see the mother, the anxiety the "not found", the longing and disappointment is what is transposed in distress (the libido is inapplicable then discharged into trouble). To address this issue so complicated, universal human experience and clinical problem par excellence, from this statement of Freud, I decided to approach it from the "dyad" mother-son crucial time in the life of a child.
As for the direction of the treatment, we can say that when the mother-child separation does not occur when there is a cut, is when you see the anguish and it is following the analyst focuses on what happens in subjective constitution of the child and allowing investigation for where to intervene to establish a court and that somehow cede this enjoyment. The interesting thing about this issue is to think of anxiety as the possibility of subjective constitution.
subjective constitution is given in two stages, alienation and separation. This operation in two stages need to be made, which happens a "double" loss of enjoyment. The first is given at birth and then this operation is terminated if there is a renewed loss of enjoyment in the separation, related to the prohibition of incest and the child's income to the culture. This loss is not without anxiety but it is not without profit, you win here is the possibility of want, place your baby from the object and make way for the establishment of subject as desiring.
This first moment corresponds to the constitution as it is in the field of the Other is the Other who creates a symbolic frame for this child and even before birth. Here the child identifies with an image that confirms the primordial Other, which is alienated. This moment is, according to Lacan, when little is identified with the object of desire of the mother, the child is offered to be the object that can fill it, the phallus. Infans is proposed as the object you are attempting to fill the mother, in a dangerous and very distressing. One is in the "mouth of the crocodile with the possibility of being eaten. Devoured it depends on both the mother's love for his son, and intervention the father, with the double prohibition of incest and father acting on it. The child also depends, is he who must renew the loss of enjoyment.
is distressing not just because the desire is fulfilled, is not completed, be called to be the phallus of the mother is impossible because the demand is insatiable mother. The child is in order rather than enjoyment of the other, trying to suture the lack of the Other, as if he could fill it! And least of all when your penis gets real: there will be nothing to do with the father can not compete.
The most eloquent description I can find for this time of incorporation is the paradox of maternal role that we face in his article Silvia Amigo "Paradoxes Clinics of life and death. Essays on the original concept in psychoanalysis. "This paradox lies in the fact that the mother is and will cease the child at the same time, in the words of the author," is a mother who orders a meal and not child consumes perpetuity. "
Once the mother gives in appetite, is absent, you may see the desire of the mother instead of enjoyment, that clogs every place where you can advent of the subject. What it does not devour forever is the love the parent who is active in it. In the example of "Mother Crocodile", Lacan proposes that the phallus as locking the mouth stick (paternal metaphor) so it does not devour and S. Friend adds that nevertheless it was necessary that the mother would have wanted to gobble up that child to be able to give the operation. Who wants to devour implies that he lacks and who refuses that there are still missing.
In this triad, mother and child, according to S. Dude, there are two opposing positions that determine the significance of phallic and phallic instrument of enjoyment. In this connection it may take the child to hold the mother or vice versa. The child is the one to hold the mother implies that it will be in a place of instrument, the object of enjoyment, governs the child's phallic jouissance of the Other. But the mother is the one holding the child means yield to their enjoyment, to desist permanently require the child to the fill, not devour, which can be absent to allow it to perform a movement in which there is a desire, through the fault and the child advents subject.
This position also means that the Other can bear spotting. The child is accepted tainted means accept it as is and not expect it to be what their parents dreamed and imagined before birth, it enables you to be and not to be is that they want to actual child. Quite the opposite happens in the first case, there the other but that does not require that fills it, undefiled, the only thing the child can offer meet this demand too is its own self.
This time, there must be "for things to go well", the operation of the "game of bait," as Lacan would say in terms of Fendrik (referring to Manonni) "in a normal Oedipus situation the boy is the clown of the mother during a while, until the mother says, 'Well ... now I have nothing else to do'. "The child must accept that things are well, that the mother is not entirely for him, this is the limit. That other" thing have to do is the parent now needs to reach the enjoyment of femininity itself, led to a man. As much as the child would fret this longing for the mother, it is necessary to devour the mother, avoid further distress. It is essential for advent as subject of desire, to "admit" his own castration, and therefore the mother. Once
father enters the scene comes to play a game that only wins the loser "(with the father there is no way to win), Lacan says, it lets you conquer the route by which it is registered registration of the law. The love that the mother is the small, ultimately depends on the love of a man. Through this love is that the father appears as a donor, transforming this enjoyment in the mother's desire and consequently metaphorically by the Name-of-father and the child may stop being the phallus to become.
When things go well the child has to manage to do something with castration anxiety, felt like an abyss in reality, then how to deal with this gap? The fetish and phobia have objects that mask the anguish, these objects are called as a safety or security. Fear is a barrier to the anguish, but always doomed to failure, causes avoidance behaviors are implemented, the fear is a defense against anxiety, anxiety is "a fear of fear."
For Freud, "Inhibition , Symptoms and Anxiety, anxiety is created by the repression the anxiety is repressed, castration anxiety is being called to give up the incestuous object and aggression toward his rival in the middle of the Oedipus complex. It is the anguish facing imminent castration that drives the child to get out.
If the subject is constituted as a beaming, if there is no subject without fail and without loss, one might think that there is no subject without anguish. This lack, the "barred", implies that there is castration, which some of the incestuous enjoyment is lost, there is no lack desire and the need to sign up. This lack is what allows the advent of the subject, the subject emerge demands in that hole there and this is not without anguish. But what if you lack failure? Anxiety also appears when "no failure", meaning that appears when there is no registration of the object as missing, when instead of absence appears joyful presence of the Other, whom he has not been able to remove the object and thus threatens infans to take the object of his enjoyment. There is anxiety then, when the cutting operation, this further separation that occurs as a full, out of the offense, outside of castration fails. This will happen, according to Ferrari, "the anguish of what I want? In the development of anxiety the subject demands a cut in the field of the Other, for the registration of motorized power failure, limiting the enjoyment. " Request this court to constitute itself as subject.
If the object is not to be missed, yet to be recovered, the subject is not hosted anywhere. The mother necessarily be absent in order to represent the absence of the Other, in that hole that occurs is where you will anchor the subject. This allows the child's desire, because the mother is absent is that the child's wishes, if the Other is at present too, if there is pure joy, if there is no hole, this child does not want as a matter of this enjoyment. This absence is indicating that the mother may leave this child, not devour, though necessarily have first wanted to. He leaves for his sake.
Sometimes this desire to meet a la madre el niño termina enfermando, es decir, intenta satisfacer a la madre a través de sus síntomas. En el intento de ser el falo, la enfermedad del niño consiste en esta manera sintomática de satisfacer a la madre. Pero otras veces, el niño puede encontrar una salida “menos sintomática”, a esta situación.
Si es por la angustia que se reprime, si ésta aparece cuando falta la falta indicando que no se ha producido un corte, se podría decir que es crucial para orientar la dirección de la cura. Ferrari dice en el seminario, antes mencionado que la angustia es aquella manifestación que denota la proximidad de un objeto. Pero este objeto es muy particular, es un objeto incestuoso, un objeto should have been lost and in their approach to the subject implies a promise of over-enjoyment, this is something that should be at fault, lost. So when the object is near out anxiety, thus expressing a lack of failure. So we can say that anxiety is not cheating, involves the truth of the enjoyment by the presence of the object. Yes, with Ferrari, it can be argued that anxiety is what is deceiving because it appears not indicate a failure in the court, "no failure" and is the acting that tries unsuccessfully to make that cut.
in the clinic with children, according to Ferrari, there are many small queries in relation to seeking by all means leave the other lacked. She gives the example of the school scenes in which children feel ashamed of her mother and these acts have the value of acting. For Lacan transfer acts is trouble, then these acts are for the child an attempt to generate further anxiety in order to drill this Other to whom greed is a pleasure, to produce a hole in which to install any subject. Is this the reason why Marité says, referring to Lacan, the acting is an attempt to join the scene.
The acting in an attempt to establish this court, that failure is what guides indicates where the cut should be made. Is the acting which denotes the certainty of distress in times of subjective constitution distress does not cheat and if it does not deceive, the extent of acting like I'm always on the horizon in the direction of the cure. For the author, the analyst's difficulty lies precisely in this point, "maneuver for the anguish esquicie the subject, to establish a court, to make possible a transfer of enjoyment."
short, it is essential to guide the direction of the treatment distress as the main instrument and that does not deceive, it denotes the truth of the pleasure that should be lost, the proximity of the object, the object is not trimmed, in this respect, we mark where we must intervene, "where you have to cut." This is the main reason that makes me choose in this lineup, "clinic with children", the theme of anxiety.
argue that "never a discussion points to the adaptation of the normal child or via suppression of symptoms, but a change in subject position, a change of venue in the world, equivalent to a bet on the child subject ". This change in position, we could say, equivalent to betting on the change of object of enjoyment of the Other desiring subject. For this change is necessary to hear the symptoms, hear the anguish, that's where you can start the change. S. would say Fendrik, Dolto referring to "the desire of the child is the subject to discover the had been held hostage until then, the "desire" maternal and paternal failures.


FRIEND, S., "Clinical Paradoxes of life and death. Essays on the original concept in psychoanalysis," Editorial Homo Sapiens, Rosario, 2003.

Fendrik, S., "Psychoanalysis of children. real story." Volume IV: Françoise Dolto and Maud Mannoni, alive lyrics Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2007.

FERRARI, M.; " The direction of the treatment in the analysis with children: the drive and purpose. "" seminars, classes I, II and III, taken from / dirninos

FERRARI, M., "Clinic with children. Transfer as a condition and an obstacle in the cure. 'Seminar, taken from

FREUD, S., "25 th conference. Anxiety "(1917 [1916-17]), in Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (Part III), Tome XVI, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 2004. ________

"Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety" (1926 [1925]), Volume XX, Collected Works, Amorrortu Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2004.

Lacan, J., "The Value of Property." Seminar IV [1956-1957]), Editorial Polity Press, Buenos Aires, 2007.

AA.VV., "Fear of Fear" (2001), conjectural Magazine, No. 37, New Editorial Make GEL, Buenos Aires, 2001.


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