:: The equivocation of the subject supposed to know
The prelude of this work is in the lineup device, a device analogous to the psychoanalytic clinic, which was settled around the transfer. I arrived at the ambiguity of the formula subject supposed to know by the theoretical horizons awoke work on the bill as it came to move the paths already trodden by the issue of transfer and was a catalyst for new questions. In the work of the cartel emerged discussions, comments, reading together and critical texts. And the time came to develop a unique product, by way of a musical motif in crescendo encryption also as a question, the question of analyzing the formula of course subject Knowing the dimension of ambiguity.
In perspective, to make an analysis, beginning to recover the way I laid siege to the problem: Does the formulation of the subject supposed to know coupled Lacan involves the ambiguity? Perhaps the joint that was suffering in the course of Lacan's teaching? Perhaps your grammar? Can the Castilian translation or interpretation was investing? Track split them in the way of teaching Lacanian Lacan sets out the coordinates where the diffraction formula that could result from the sense that it accords, in analytic practice.
In the first classes seminar "Identification" (1961) Lacan's formula incorporates the subject supposed to know to bridge the cogito of Descartes and even as a mark of philosophical prejudice, that clears a path that does not cross even with the transfer. In class on November 15 joins the notion, says, "pointed out this, we find that it becomes to find this, which is im-for-ever, we find that returns to find that level, the third thermal- my-not that we have highlighted the purpose of I lie, namely that it can be de-cir: * think * I know, and it fully deserves, to retain * *. In fact, there is pre-ci-sa-mind support everything that has developed some phenomenology with respect to the subject. And here I bring a formula that is Aque-lla-ber so that we will LLE-tives to return the next time, is: What is our business, and Co-Mo is given to us that, since we are psychoanalysts is that we must radically under-pour, make it impossible, this bias, the most radical ... and, then, is the pre - trial that is the real base of all this development philosophy, we can say that po- that is the Li-mite beyond which our experience has been laugh-ing, li-mi-te beyond which began the possibility of unconscious * *... is that it never has been, in the philosophical lineage that has been de-sa-oped from research calls I caught Cartesian-to, which has never been more than a uni-co subject to highlight, finally, under this form: the assumptions subject to know. " [1]
This formulation, Lacan traces not without irony, challenges the analyst to" radically subvert "the subject supposed to know framed within the tradition inaugurated by Descartes. And argues that the throughput of this bias, this border is the opening of the unconscious. However, it tends to stress that at the entrance to the installation occurs analysis of the transfer only when the potential analysand the analyst knowing you and that happened this way of interpretation is left open as a function of the analyst. Perhaps this way of interpretation is supported by the suggestive power of the master discourse, which solidifies the figure of the analyst in an idealization. Therefore I would like to question this certainty or illusion that is far from the Lacanian formulation of the seminar "Identification." Is that the analyst preserves any supernatural gift, nor is anointed by an aura of exegesis of the text of the analysand. The analysis presented as if it were a hermeneutical work finished and just magical pass the subject reveals the secret meaning of their occurrences, is a distortion of it.
If entry into the analysis prior to the subject led to an upheaval in the frame that generated by its ghost and demand is conceived by the very subject of free association (because of the enunciation of the fundamental rule and deployment) is necessary to isolate this demand and can not match. Freud argued that the onset of symptoms was something that allowed the analysis, the symptom is also a call directed to another but to get to the instance of an application form is necessary that the symptoms presented the subject articulate an enigma, it injected a question as such is the leaven of a response then transferred to the analyst. In this passage logical Lacan acknowledged what he called "transfer paradox", ie when the transfer is effective burst operates and its effects of suggestion.
The analyst's desire, and passion of ignorance, is the central operator demand blocking idealizing of love that leads the subject to identification with the analyst. The analyst becomes the "object" separator, and the subject access to the slopes drive taking a position on the object. This course
analysis does not point to tie the identifications and the effect of suggestion producer of meaning, the effect of the confusion between the object and the Ideal, but the subjective transformation by traversing the fantasy that finally reveals the drive.
In Seminar 17, "The other side of psychoanalysis" [2] , Lacan makes the discourse of love as the reverse speech analyst. The speech contains the domain master signifier located in the place of the agent, which holds significant joint and the emergence of meaning, producing an effect of suggestion by the action of taking the floor on the other (S1 --- S2) . The object and subject are in disjunction with the direction of lack of ghost prints the speech. Lacan in Proposition
of October 9, 1967 counters that "(...) the transfer is by itself objection intersubjectivity." Mario Barberis Bertteo mark "at the time Lacan called the word Mépris [3] , ie" mistake "or" escapism "(see footnote), the only link (prize) of a relationship established between two, that somehow appears as a (one subject in question: no intersubjectivity) and refracted into a multitude " [4] . For this proposes that instead of intersubjectivity is intersignificancia (significance referring to the characteristic crimp signifiers to enter discourse) occurs while the combination of two or more llanguage. Therefore it requires the arrival of the subject is the emergence of a significant non-sense, irreducible to appoint him as such. From that significant someone housed in game arises what Lacan called transfer effect, which is the transference love.
Lacan in the seminar "Identification" exposes its axiomatic definition of the signifier represents the subject for another signifier but the transfer still is not linked to the subject supposed to know. Past The seminar on anxiety, Lacan takes up the end of the seminar "The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis", in a twist that has the shaft to Descartes, such a formula in a novel, says "Who can feel fully invested in this subject course know? It is not the issue. The question is first, for each subject, which is home to address the subject supposed to know. Every time this function can be embodied, for each subject, someone, whoever, analyst or not, it is, the definition I just gave, it is, say, that the transfer from that moment is founded. " [5]
In "Notes on transference love " [6] (1914-1915) Freud points to the phenomenon of falling in love addressed to the analyst who is both priest and motor resistance. Therefore, the transfer has two central points: that significant remembrance facilitates the installation of the subject supposed to know and love, which is the repetition of an act. Freud notes that, to avoid the suggestion, the analyst's position at the demand of love should not be other than abstinence. Even explaining that this love, artifice of the analytic situation, no longer legitimately authentic love. It is also the repetition in the act which appears as a lack of knowledge, such as resistance factor. This is what Lacan called the closure of the unconscious that is presented as a moment of stopping the analytical and dialectical actualization of how the subject constitutes his objects.
From the start listening to the web is doomed significant that the subject was ordered to secrete from access to the fundamental rule; tissue where the holes are already those places of detention where there is the presence of the analyst. Freud argues that this associative chain detail is a direct cause of an occurrence on the person of the physician. The analyst presentifica an object which re-presents nothing stolen symbolic mediation.
seems that the association rule free metamorphosis in unsuccessful nests. It may be a device with structure of paradox as that which fosters and states (all that is happening without oversight and without pretense of coherence "freely associate") at short distance has melted down into lapses, forgetfulness, expressions that are misleading ... a demonstration [7] the unconscious and experience of analysis.
Now, it seems that resistance is also forcing us understand the SSS as an instance in which the analyst is invested by patients, with the knowledge and the truth about their symptoms. This sense of the term of resistance the return of the beginning of education Lacan when transposing the resistance side analyst. Renewing a sense of Lacan's notion of resistance to focus on the analyst in the "Presentation of the French translation of Schreber's Memoirs" (1966) says ("Speeches and texts 2" [8] ) "This may give a idea of \u200b\u200bthe reluctance of psychoanalysts to the theory on which their own training. ". That is, the analyst's resistance to psychoanalytic theory. The following excerpt rubrica this indication (taken from "Psychoanalysis and Education" page. 420) and reads: "... the lack of full understanding of these constituents in the analyst tends to the extent of its range confused with the limit that the postage due process analysis in the review. " [9] The direction of the treatment, too, surreptitiously eclipsed analyst's unconscious conflicts and veiled interstices of psychoanalytic theory.
The formula also grammatically insufflate SsS some misunderstanding which establishes transfer of the subject position. The verb "to know" can be understood as a transitive, active with an individual broker, which provides the knowledge of an additional object: the subject is supposed to know something, and then attention is directed towards that something that is to say. Conversely, "knowing" can also be understood as intransitive verb, no object complement, resulting in the questioning of the existence of a subject supposed to know. This two-pronged formula implies the existence of a split subject, latent in that state, but it can still be forged by the analytic act. The formula is given a stage to criticize or at least questioning what the time allowed. Lacan, the elapse of his teaching, is turning its interpretation is based on equivocation.
So the question does not refer to that function that embodies the analyst to be in place for another (another made up from the semantic dimension which covers the transfer) but to identify with such a presumption of knowledge. As a condition of the analysis instance that the person who arrives, pour their belief that the truth about her getting this "oraculizada" in the analyst. But the analyst is that nodal structure note that this action underlies the analysand. We must also consider that Lacan takes this act as a subjective error, an illusion by the subject, immanent in fact entered into the analytic and that has sealed his "initial agreement" [10] . That is, this error is subjective support the transfer and the initial pact is renewed in each intervention analyst bid precipitate the "assumption of the unconscious" shown as a knowledge in action. David Nasio detects that the course is "already there ... and waiting for the event."
What is relevant, or perhaps it takes a relay in the analytic situation is the analyst's function to move to embody the object with the transfer, ie, if it represents something to someone, which the patient will tend to forge "the sign of the lack of significant." The analyst is called in this place of lack (semblance of order a), if the SSS was that of which hung the desire of the analysand finds disintegrated. And the rest falls as analyst, pure object "a", precipitated because of the desire of the analysand.
In the speech, called "The mistake the subject supposed to know "statement at the French Institute of Naples, December 14, 1967. [11] Lacan states:" In fact, the position of the psychoanalyst is suspended at a very hiante ... In the structure of the mistake the subject supposed to know, the analyst (but who is and where and when it is, exhaust you lyre categories, namely, the indeterminacy of its subject, the psychoanalyst?), however, must find her cherry hiancia act and having its law. "
Lacan through its research and teaching attempt to account for the constitution of the subject. He noted that significant structure is supported in its pure differential signifier as it is, to the extent that is what the others are not. Positivization of that negativity, frees the signifier of any substance, while the curious materiality gives an essentially localized structure that supports their differential.
If what is at stake in the signifier is the plane of the effects of meaning, and if the repetition of the same breeds significant different senses, the signifier is different evidence of itself in the act of its own repetition. The spread of the consequences of denying the principle of identity, destabilizes any logical possibility total the set of signifiers. The Other is then barred, either because of their incompleteness (lack of a signifier to consummate the universe of meaning), either for its inconsistency (if that completeness is ensured by the inclusion of a heterogeneous element). Thus, from the differential structure of the signifier is to sift through the constitution of a subject that I could not identify him, but on condition excluded.
In the final cadence of this paper I return to the original title which Lacan announced his Seminar on Transfer: The transfer in subjective disparity, its presumed location, its technical tours ", this title speaks of a journey that could return in addressing the subject supposed to know, ie, correct position on certain vectors SsS: intersubjectivity but no "odd subjective" in the analytic situation, turn this situation as alleged in both "fictional network" (the dimension of deception that held the deployment of the transfer) and technical excursions and we must take a steep hike all theoretical outlining the concept of the SSS and on each "post theory" we must refer to the psychoanalytic experience. I hope I have made some opening for such work at the minimum trip on the equivocation the subject supposed to know. References
-Braunstein, Nestor "Proof of psychoanalysis" Nestor A. Braunstein, Frida Saal, Oyervides Pedro Crespo, etc. Editorial Siglo XXI, 1996.
- Freud, Sigmund Volume XII "Papers on psychoanalytic technique", Editorial Amorrortu, 2004.
-Lacan, J. Seminar IX "Identification" (1961-1962), unpublished translation of Rodríguez Ponte to the Freudian School of Buenos Aires
-Lacan, J. Seminar XXIII (1975-76) "The sinthome" Editorial Polity Press, 2005.
-Lacan, J. Seminar XVII (1969-70) "The reverse of psychoanalysis ", Polity Press Editorial, 2005.
-Lacan, J. Seminar XI "Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis", Editorial Polity Press, 2005.
-Lacan, J. XXVII Seminar unpublished "Dissolution" (1980).
-Lacan, J. "The mistake of the subject supposed to know" In: VVAA. Turning points of the analytic experience, Editorial Manantial, Buenos Aires, 1987.
-Lacan, J . 'The direction of the treatment and the principles of its power "(1958), Writings, Editorial Siglo XXI, Buenos Aires, 2005.
-Lacan, J." Writing I ", Editorial Siglo XXI, Buenos Aires, 2005.
Miller, JA "Intervention in the Days of studies of the ECF 2006." Transcription and notes by C. Bonningue. Digital text available at: www.elp-debates.com/e-textos/nuestroSsS-JAMiller.prn.pdf .
-Miller, JA "The real face and" exposed in the Hispanic Seminary of Caracas in 1992.
-Nasio, Juan David "The subject-supposed-to-know" in the voice and interpretation, New Editorial Vision.
-Nasio, Juan David "Topologería introduction to Jacques Lacan's topology", Editorial Amorrortu, 2007.
-Saal, Frida "Word of analyst", Editorial Siglo XXI, 1998.
[1] Lacan, J. Seminar IX "Identification" 1961-1962, unpublished translation of Rodríguez Ponte to the Freudian School of Buenos Aires, November 15 class.
[2] Lacan, J. Seminar XVII (1969-70) "The other side of psychoanalysis", Editorial Polity Press, 2005.
[3] Miller (In the article "The real face and" exposed in the Hispanic Seminary of Caracas in 1992) states that the word mistake does not properly translate the French word "Mépris." He says that means prize catch, take, dam and Mépris concerns what escapes, to capture that effort, and that the best translation is the escapism of the subject supposed to know, which is beyond the subject supposed to know, the analyst is determined by something beyond a vanishing point. Analytic training in relation to knowledge is not captured, but impossible to sift the impossibility of capturing all know, a hole in the know, there is a failure, an empty seat on which the analyst's position. This implies a vanishing point. Thus, in the training course meets the parent's name and the subject supposed to know, who are two ways to fill this gap, the gap in which is suspended the analyst's position.
[4] Bertteo Mario Barberis "The door the mistake "article published in http://mariobto.blogspot.com/2006/10/la-puerta-de-la-equivocacion.html.
[5] Lacan, J. Seminar XI "Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis", Editorial Polity Press, 2005.
[6] Freud, Sigmund "Observations on transference love," "Work on psychoanalytic technique", Volume XII, Editorial Amorrortu, 2004.
[7] "The introduction of the topology by Lacan in the early 1960, including recent elaborations on nodes, is in my opinion, an attempt to grasp the real and imaginary resources and, rather than imaginary, fantasy, resources will call topological artifacts. This approach to topology, which has more to do with drawing than with calculation, with the board that the paper, with the demonstration that the show, otherwise the belief that doing topology is, for analysts to science. To draw a line between the classical topology and we should proceed as in the case of linguistics and invent a name, eg topologería "Nasio, JD" Topologería introduction to Jacques Lacan's topology ", Editorial Amorrortu, 2007.
[8] Lacan, Jacques "Presentation of the French translation of Schreber's Memoirs," pp. 31-32, (1986) in "Interventions and Text 2."
[9] Jacques Lacan, "Psychoanalysis and Education" page. 420, Writing I, Editorial Siglo XXI, Buenos Aires 2003.
[10] In "Function and field of speech and language in psychoanalysis," Lacan says: "In fact the illusion that pushes us to find the subject is beyond the wall of language is the same reason that the subject believes that their truth is in us and given that we know in advance, and is also why it is open to objectifying our intervention. Surely it has to answer for their part, the subjective error, confessed in his speech or not, is inherent to the fact that he entered the analysis, and that it has closed its initial agreement. And you can not neglect the subjectivity of the moment, much less as we find in him the reason for what might be called the constituents of the transfer effects in that they are distinguished by an index of reality constituted the effects that follow them. "Writings I, Editorial Siglo XXI, 2003.
[11] Lacan, in 1967, the year that begins Act Analytical Seminar, writes the "Proposition" in December and writes a text called "The misunderstanding of the subject supposed to know "consistent with concern for the formation of the analyst. Lacan, J." The mistake of the subject supposed to know "In: VVAA. Turning points of the analytic experience, Editorial Manantial, Buenos Aires, 1987. p. 32.
Monday, October 20, 2008
What Color Wire Is The Remote Wire
INTRODUCTION At the beginning of the year our teacher Clinic 1A, Marite Colovini, told us to work from a new device, at least for me, the device lineup. It is a device Lacanian origin, which operate three records and is intended product. is a way of working groups of psychoanalysts. To be effective should consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of five people outside the group must have a member who is called the Plus One, is to unlock function in times of stagnation of production in the lineup or interfere in the case of having operating in a manner any conflict of interpretation and rescuing the subjectivity of each member so as not to form a dough and keep the working group. Poster
Experience I was different from usual ways of studying a curriculum subject, is a device that allows questioning, further on a topic, and read texts from different perspective and to take a position.
poster for the subject chose the thematic unit 4: Transfer.
I chose this topic because I think it is a distinctive feature of psychoanalysis in relation to other practices. Is a key concept is the heart of analytic practice. It is a unique mode of production of psychoanalysis.
analytic treatment REVEALS TRANSFER
Freud first used the French term "transfert" [Transfer] in 1888, in his article on hysteria to Villaret's Medical Dictionary: designated thereby moving the hysterical symptoms the body. But it is in Studies on Hysteria (1895) where the transference (Übertragung), compared to a fake connection, acquires the meaning it retains to this day: the analyst's involvement in the psychoanalysis of a subject. Then
"Studies on Hysteria, 1895, you could say is the first approach of S. Freud the concept of transference. The failure of J. Breuer's cathartic treatment in which employed a young woman known as Anna O, Freud takes to leave the hypnosis. The history of this patient is one of the founding myths of psychoanalysis, who calls "fire cure for" the treatment was done with words.
Freud realizes that the patients transferred to the person's physician is unconscious, "the content of desire first appeared in consciousness of the patient with no recollection of these environmental agencies that would have to refer to the past. Then the desire this, depending on the compulsion to associate which was dominant in the consciousness, was tied to a person who lawfully occupied the thoughts of the sick, and as a result of this union I call false improper connection, you wake up the same affection which once had prompted the patient to refuse this forbidden desire. "
The transfer was a case of displacement of affect from one representation to another, was seen as a localized phenomenon and was not part of the treatment itself.
Later, in " Dora case, Freud questions and answers are transfers that are reissues, recreations of motions and fantasies as the analysis progresses conscious and manifest the characteristic is the replacement of a person before the person's doctor.
You can see the inevitability and automatic transfer. The analysand forget who is in an analytic situation, in session, and deposited on the doctor and the emotions that come with free association. All previous series of psychic experiences are revived, not as something past but as a current link with the analyst. This allows the analyst to record the various figures that can embody for analysand, from there it is possible interventions.
This person undergoing a cure is developed a dynamic of the transfer. In 1912, Freud argues that if the need to love someone is not satisfied in reality it is likely that portions of their libido, the subject of consciousness and the unconscious, can tip the person's doctor. This investiture was knotted at one of the existing plates: every human being receives his childhood love conditions laid down and satisfy the urges and goals to be established. Then the doctor inserts series which the patient is mentally and respond to imagos via parental regression, but the dynamics are present.
transfer Freud distinguishes positive and negative transference. Made this distinction when he found that the transfer would be the most powerful weapon of resistance to treatment.
positive transfer is made up of friendly or tender feelings that are capable of consciousness, and their prosecutions in the unconscious. Analysis shows that are erotic source. Concerning the negative transference towards the analyst aggression, mistrust. The transfer of the analyst does not play a role in resistance only to the extent that it is a negative transference or a positive composite repressed erotic elements. The transfer is made up simultaneously by both positive and negative.
In 1915, "Clarifications on transference love ', Freud discusses the erotic component of transference love, that is, what he calls the transfer of love. Only exposes an illustrative scenario of a female patient who falls for the doctor-man. The emergence of this demand for love has its share of resistance. For some time, Freud had observed in this patient signs of positive transfer, but the resistance starts to make use of this infatuation to inhibit the process of healing. This demand for love, this "complacency to give themselves sexually, "the physician must respond survive leaving the need and desire. The analyst can never accept the tender offered his analysands. The analyst must treat the transfer love as something unreal, unreal, like a situation that is traversed in the cure, but that should be brought to its unconscious origins and this will help the analysand to bring awareness to the deepest part of your love life so they can govern. But it is important to note that this infatuation is the nature of authentic love, true. There is no denying the genuine character to crush that occurs in psychoanalytic treatment. Essential features of this type of infatuation, is caused by the analytic situation, it is pushed upwards by the resistance that governs this situation and has no high degree of courtesy of objective reality, is less cautious and less careful in their consequences.
In his first publication devoted specifically to the transfer, "Intervention on the transference" (1951), Lacan develops an analysis of the Dora transfer in terms of dialectical inversions. And define: The transfer is nothing real in the subject, but the appearance, at a time of stagnation in the analytic dialectic of permanent modes by which it constitutes its objects (Briefs). Also suggests that, interpreting the transfer is to fill the void with a hoax of a dead end, that deception is useful because it re-start the process. The dialectical inversions occur in a discursive series where there are detainees and that's where the transfer. Is the intervention of the transfer that operates in the dialectical reversal.
Lacan wrote this work before the introduction of the terms of metaphor and metonymy, and takes Hegel's terminology. Analysis recognizes that in a dialectical alternations are marked by separations and silences or failed, and this is related to what Freud said he stopped by some transfer. Then, the transfer was as a metonymy, as a shift of meaning. Later going to talk about the transfer as a metaphor.
In his seminar of Freud's technical writings leave words borrowed from Hegel and draws on the anthropology of exchange. The transfer is implicit in the very act of speaking.
stresses the symbolic dimension of the transfer, especially remembering that Freud, in The Interpretation of Dreams, called "transfer" the posting on the rest day of the elements of the unconscious thoughts of sleep is part of the "central element the realization of desire. " Lacan compares these day residue in themselves desinvestidos of desire, with an alphabet, with "forms stripped of their sense of self and included in a new organization through which you can express a sense," and the first speech, referring to them, "significant material".
The seminar also discusses the creative function of the word and the concept of analysis. The seminar
of the four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis introduces the relationship of transference and the subject supposed to know.
The transfer is the attribution of knowledge to another as far assume that the Other is a subject who knows. "Once there, somewhere, the subject supposed to know, no transfer. "
The analysand assumes that the analyst can give a knowledge about their symptoms, on the truth of his symptoms. The analyst in this position takes a certain power, but that does not have to take. At stake is the desire, the analyst's desire and the desire of the analysand.
The analyst is taken as a libidinal object. Lacan takes the theme of love from Freud but in different ways, and outlines: I love you, more than you, so you mutilate. Lacan speaks of another taken to pieces, however Freud speaks of love taking the other as a whole object. For the analyst the greatest difficulty arises when you have to tolerate the resulting breakup transference love. It is this same love that it is crippling, it is cutting as an object.
on the person of the doctor is libido is concentrated. The analyst kept inside the erotic object to identify which of the analysand and also keeps the hostile object. The analyst works as these objects. BIBLOGRAFIA
FREUD, S. "Studies on Hysteria, volume II, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, 1893_1895.
FREUD, S. "On the dynamics of transference", volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, 1912.
FREUD, S. "Clarifications on transference love", volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, 1915.
Lacan, J. "Intervention on the transference," Writings 1, Editorial Paidos, 1951.
Lacan, J SEMINAR 1, Freud's technical writings, Editorial Paidos, 1953_1954.
Lacan, J. Seminar 11, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, Editorial Paidos, 1964.
CHEMAMA, R Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, Editorial Amorrortu, 2002.
INTRODUCTION At the beginning of the year our teacher Clinic 1A, Marite Colovini, told us to work from a new device, at least for me, the device lineup. It is a device Lacanian origin, which operate three records and is intended product. is a way of working groups of psychoanalysts. To be effective should consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of five people outside the group must have a member who is called the Plus One, is to unlock function in times of stagnation of production in the lineup or interfere in the case of having operating in a manner any conflict of interpretation and rescuing the subjectivity of each member so as not to form a dough and keep the working group. Poster
Experience I was different from usual ways of studying a curriculum subject, is a device that allows questioning, further on a topic, and read texts from different perspective and to take a position.
poster for the subject chose the thematic unit 4: Transfer.
I chose this topic because I think it is a distinctive feature of psychoanalysis in relation to other practices. Is a key concept is the heart of analytic practice. It is a unique mode of production of psychoanalysis.
analytic treatment REVEALS TRANSFER
Freud first used the French term "transfert" [Transfer] in 1888, in his article on hysteria to Villaret's Medical Dictionary: designated thereby moving the hysterical symptoms the body. But it is in Studies on Hysteria (1895) where the transference (Übertragung), compared to a fake connection, acquires the meaning it retains to this day: the analyst's involvement in the psychoanalysis of a subject. Then
"Studies on Hysteria, 1895, you could say is the first approach of S. Freud the concept of transference. The failure of J. Breuer's cathartic treatment in which employed a young woman known as Anna O, Freud takes to leave the hypnosis. The history of this patient is one of the founding myths of psychoanalysis, who calls "fire cure for" the treatment was done with words.
Freud realizes that the patients transferred to the person's physician is unconscious, "the content of desire first appeared in consciousness of the patient with no recollection of these environmental agencies that would have to refer to the past. Then the desire this, depending on the compulsion to associate which was dominant in the consciousness, was tied to a person who lawfully occupied the thoughts of the sick, and as a result of this union I call false improper connection, you wake up the same affection which once had prompted the patient to refuse this forbidden desire. "
The transfer was a case of displacement of affect from one representation to another, was seen as a localized phenomenon and was not part of the treatment itself.
Later, in " Dora case, Freud questions and answers are transfers that are reissues, recreations of motions and fantasies as the analysis progresses conscious and manifest the characteristic is the replacement of a person before the person's doctor.
You can see the inevitability and automatic transfer. The analysand forget who is in an analytic situation, in session, and deposited on the doctor and the emotions that come with free association. All previous series of psychic experiences are revived, not as something past but as a current link with the analyst. This allows the analyst to record the various figures that can embody for analysand, from there it is possible interventions.
This person undergoing a cure is developed a dynamic of the transfer. In 1912, Freud argues that if the need to love someone is not satisfied in reality it is likely that portions of their libido, the subject of consciousness and the unconscious, can tip the person's doctor. This investiture was knotted at one of the existing plates: every human being receives his childhood love conditions laid down and satisfy the urges and goals to be established. Then the doctor inserts series which the patient is mentally and respond to imagos via parental regression, but the dynamics are present.
transfer Freud distinguishes positive and negative transference. Made this distinction when he found that the transfer would be the most powerful weapon of resistance to treatment.
positive transfer is made up of friendly or tender feelings that are capable of consciousness, and their prosecutions in the unconscious. Analysis shows that are erotic source. Concerning the negative transference towards the analyst aggression, mistrust. The transfer of the analyst does not play a role in resistance only to the extent that it is a negative transference or a positive composite repressed erotic elements. The transfer is made up simultaneously by both positive and negative.
In 1915, "Clarifications on transference love ', Freud discusses the erotic component of transference love, that is, what he calls the transfer of love. Only exposes an illustrative scenario of a female patient who falls for the doctor-man. The emergence of this demand for love has its share of resistance. For some time, Freud had observed in this patient signs of positive transfer, but the resistance starts to make use of this infatuation to inhibit the process of healing. This demand for love, this "complacency to give themselves sexually, "the physician must respond survive leaving the need and desire. The analyst can never accept the tender offered his analysands. The analyst must treat the transfer love as something unreal, unreal, like a situation that is traversed in the cure, but that should be brought to its unconscious origins and this will help the analysand to bring awareness to the deepest part of your love life so they can govern. But it is important to note that this infatuation is the nature of authentic love, true. There is no denying the genuine character to crush that occurs in psychoanalytic treatment. Essential features of this type of infatuation, is caused by the analytic situation, it is pushed upwards by the resistance that governs this situation and has no high degree of courtesy of objective reality, is less cautious and less careful in their consequences.
In his first publication devoted specifically to the transfer, "Intervention on the transference" (1951), Lacan develops an analysis of the Dora transfer in terms of dialectical inversions. And define: The transfer is nothing real in the subject, but the appearance, at a time of stagnation in the analytic dialectic of permanent modes by which it constitutes its objects (Briefs). Also suggests that, interpreting the transfer is to fill the void with a hoax of a dead end, that deception is useful because it re-start the process. The dialectical inversions occur in a discursive series where there are detainees and that's where the transfer. Is the intervention of the transfer that operates in the dialectical reversal.
Lacan wrote this work before the introduction of the terms of metaphor and metonymy, and takes Hegel's terminology. Analysis recognizes that in a dialectical alternations are marked by separations and silences or failed, and this is related to what Freud said he stopped by some transfer. Then, the transfer was as a metonymy, as a shift of meaning. Later going to talk about the transfer as a metaphor.
In his seminar of Freud's technical writings leave words borrowed from Hegel and draws on the anthropology of exchange. The transfer is implicit in the very act of speaking.
stresses the symbolic dimension of the transfer, especially remembering that Freud, in The Interpretation of Dreams, called "transfer" the posting on the rest day of the elements of the unconscious thoughts of sleep is part of the "central element the realization of desire. " Lacan compares these day residue in themselves desinvestidos of desire, with an alphabet, with "forms stripped of their sense of self and included in a new organization through which you can express a sense," and the first speech, referring to them, "significant material".
The seminar also discusses the creative function of the word and the concept of analysis. The seminar
of the four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis introduces the relationship of transference and the subject supposed to know.
The transfer is the attribution of knowledge to another as far assume that the Other is a subject who knows. "Once there, somewhere, the subject supposed to know, no transfer. "
The analysand assumes that the analyst can give a knowledge about their symptoms, on the truth of his symptoms. The analyst in this position takes a certain power, but that does not have to take. At stake is the desire, the analyst's desire and the desire of the analysand.
The analyst is taken as a libidinal object. Lacan takes the theme of love from Freud but in different ways, and outlines: I love you, more than you, so you mutilate. Lacan speaks of another taken to pieces, however Freud speaks of love taking the other as a whole object. For the analyst the greatest difficulty arises when you have to tolerate the resulting breakup transference love. It is this same love that it is crippling, it is cutting as an object.
on the person of the doctor is libido is concentrated. The analyst kept inside the erotic object to identify which of the analysand and also keeps the hostile object. The analyst works as these objects. BIBLOGRAFIA
FREUD, S. "Studies on Hysteria, volume II, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, 1893_1895.
FREUD, S. "On the dynamics of transference", volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, 1912.
FREUD, S. "Clarifications on transference love", volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, 1915.
Lacan, J. "Intervention on the transference," Writings 1, Editorial Paidos, 1951.
Lacan, J SEMINAR 1, Freud's technical writings, Editorial Paidos, 1953_1954.
Lacan, J. Seminar 11, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, Editorial Paidos, 1964.
CHEMAMA, R Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, Editorial Amorrortu, 2002.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Convertible Bond List
TRANSFER:: The normal and pathological
Throughout history, human sexuality has known many threats: from the condemnation claims included any appetite for meat during the Middle Ages until today, the specter of AIDS spread . At all times, is repressed sex in all possible ways. But today things have changed because we no longer believe what the stork, or the machismo of all, not that of chastity until marriage ...
Now we can see a little more clearly the lies of the past. Lies, as suggested by Foucault, was built for discipline, SHAPE, limit, restrict, dominate, intimidate, control and manipulate the human
know that not all cultures see sexuality in the same way: in the Islamic tradition, for example, as in thirty other countries, currently there are still those who would amputate the clitoris without anesthesia to women, thinking that nature has put some more or on behalf of a religion or a God who creates something and then realize that would not have put it. Here
might ask yourself some questions:
Could it be that is to suppress its enjoyment and contact with pleasure, your life force?, Why he is forced to cover their face Muslim women?, Could it be that can not contain the beauty that we produce and we lose control, beliefs and strength?, why people are conditioned to be wearing two pieces of clothing to the beach?, why just cover their breasts and sexual area?, What's different?, Is not that a bikini is the hallmark of repression?. Because if we show face, hands, shoulders, legs ... Why not sexual areas? The Eskimos, for example, offered to women if one goes home as a sign that everything belongs to them is shared if you are his guest, and not go that far, in our country, in many indigenous cultures that are indigenous rituals our culture are crimes such as sexual initiation of girls after menarche, are often initiated by family members or direct, we consider this to be a violation of these cultures and ritual
We must see that the mind change in sexual vision of each other. What for some is normal and natural, others are tearing their hair out and release pent up anger. For example the ancient Jews put a sheet with a hole at the height of the sexual organs to place between two bodies or whether it is man, the sheet and women ... Why put distance between you? Why can not the body to sweat, vibrate, to feel, shake to lose the limits of the mind and open doors to ecstasy (Greek for "out of oneself").
Researching the subject on the Internet, I found very interesting the emergence of sexual freedom during the 70's. I was surprised by the many publications on sexual techniques during that time, we ask that What if it was necessary to write so much about getting pleasure in our relationships, it was precisely because we did not know it?
Today things seem to have changed a bit. The task of educating ourselves about our sexuality became experts on the topic of New Age teachers, but apparently still need to instruct us.
Sex is a natural phenomenon, attached to our existence and also the means of propagating the human species. Sex is the way that two people may feel a desire through the bridge that unites them. Sex revolutionizes our biology constantly producing endorphins, adrenaline, excitement and addictions, dependencies, controls.
When people are sexually well this translates well to other spheres of life. Sexuality is socially linked to mood, but once we heard phrase with some irony as "what, you had a bad night you're in that mood?" "What are ill-served / a?"
The sexual theme is close to the surface in all discussions in the media, in advertising. There is sexual hunger.
Many people do not conform to the typical sex act that lasts a few minutes to release ejaculation, turn back and sleep.
Sexuality is a need all human biology
But it has always been very little natural, ie human desire always be fed some kind of obstacle or difficulty.
all know that a perpetually unsatisfied desire is not just happiness, but at least the guarantee of a longing that never stops. Exhibit, spy, search for clandestine sex, etc, taken to the extreme that we introduce in the field of pathology
Perhaps this theme of desire is the only domain of human experience in which we know not of any kind brings with advantage. It would appear that when we know, that is, inform us, is because somehow there is something that we can not at all. In fact, no one seeks to find out how to enjoy what it already enjoyed spontaneously, that is why sexual information overload, such as pornography, immorality and even fail to change anything in the sexual economy of our societies.
For Freud all human conduct is motivated by the drives, any human behavior can be reduced to the autonomous power source is the drive and is aimed at leisure.
As for Freud, the drives is the authentic, natural, must be satisfied forever. This release of the drives produce harmony, psychological maturity and health. However, any repression or brake them, otherwise it would be something the nature of which would cause disorder, stress and disease. A big mistake
therefore, is to consider sexuality as something "natural." Invoked this supposed naturalness to reject any regulation of sexual orientation in accordance with the dignity and moral norms. At this point confuses the natural and instinctual. "Natural is what nature requires for its development perfect for harmony, for their overall development, so that failure to achieve is a natural limitation in its very essence and existence. However, it does not have to drive , not necessarily morally good, even physiologically healthy.
trends may be instinctual distorted and harmful, even to the body and health. "(García Hoz, V." Maturity and sex education "in sex education,)
It raised so far, we can see that every culture and historical time, have their own way of life and sexuality see beyond what is normal in the east, can be seen as aberrant in the West, or what is natural for some, it is perverse to others. To understand these issues, necessary historical context, social and cultural events. But I think beyond cultural traditions are important individual acts, or rather, in what way the context has its implications in cultural behaviors whether individual or collective. And from here, we can say, for a deviant behavior can be defined as necessary comparison with an ideal model considered normal. And this model is never alien to the moral and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the time.
In the historical context of Victorian society and the rise of modern mechanistic the sexuality had been confined to the privacy of bedrooms and brothels. Just as the romance was born almost as a protest against the cold rationality of the nineteenth century, psychoanalysis was born out of what medical science could not explain: hysteria. The Freudian method change the writing of history does not follow at all the usual linear chronology. Rather seeks to take into account the essential notion of retroactivity in Freud, that the sense of an experience or a print is delayed in time, where what appears to delay gives new meaning to marks made earlier, where just at a time yet to come will know of the promises or threats by fingerprints on file yet.
As for the concrete forms of the unconscious and of history, Freud breaks sharply with all submission reduction practices that have marked Western history. Whether peeling from the doctor / patient the power conferred upon a knowledge and ignorance on the other to return to the latter knowledge is not known stored in your symptoms, or to abolish the boundary between normal and pathological, between the individual and collective, between the rational and irrational, to accommodate what is beyond consciousness into their own heart and the madness in reason, or also, and especially the times, to establish an analysis of sexuality as a producer of meaning within the uniqueness of a story, as opposed to the use made of it all systems of power to tame the "users" of life, to "normalize" to assess, qualify or quantify.
will have witnessed the most extreme forms of biopolitics that accesses involved with disciplinary power. about it, Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, paid tribute to Freud as follows: "Psychoanalysis is political honor or at least of what he may have more consistent as having suspected of proliferating could irreparably be on the mechanisms of power that sought to control and manage the everyday of sexuality ... "
Desire is the place of the subject, the place needs social role. Therefore, the desire has always been seen as dangerous, dark , scary, most of the time. The institutionalized fear the desire, the instituted trembles at the liberty of the subject. The desire is also a place of freedom, the construction site of the subject as being free, the place of choice.
no coincidence that the speech from the power, the discourse from the institution that tries to perpetuate itself, is to format the subject from the constraints of the needs of the social. And Plato's utopia to establish their ideal city is the need to operate on the desire of the subjects. Therefore, the speech from the power has always tried to be subject, format the desire, at least by presetting the range of possibilities of satisfaction, making them believe it is necessary to understand the need as desire, confusing the life of the institution with the subject's life. Thus the realm of morality has tried to establish a priori identifying areas of good and evil, from early hits. So advertising trying to tell us what freshness we feel when we drink this or that or try to convince us that what is there is just what we were looking all our lives. The place of need is the place of the policy, the social imaginary place. The place of desire is the place of autonomy, where sits the possibility of freedom explanatory, the reinvention of the reading of the meaning of things and the world.
Freud raises the discomfort the culture that suffering is normal and the theme is to see how we managed with it, some people can tolerate such suffering, and some people can not. Can speak of a weak I can not stand the destructuring impact of this void and anguish it causes.
And the question would be who likes to suffer? I think even a masochist. It also does for duty. And when you do for pleasure is too young to have experienced from an eroticism of their suffering. And in this case, is not paying the price of suffering a share of erotic enjoyment a heavy price for something that gets much cheaper?
On the other hand, the side of those who can not or will not want to take the suffering, there
Another category of subjects who simply feel they "must not" escape the pain, but know, recognize, accept and assume because that it imposes a certain religious or ideological conception of human life.
may be missing, according to people, different things. Since the memory away from a happy childhood until the current feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. From the experience of guilt to the need for forgiveness and absolution. From a lack of love (loved the experience of knowing) to the lack of gratification and pleasure even in the context of a relationship. From an experience of helplessness and vulnerability hostile and aggressive world to the neglect of loving and protective figures. Last, since the lack of any faith, to serve as a lifeline to the most satanic evils imaginable: that is without a doubt, the conviction or even simple questions about the meaninglessness of life. What to do? fill that void. What? as to what, for lack, becomes specifically what you want. Or, if this impossible, with anything.
What we know works as a wildcard that replaces a decent fill most gaps. Are love and sexuality.
But what happens when the fill to cover an evil act committed by subjecting to another desire? or as suggested by Dr. Robert Mazzuca
"We need to distinguish the category of antisocial, using violence and coercion against the will of another," the real psychopath in that, even criminal acts occur intervention stimulating until you get their complicity and, therefore, the consent of his will. "
The origin of the term perversion, should be placed in the work of Krafft-Ebing a generation before Freud. Set out to address a scientific perspective the study of human sexuality and its disturbances. That is, he pursued the aim of entering the consideration of sexual problems in medical and legal discourse, thereby taking away from a moralistic position primarily intended to prosecute and convict them.
certainly following in the footsteps of his predecessor, who manages to Freud is a concept of perversion itself, ie not as a form of pathology but as a fundamental characteristic of human sexuality. Not so much about the evolution of a perverse sexuality child to adult genital sexuality, but human sexuality is evil and it is structurally perverse sexuality that men and women are having to fix so as to obtain and to choose, or not the traits that define the old ideal concept of normal sexuality, ie heterosexuality and parenthood
The concept of infantile sexuality involving a broadened notion of the concept of sexuality and top Freudian formula known as a polymorphous perverse child. This hypothesis states that there is a natural form of sexuality but it, including the acquisition of an identity in sexuation is subject to a process of training through various vicissitudes from child to adult. These vicissitudes in the Freudian view, are governed by the Oedipus as the way it passes through and completed it will be some form of sexuality and sexual identity. That is, Oedipus is a device sexuation. Raises
P. Julient in his book Psychosis, neurosis and perversion: The French psychiatrist Ernest Dupré said in a Congress of alienists:
"The term perversion is one of the most frequently used in psychiatric language, as usually found in clinical observations, forensic reports and certificates of admission. Now it covers the current literature on mental alienation, if you view the great treatises of psychiatry is not any work, no chapter devoted to that title to the subject. "
But what about today, man is a duplication, one wants the good, believes in him and he says, but does evil. The act of perverting the twist comes from good into evil, what was good is diverted and becomes its opposite, will speak well of evil deeds.
If we left the church the right field seeks a judicial accountability based on the medical discourse, then it was a moral evil or a pathological perversion.
Following this, recently we had two very well-known cases of pedophilia charges were made public, I mean the cases of Ps. Corsi and the priest Jorge Julio Grassi
Jorge Corsi was until this year the most recognized person in the academic environment for their development on of sexual violence, gender-against women, children. The highest-ranking figure in the field as owner of the respective graduate in the state university in Buenos Aires, which has trained more professional, the highest recognition for his writings.
Father Julio César Grassi is a Catholic priest in his life set a clear goal: To rescue the street children. Foundation created a Work Happy Children attending great children and youth. Jorge Corsi
OR FATHER Grassi, why would be the exception? ...
They meet all the variables that we know of sex offenders: Inserts socially capable of sustaining a double life that makes an unthinkable sight of their crimes expert, someone who found his metier in a field suitable to deploy its aberration.
is logical that those who have not controlled drives, create conditions of possibility in their environment to carry them out. Where a violent but in the army, a morgue, a massacre or an operating room? , Where a pedophile but at school, church or office???.
Beyond that, what is it that so surprising? Corsi did nothing but write what I knew and both wanted to show what he knew to be encouraged to show, the father Grassi could say that perhaps created a place where kids go to see him be he who comes to look.
The worst that can happen in a process like this is a perversion. He who knows not, knows that he knows and can say what they do not know ... not sick. He who knows not and knows not what he does not know ... soon be evident. The problem, the risk is that, knowing or not knowing "is making a psychopathic, perverse, his knowledge or ignorance, it does not matter what ails, what kills is the perversion. Bibliography
García Hoz, V. "Maturity and sex education" in sex education
The current crisis of love. Thibon GLa modern crisis of love, Edit.Fontanella, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1966
Roberto Mazzuca. The clinical category of perversion in psychoanalysis. Paper presented at the 8th International Congress of Psychiatry organized by the Argentina Association of Psychiatrists, Wednesday October 24, 2001, Buenos Aires. Roundtable: "Issues of Psychopathy."
Michel Foucault, La Volonté of savoir. Gallimard, 1976. Philippe Julien
. Psychosis, perversion, neurosis. Amorrortus Editors. buenos aires 2002
S. Freud Works. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. VII.Amorrortus Volume Editors. Good
Aires 2006
Throughout history, human sexuality has known many threats: from the condemnation claims included any appetite for meat during the Middle Ages until today, the specter of AIDS spread . At all times, is repressed sex in all possible ways. But today things have changed because we no longer believe what the stork, or the machismo of all, not that of chastity until marriage ...
Now we can see a little more clearly the lies of the past. Lies, as suggested by Foucault, was built for discipline, SHAPE, limit, restrict, dominate, intimidate, control and manipulate the human
know that not all cultures see sexuality in the same way: in the Islamic tradition, for example, as in thirty other countries, currently there are still those who would amputate the clitoris without anesthesia to women, thinking that nature has put some more or on behalf of a religion or a God who creates something and then realize that would not have put it. Here
might ask yourself some questions:
Could it be that is to suppress its enjoyment and contact with pleasure, your life force?, Why he is forced to cover their face Muslim women?, Could it be that can not contain the beauty that we produce and we lose control, beliefs and strength?, why people are conditioned to be wearing two pieces of clothing to the beach?, why just cover their breasts and sexual area?, What's different?, Is not that a bikini is the hallmark of repression?. Because if we show face, hands, shoulders, legs ... Why not sexual areas? The Eskimos, for example, offered to women if one goes home as a sign that everything belongs to them is shared if you are his guest, and not go that far, in our country, in many indigenous cultures that are indigenous rituals our culture are crimes such as sexual initiation of girls after menarche, are often initiated by family members or direct, we consider this to be a violation of these cultures and ritual
We must see that the mind change in sexual vision of each other. What for some is normal and natural, others are tearing their hair out and release pent up anger. For example the ancient Jews put a sheet with a hole at the height of the sexual organs to place between two bodies or whether it is man, the sheet and women ... Why put distance between you? Why can not the body to sweat, vibrate, to feel, shake to lose the limits of the mind and open doors to ecstasy (Greek for "out of oneself").
Researching the subject on the Internet, I found very interesting the emergence of sexual freedom during the 70's. I was surprised by the many publications on sexual techniques during that time, we ask that What if it was necessary to write so much about getting pleasure in our relationships, it was precisely because we did not know it?
Today things seem to have changed a bit. The task of educating ourselves about our sexuality became experts on the topic of New Age teachers, but apparently still need to instruct us.
Sex is a natural phenomenon, attached to our existence and also the means of propagating the human species. Sex is the way that two people may feel a desire through the bridge that unites them. Sex revolutionizes our biology constantly producing endorphins, adrenaline, excitement and addictions, dependencies, controls.
When people are sexually well this translates well to other spheres of life. Sexuality is socially linked to mood, but once we heard phrase with some irony as "what, you had a bad night you're in that mood?" "What are ill-served / a?"
The sexual theme is close to the surface in all discussions in the media, in advertising. There is sexual hunger.
Many people do not conform to the typical sex act that lasts a few minutes to release ejaculation, turn back and sleep.
Sexuality is a need all human biology
But it has always been very little natural, ie human desire always be fed some kind of obstacle or difficulty.
all know that a perpetually unsatisfied desire is not just happiness, but at least the guarantee of a longing that never stops. Exhibit, spy, search for clandestine sex, etc, taken to the extreme that we introduce in the field of pathology
Perhaps this theme of desire is the only domain of human experience in which we know not of any kind brings with advantage. It would appear that when we know, that is, inform us, is because somehow there is something that we can not at all. In fact, no one seeks to find out how to enjoy what it already enjoyed spontaneously, that is why sexual information overload, such as pornography, immorality and even fail to change anything in the sexual economy of our societies.
For Freud all human conduct is motivated by the drives, any human behavior can be reduced to the autonomous power source is the drive and is aimed at leisure.
As for Freud, the drives is the authentic, natural, must be satisfied forever. This release of the drives produce harmony, psychological maturity and health. However, any repression or brake them, otherwise it would be something the nature of which would cause disorder, stress and disease. A big mistake
therefore, is to consider sexuality as something "natural." Invoked this supposed naturalness to reject any regulation of sexual orientation in accordance with the dignity and moral norms. At this point confuses the natural and instinctual. "Natural is what nature requires for its development perfect for harmony, for their overall development, so that failure to achieve is a natural limitation in its very essence and existence. However, it does not have to drive , not necessarily morally good, even physiologically healthy.
trends may be instinctual distorted and harmful, even to the body and health. "(García Hoz, V." Maturity and sex education "in sex education,)
It raised so far, we can see that every culture and historical time, have their own way of life and sexuality see beyond what is normal in the east, can be seen as aberrant in the West, or what is natural for some, it is perverse to others. To understand these issues, necessary historical context, social and cultural events. But I think beyond cultural traditions are important individual acts, or rather, in what way the context has its implications in cultural behaviors whether individual or collective. And from here, we can say, for a deviant behavior can be defined as necessary comparison with an ideal model considered normal. And this model is never alien to the moral and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the time.
In the historical context of Victorian society and the rise of modern mechanistic the sexuality had been confined to the privacy of bedrooms and brothels. Just as the romance was born almost as a protest against the cold rationality of the nineteenth century, psychoanalysis was born out of what medical science could not explain: hysteria. The Freudian method change the writing of history does not follow at all the usual linear chronology. Rather seeks to take into account the essential notion of retroactivity in Freud, that the sense of an experience or a print is delayed in time, where what appears to delay gives new meaning to marks made earlier, where just at a time yet to come will know of the promises or threats by fingerprints on file yet.
As for the concrete forms of the unconscious and of history, Freud breaks sharply with all submission reduction practices that have marked Western history. Whether peeling from the doctor / patient the power conferred upon a knowledge and ignorance on the other to return to the latter knowledge is not known stored in your symptoms, or to abolish the boundary between normal and pathological, between the individual and collective, between the rational and irrational, to accommodate what is beyond consciousness into their own heart and the madness in reason, or also, and especially the times, to establish an analysis of sexuality as a producer of meaning within the uniqueness of a story, as opposed to the use made of it all systems of power to tame the "users" of life, to "normalize" to assess, qualify or quantify.
will have witnessed the most extreme forms of biopolitics that accesses involved with disciplinary power. about it, Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, paid tribute to Freud as follows: "Psychoanalysis is political honor or at least of what he may have more consistent as having suspected of proliferating could irreparably be on the mechanisms of power that sought to control and manage the everyday of sexuality ... "
Desire is the place of the subject, the place needs social role. Therefore, the desire has always been seen as dangerous, dark , scary, most of the time. The institutionalized fear the desire, the instituted trembles at the liberty of the subject. The desire is also a place of freedom, the construction site of the subject as being free, the place of choice.
no coincidence that the speech from the power, the discourse from the institution that tries to perpetuate itself, is to format the subject from the constraints of the needs of the social. And Plato's utopia to establish their ideal city is the need to operate on the desire of the subjects. Therefore, the speech from the power has always tried to be subject, format the desire, at least by presetting the range of possibilities of satisfaction, making them believe it is necessary to understand the need as desire, confusing the life of the institution with the subject's life. Thus the realm of morality has tried to establish a priori identifying areas of good and evil, from early hits. So advertising trying to tell us what freshness we feel when we drink this or that or try to convince us that what is there is just what we were looking all our lives. The place of need is the place of the policy, the social imaginary place. The place of desire is the place of autonomy, where sits the possibility of freedom explanatory, the reinvention of the reading of the meaning of things and the world.
Freud raises the discomfort the culture that suffering is normal and the theme is to see how we managed with it, some people can tolerate such suffering, and some people can not. Can speak of a weak I can not stand the destructuring impact of this void and anguish it causes.
And the question would be who likes to suffer? I think even a masochist. It also does for duty. And when you do for pleasure is too young to have experienced from an eroticism of their suffering. And in this case, is not paying the price of suffering a share of erotic enjoyment a heavy price for something that gets much cheaper?
On the other hand, the side of those who can not or will not want to take the suffering, there
Another category of subjects who simply feel they "must not" escape the pain, but know, recognize, accept and assume because that it imposes a certain religious or ideological conception of human life.
may be missing, according to people, different things. Since the memory away from a happy childhood until the current feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. From the experience of guilt to the need for forgiveness and absolution. From a lack of love (loved the experience of knowing) to the lack of gratification and pleasure even in the context of a relationship. From an experience of helplessness and vulnerability hostile and aggressive world to the neglect of loving and protective figures. Last, since the lack of any faith, to serve as a lifeline to the most satanic evils imaginable: that is without a doubt, the conviction or even simple questions about the meaninglessness of life. What to do? fill that void. What? as to what, for lack, becomes specifically what you want. Or, if this impossible, with anything.
What we know works as a wildcard that replaces a decent fill most gaps. Are love and sexuality.
But what happens when the fill to cover an evil act committed by subjecting to another desire? or as suggested by Dr. Robert Mazzuca
"We need to distinguish the category of antisocial, using violence and coercion against the will of another," the real psychopath in that, even criminal acts occur intervention stimulating until you get their complicity and, therefore, the consent of his will. "
The origin of the term perversion, should be placed in the work of Krafft-Ebing a generation before Freud. Set out to address a scientific perspective the study of human sexuality and its disturbances. That is, he pursued the aim of entering the consideration of sexual problems in medical and legal discourse, thereby taking away from a moralistic position primarily intended to prosecute and convict them.
certainly following in the footsteps of his predecessor, who manages to Freud is a concept of perversion itself, ie not as a form of pathology but as a fundamental characteristic of human sexuality. Not so much about the evolution of a perverse sexuality child to adult genital sexuality, but human sexuality is evil and it is structurally perverse sexuality that men and women are having to fix so as to obtain and to choose, or not the traits that define the old ideal concept of normal sexuality, ie heterosexuality and parenthood
The concept of infantile sexuality involving a broadened notion of the concept of sexuality and top Freudian formula known as a polymorphous perverse child. This hypothesis states that there is a natural form of sexuality but it, including the acquisition of an identity in sexuation is subject to a process of training through various vicissitudes from child to adult. These vicissitudes in the Freudian view, are governed by the Oedipus as the way it passes through and completed it will be some form of sexuality and sexual identity. That is, Oedipus is a device sexuation. Raises
P. Julient in his book Psychosis, neurosis and perversion: The French psychiatrist Ernest Dupré said in a Congress of alienists:
"The term perversion is one of the most frequently used in psychiatric language, as usually found in clinical observations, forensic reports and certificates of admission. Now it covers the current literature on mental alienation, if you view the great treatises of psychiatry is not any work, no chapter devoted to that title to the subject. "
But what about today, man is a duplication, one wants the good, believes in him and he says, but does evil. The act of perverting the twist comes from good into evil, what was good is diverted and becomes its opposite, will speak well of evil deeds.
If we left the church the right field seeks a judicial accountability based on the medical discourse, then it was a moral evil or a pathological perversion.
Following this, recently we had two very well-known cases of pedophilia charges were made public, I mean the cases of Ps. Corsi and the priest Jorge Julio Grassi
Jorge Corsi was until this year the most recognized person in the academic environment for their development on of sexual violence, gender-against women, children. The highest-ranking figure in the field as owner of the respective graduate in the state university in Buenos Aires, which has trained more professional, the highest recognition for his writings.
Father Julio César Grassi is a Catholic priest in his life set a clear goal: To rescue the street children. Foundation created a Work Happy Children attending great children and youth. Jorge Corsi
OR FATHER Grassi, why would be the exception? ...
They meet all the variables that we know of sex offenders: Inserts socially capable of sustaining a double life that makes an unthinkable sight of their crimes expert, someone who found his metier in a field suitable to deploy its aberration.
is logical that those who have not controlled drives, create conditions of possibility in their environment to carry them out. Where a violent but in the army, a morgue, a massacre or an operating room? , Where a pedophile but at school, church or office???.
Beyond that, what is it that so surprising? Corsi did nothing but write what I knew and both wanted to show what he knew to be encouraged to show, the father Grassi could say that perhaps created a place where kids go to see him be he who comes to look.
The worst that can happen in a process like this is a perversion. He who knows not, knows that he knows and can say what they do not know ... not sick. He who knows not and knows not what he does not know ... soon be evident. The problem, the risk is that, knowing or not knowing "is making a psychopathic, perverse, his knowledge or ignorance, it does not matter what ails, what kills is the perversion. Bibliography
García Hoz, V. "Maturity and sex education" in sex education
The current crisis of love. Thibon GLa modern crisis of love, Edit.Fontanella, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1966
Roberto Mazzuca. The clinical category of perversion in psychoanalysis. Paper presented at the 8th International Congress of Psychiatry organized by the Argentina Association of Psychiatrists, Wednesday October 24, 2001, Buenos Aires. Roundtable: "Issues of Psychopathy."
Michel Foucault, La Volonté of savoir. Gallimard, 1976. Philippe Julien
. Psychosis, perversion, neurosis. Amorrortus Editors. buenos aires 2002
S. Freud Works. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. VII.Amorrortus Volume Editors. Good
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Which Dmv Is The Leastbusiest In Los Angeles
:: How to Think
CLARA Casalegno
"Preliminary interviews are a melee (Lacan). Raise the body as an obstacle to love can only encourage it to develop. The analyst is the best object of love because no body. " [1]
Starting a return to work earlier discussed, as well as reaching out to others, doing a directed reading thinking of issues that make clinical psychoanalytic opened many questions and triggers. He also took us to reflect on our experience as analysands analytical, which is at our disposal. Thus consider Work your way through the lineup device involved a shift in relation to can begin to take a clinical way of thinking analytically.
An overarching question was: How does the analytic work, "that is, what would be the way in which the analyst stands in dialectical experience that makes psychoanalysis, as Lacan says, for establishing the size dialogue leading to the patient may develop malaise that afflicts, and can make a change in his subjective position.
believe that the analytic thinking brings us back to listen to Freud, who did not stop insisting that one of the main requirements that make the analytical technique is the handling of transference, one that plays a fundamental role in the treatment and that paradoxically emerges as the strongest resistance. Therefore the transfer was raised by Freud as the greatest obstacle but at the same time the tool available to the analyst for the promotion of healing.
Lacan, the seminar on the transfer states: "At the beginning of the analytic experience, remember, was the love [2] , thinking about the concern that invaded Freud at the beginning, which led him to suggest that a of the most dangerous traps that can meet the analyst is the emotional involvement with their patients. This concern was presented from the knowledge available regarding analysts who fell into this trap, as occurred between Breuer and Anna O, Jung's Sabina Spielrei, as well as the relationship with Elma Fereczi. Therefore, love appears in the analytic treatment as a result of the transfer, from which we talk about transference love, the love that Freud described as genuine love, claiming to be satisfied, demanding exclusivity and showing revenge when does not reach the sought. In this way, then Freud argues that the transfer takes the form of love. Now, with the proposition of Lacan this love takes on a new form, because although highlights how the transfer is put into play a semblance of love, while holding what it is love of knowledge.
Thus we are dealing with the transfer as the core technology that allows an analytical device that is leading to, from an analyst's intervention is the possibility of a move in the analysand's subjective position. This is necessary to take into account that the analyst is put into play and this dimension of dialogue from the patient is in a subject person at the same time he assumes a knowledge of their suffering, so is that you can think about the role that an analyst must embody in order to reach cure. At this point it seems important to note that there is a double operation is at stake in a subject for an order of analysis, raises Marité Colovini: first, assumption of a knowledge that would answer to the riddle which contains the symptom and On the other hand, charges a subject of this knowledge of course, that's what Lacan called subject supposed to know. " [3]
When we think of transference love we still hold the question about what the position to be adopt an analyst. This leads me to read first so-called technical writings in which Freud thought precisely those issues that could be established on to the position that the analyst must take to lead the operation of the device. About this seems interesting to note first what Lacan said that arises when "an analyst does not overwhelm his analysands moral principles" [4] , leaving out quickly what is not analytic practice. Just remember that if you can speak of a technique is a technique in which not only comes with the word and what it is to leave the patient to talk, and of course, listen to, but beyond what he says. About listening to the patient, Freud argues in technical writing what would be the basis analytical device is something that from the outset the analyst conveys to his patient, and is the rule of free association, that it says everything that passes through his head, beyond saying he can not escape the moral questions and kind or nature. This fundamental rule has its other face is on the analyst, is the free-floating attention, is that the analyst does not notice anything raised by the analysand and pay all the same attention. Thus we speak of the rule that allows the construction of the analysis, resulting in the effects of language, thus allowing the emergence of any manifestation unconscious, because when we are a failed entity, a slip, a dream of forgetfulness ... this will be expressed in the dimension of language. "That's what the language, as they say, not only connotes, but denotes, for something ... something real stone that I stumble." [5]
Thus, approaching the issue of analytical technique and how this should be taken by an analyst, taking into account that there is no generalization possible and therefore falls outside the slit chance to follow any technical chart, it seems important to at least approach the proposals of Fereczi , because for years he corresponded with Freud, correspondence which wavered between agreements, partnerships and discussions. Freud, letters Fereczi always heard especially in regard to the analytical technique, which is evidenced by the numerous citations to it in its work.
The correspondence between Freud and Ferenczi can be dated from 1908 until his death Fereczi, 1933. In the volume covering the period of 1914-1916 can be seen a major concern both for social issues in which they were submerged. Short periods also reflect analysis by Freud Fereczi [6] , in which mainly Ferenczi expressed his ambivalence about marrying Gizella Elma or [7] . In this tangle of personal, social and professional development led some theoretical and technical principles of psychoanalysis,
One of the principles developed in this period is the withdrawal. In relation to the latter first think Freud transference love, arguing that it is appropriate to take advantage of this love taking it into account that the cure is not possible and morally opposed to it. Suggests that for this to be achieved it is important first that the analyst has made clear that that love is just a product of the transfer, a time of healing on the cross, and also brings into play the participation of the resistance exaggerates all externalities. The patient transferred to individual analyst's unconscious desires and that is why Freud does not see that the absence of those feelings of the patient reflects a mode of analytical method, since it would appeal to the repressed unconscious to be analyzed using it, but to return to repress. If Freud had been guided by moral principles that governed at the time would have planted it would be appropriate to ask the patient to leave those feelings to yourself or to stop treatment (as in the case of Breuer). At the same time, it remains clear that responding to the demand of the patient at an end that would be detrimental to both. About
abstinence seems very interesting to note a quote from Lacan that is made by Jean Allouch in a seminar given in July 2003: "... one of the purposes of silence is the rule of listening is just shut my love ..." [8] Lacan thus arises that the reason why analysts remain silent is the fact that when we are in the dimension of the word, the joy is always present, therefore argues that it is better to sit still make sense to subject (analysand) that delights in the word.
"The cure must be done on abstinence ..." [9]
In many passages of the correspondence between Freud and Ferenczi be seen how there is an effort to enforce or to avoid some situations that could jeopardize something about this rule so important. In "New Paths of psychoanalytic therapy" (1918) Freud returns to the question of withdrawal to what was in reference since 1912, making it clear that when we talk about abstinence is not thinking only of a possible romantic relationship between analyst and patient, but rather refer to the position mode to the suffering of patients, suggesting that treatment itself implies the need to sustain the condition of the subject so that this does not disappear before the results would be as short-lived, and how to achieve this would be the way of withdrawal or deprivation sensitive "and also named in this work.
address these issues pertaining to the place where you should position the analyst, Freud in principle stresses the importance of analysis to be submitted to the analyst. Also advised that an analyst position convenient for the analysand as he is the "coldness of feeling" [10] . The latter is something Fereczi often criticized for the fact that Freud did not take into account the analyst's empathy. Also the question of "activity" of the analyst was a point at which starred Fereczi and had a strong influence on Freud's work. While Freud
activity of the analyst should refer to expose the patient's resistance and make conscious the repressed for a time considered in a number of cases is also important that the analyst's activity continues to support the patient in relation to this resistance with which they are has to do, and so much Freud to Ferenczi had in mind in this respect somewhat longer in their hands thinking about this field of analytical technique, although it involved the future of his strongest point discussion. Thus for some time talked about the "active technique" [11] . In a series of cases Freud applied this technique activated by setting a deadline for analysis itself, ie setting a date for the purpose of analysis, arguing that often the patient uses the strength of the analysis to become embroiled in an issue that allows you to delay any decision regarding what would and would lead to a change, as I saw that was the case of Fereczi that clung to delay analysis of decision regarding their marriage. Years later
Fereczi writes in his diary a criticism of the analyst's callous attitude, arguing that it is harmful to both the patient and the analyst. To Fereczi naturalness, sensitivity and optimal behavior described the attitude that must be sustained analyst for the benefit of the analytic situation itself. Also in his paper entitled "Progress in the analytical technique" a critique of the way he had begun to take the relationship between analyst and patient, arguing that in principle be an emotional relationship had become an overly intellectual, raising that if there was an increased emphasis on affection would give rise to a positive transfer at the same time would enable more successful treatment outcomes. By this time Freud
writes Fereczi had moved away from the way they shared in relation to modes of thinking issues about psychoanalysis but denies any passage Freud Ferenczi is an analyst as if it had happened in other cases, and their correspondence continued until the death of Fereczi.
on abstinence and the analyst's activity I find interesting the petition of Jean Allouch in relation to the analyst "actively refrains", referring to often intervene in a way that sustains is a refrain, and sometimes failing to intervene, it is leaving somehow enter into the matter. This suggests that Lacan said in relation to an act not to be confused with an action analytical engine, which makes us understand how silence can only be a way of intervening. To think this is necessary to take into account the vital role of the transfer, if it is established, there is no possibility of intervention in stroke on the part of the analysand.
This is how I found it interesting to investigate the transfer, which is what embodies the very possibility that an analysis there, allowing me to think like the same issues in relation to this technique which has nothing more and nothing less than a word , a possible way to "apply" and trying to understand how it transcends what is commonly understood by technique, even though many times the names in this way, because it is the opposite of rigid steps to follow what is excluded from the time the analyst does not know in advance what the patient might say or not. I think you can not stop name when addressing an attempt to think as "must" an analyst position, although this becomes a formula, the question of Lacan in relation to the axis which moves the analyst is the desire, arguing that the analyst's desire is one that allows the development of the analysis itself. To this the analyst must ensure that your desire enclose always a question mark for the analysand, providing the driving force that gives movement to the analysis together.
_ Allouche, J. Notes on the seminar "angry love? July 2003. Translated by Mark Esnal. _
Ferenczi, S., Problems and motives of psychoanalysis, Paidos Editorial, Buenos Aires, 1966. _
Ferenczi, S., No sympathy there is no cure. The Clinical Journal, 1923., Editorial Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1997. _
FREUD, S Ferenczi, S. Complete correspondence [1914-1916], editorial Synthesis, Madrid, 2001. _
FREUD, S., On the dynamics of the transfer [1912], Volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1996. _
FREUD, S., with your doctor about psychoanalytic treatment [1912], Volume XII, Construction Complete Amorrortu Editorial, Buenos Aires, 1996. _
FREUD, S. "Clarifications on transference love ', New advice on the technique of psychoanalysis, III [1915], Volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1996. _
FREUD, S. New ways of psychoanalytic therapy [1919], Volume XVII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1979. _
Lacan, J., "Statement on the transfer," Writings I [1953-54], Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2006. _
Lacan, J., transfer, Seminar 8 [1960-61] Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2006.
_ Lacan, J., Lecture delivered at the museum of science and technology of Milan on February 3, 1973.
[1] Allouch, J. Notes on the seminar "Annoyed love? July 2003. translated by Mark Esnal.
[2] Lacan, J. Transfer, conference 8 [1960-1961], Chapter I, pp. 12. Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2003.
[3] COLOVINI, M, PhD Thesis: "The erotomania, the delusion of being loved: a crazy woman?" Time and address issues of healing, P. 10.
[4] Lacan, J. Lecture at the museum of science and technology of Milan on February 3, 1973.
[5] Lacan, J. Lecture at the Museum of Science and Technology of Milan on February 3, 1973
[6] are three brief periods in which Ferenczi was subjected to analysis with Freud.
[7] It seems important to stress, transfer of love that both patients had been Fereczi, and at the same time they were mother and daughter. Finally Fereczi married Gizella not without Freud's insistence that he saw that fact as the only outlet for Fereczi normal.
[8] Allouch, J. Notes on the seminar "modest love? July 2003. translated by Mark Esnal
[9] FREUD, S. Remarks on transference love, new tips on the technique of psychoanalysis, III [1915], p. 168 Volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1996
[10] FREUD, S. Advice to doctor about psychoanalytic treatment [1912] p. 114. Volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1996.
[11] In 1918 Freud and Ferenczi presented at a conference in Budapest the "active technique."
CLARA Casalegno
"Preliminary interviews are a melee (Lacan). Raise the body as an obstacle to love can only encourage it to develop. The analyst is the best object of love because no body. " [1]
Starting a return to work earlier discussed, as well as reaching out to others, doing a directed reading thinking of issues that make clinical psychoanalytic opened many questions and triggers. He also took us to reflect on our experience as analysands analytical, which is at our disposal. Thus consider Work your way through the lineup device involved a shift in relation to can begin to take a clinical way of thinking analytically.
An overarching question was: How does the analytic work, "that is, what would be the way in which the analyst stands in dialectical experience that makes psychoanalysis, as Lacan says, for establishing the size dialogue leading to the patient may develop malaise that afflicts, and can make a change in his subjective position.
believe that the analytic thinking brings us back to listen to Freud, who did not stop insisting that one of the main requirements that make the analytical technique is the handling of transference, one that plays a fundamental role in the treatment and that paradoxically emerges as the strongest resistance. Therefore the transfer was raised by Freud as the greatest obstacle but at the same time the tool available to the analyst for the promotion of healing.
Lacan, the seminar on the transfer states: "At the beginning of the analytic experience, remember, was the love [2] , thinking about the concern that invaded Freud at the beginning, which led him to suggest that a of the most dangerous traps that can meet the analyst is the emotional involvement with their patients. This concern was presented from the knowledge available regarding analysts who fell into this trap, as occurred between Breuer and Anna O, Jung's Sabina Spielrei, as well as the relationship with Elma Fereczi. Therefore, love appears in the analytic treatment as a result of the transfer, from which we talk about transference love, the love that Freud described as genuine love, claiming to be satisfied, demanding exclusivity and showing revenge when does not reach the sought. In this way, then Freud argues that the transfer takes the form of love. Now, with the proposition of Lacan this love takes on a new form, because although highlights how the transfer is put into play a semblance of love, while holding what it is love of knowledge.
Thus we are dealing with the transfer as the core technology that allows an analytical device that is leading to, from an analyst's intervention is the possibility of a move in the analysand's subjective position. This is necessary to take into account that the analyst is put into play and this dimension of dialogue from the patient is in a subject person at the same time he assumes a knowledge of their suffering, so is that you can think about the role that an analyst must embody in order to reach cure. At this point it seems important to note that there is a double operation is at stake in a subject for an order of analysis, raises Marité Colovini: first, assumption of a knowledge that would answer to the riddle which contains the symptom and On the other hand, charges a subject of this knowledge of course, that's what Lacan called subject supposed to know. " [3]
When we think of transference love we still hold the question about what the position to be adopt an analyst. This leads me to read first so-called technical writings in which Freud thought precisely those issues that could be established on to the position that the analyst must take to lead the operation of the device. About this seems interesting to note first what Lacan said that arises when "an analyst does not overwhelm his analysands moral principles" [4] , leaving out quickly what is not analytic practice. Just remember that if you can speak of a technique is a technique in which not only comes with the word and what it is to leave the patient to talk, and of course, listen to, but beyond what he says. About listening to the patient, Freud argues in technical writing what would be the basis analytical device is something that from the outset the analyst conveys to his patient, and is the rule of free association, that it says everything that passes through his head, beyond saying he can not escape the moral questions and kind or nature. This fundamental rule has its other face is on the analyst, is the free-floating attention, is that the analyst does not notice anything raised by the analysand and pay all the same attention. Thus we speak of the rule that allows the construction of the analysis, resulting in the effects of language, thus allowing the emergence of any manifestation unconscious, because when we are a failed entity, a slip, a dream of forgetfulness ... this will be expressed in the dimension of language. "That's what the language, as they say, not only connotes, but denotes, for something ... something real stone that I stumble." [5]
Thus, approaching the issue of analytical technique and how this should be taken by an analyst, taking into account that there is no generalization possible and therefore falls outside the slit chance to follow any technical chart, it seems important to at least approach the proposals of Fereczi , because for years he corresponded with Freud, correspondence which wavered between agreements, partnerships and discussions. Freud, letters Fereczi always heard especially in regard to the analytical technique, which is evidenced by the numerous citations to it in its work.
The correspondence between Freud and Ferenczi can be dated from 1908 until his death Fereczi, 1933. In the volume covering the period of 1914-1916 can be seen a major concern both for social issues in which they were submerged. Short periods also reflect analysis by Freud Fereczi [6] , in which mainly Ferenczi expressed his ambivalence about marrying Gizella Elma or [7] . In this tangle of personal, social and professional development led some theoretical and technical principles of psychoanalysis,
One of the principles developed in this period is the withdrawal. In relation to the latter first think Freud transference love, arguing that it is appropriate to take advantage of this love taking it into account that the cure is not possible and morally opposed to it. Suggests that for this to be achieved it is important first that the analyst has made clear that that love is just a product of the transfer, a time of healing on the cross, and also brings into play the participation of the resistance exaggerates all externalities. The patient transferred to individual analyst's unconscious desires and that is why Freud does not see that the absence of those feelings of the patient reflects a mode of analytical method, since it would appeal to the repressed unconscious to be analyzed using it, but to return to repress. If Freud had been guided by moral principles that governed at the time would have planted it would be appropriate to ask the patient to leave those feelings to yourself or to stop treatment (as in the case of Breuer). At the same time, it remains clear that responding to the demand of the patient at an end that would be detrimental to both. About
abstinence seems very interesting to note a quote from Lacan that is made by Jean Allouch in a seminar given in July 2003: "... one of the purposes of silence is the rule of listening is just shut my love ..." [8] Lacan thus arises that the reason why analysts remain silent is the fact that when we are in the dimension of the word, the joy is always present, therefore argues that it is better to sit still make sense to subject (analysand) that delights in the word.
"The cure must be done on abstinence ..." [9]
In many passages of the correspondence between Freud and Ferenczi be seen how there is an effort to enforce or to avoid some situations that could jeopardize something about this rule so important. In "New Paths of psychoanalytic therapy" (1918) Freud returns to the question of withdrawal to what was in reference since 1912, making it clear that when we talk about abstinence is not thinking only of a possible romantic relationship between analyst and patient, but rather refer to the position mode to the suffering of patients, suggesting that treatment itself implies the need to sustain the condition of the subject so that this does not disappear before the results would be as short-lived, and how to achieve this would be the way of withdrawal or deprivation sensitive "and also named in this work.
address these issues pertaining to the place where you should position the analyst, Freud in principle stresses the importance of analysis to be submitted to the analyst. Also advised that an analyst position convenient for the analysand as he is the "coldness of feeling" [10] . The latter is something Fereczi often criticized for the fact that Freud did not take into account the analyst's empathy. Also the question of "activity" of the analyst was a point at which starred Fereczi and had a strong influence on Freud's work. While Freud
activity of the analyst should refer to expose the patient's resistance and make conscious the repressed for a time considered in a number of cases is also important that the analyst's activity continues to support the patient in relation to this resistance with which they are has to do, and so much Freud to Ferenczi had in mind in this respect somewhat longer in their hands thinking about this field of analytical technique, although it involved the future of his strongest point discussion. Thus for some time talked about the "active technique" [11] . In a series of cases Freud applied this technique activated by setting a deadline for analysis itself, ie setting a date for the purpose of analysis, arguing that often the patient uses the strength of the analysis to become embroiled in an issue that allows you to delay any decision regarding what would and would lead to a change, as I saw that was the case of Fereczi that clung to delay analysis of decision regarding their marriage. Years later
Fereczi writes in his diary a criticism of the analyst's callous attitude, arguing that it is harmful to both the patient and the analyst. To Fereczi naturalness, sensitivity and optimal behavior described the attitude that must be sustained analyst for the benefit of the analytic situation itself. Also in his paper entitled "Progress in the analytical technique" a critique of the way he had begun to take the relationship between analyst and patient, arguing that in principle be an emotional relationship had become an overly intellectual, raising that if there was an increased emphasis on affection would give rise to a positive transfer at the same time would enable more successful treatment outcomes. By this time Freud
writes Fereczi had moved away from the way they shared in relation to modes of thinking issues about psychoanalysis but denies any passage Freud Ferenczi is an analyst as if it had happened in other cases, and their correspondence continued until the death of Fereczi.
on abstinence and the analyst's activity I find interesting the petition of Jean Allouch in relation to the analyst "actively refrains", referring to often intervene in a way that sustains is a refrain, and sometimes failing to intervene, it is leaving somehow enter into the matter. This suggests that Lacan said in relation to an act not to be confused with an action analytical engine, which makes us understand how silence can only be a way of intervening. To think this is necessary to take into account the vital role of the transfer, if it is established, there is no possibility of intervention in stroke on the part of the analysand.
This is how I found it interesting to investigate the transfer, which is what embodies the very possibility that an analysis there, allowing me to think like the same issues in relation to this technique which has nothing more and nothing less than a word , a possible way to "apply" and trying to understand how it transcends what is commonly understood by technique, even though many times the names in this way, because it is the opposite of rigid steps to follow what is excluded from the time the analyst does not know in advance what the patient might say or not. I think you can not stop name when addressing an attempt to think as "must" an analyst position, although this becomes a formula, the question of Lacan in relation to the axis which moves the analyst is the desire, arguing that the analyst's desire is one that allows the development of the analysis itself. To this the analyst must ensure that your desire enclose always a question mark for the analysand, providing the driving force that gives movement to the analysis together.
_ Allouche, J. Notes on the seminar "angry love? July 2003. Translated by Mark Esnal. _
Ferenczi, S., Problems and motives of psychoanalysis, Paidos Editorial, Buenos Aires, 1966. _
Ferenczi, S., No sympathy there is no cure. The Clinical Journal, 1923., Editorial Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1997. _
FREUD, S Ferenczi, S. Complete correspondence [1914-1916], editorial Synthesis, Madrid, 2001. _
FREUD, S., On the dynamics of the transfer [1912], Volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1996. _
FREUD, S., with your doctor about psychoanalytic treatment [1912], Volume XII, Construction Complete Amorrortu Editorial, Buenos Aires, 1996. _
FREUD, S. "Clarifications on transference love ', New advice on the technique of psychoanalysis, III [1915], Volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1996. _
FREUD, S. New ways of psychoanalytic therapy [1919], Volume XVII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1979. _
Lacan, J., "Statement on the transfer," Writings I [1953-54], Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2006. _
Lacan, J., transfer, Seminar 8 [1960-61] Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2006.
_ Lacan, J., Lecture delivered at the museum of science and technology of Milan on February 3, 1973.
[1] Allouch, J. Notes on the seminar "Annoyed love? July 2003. translated by Mark Esnal.
[2] Lacan, J. Transfer, conference 8 [1960-1961], Chapter I, pp. 12. Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2003.
[3] COLOVINI, M, PhD Thesis: "The erotomania, the delusion of being loved: a crazy woman?" Time and address issues of healing, P. 10.
[4] Lacan, J. Lecture at the museum of science and technology of Milan on February 3, 1973.
[5] Lacan, J. Lecture at the Museum of Science and Technology of Milan on February 3, 1973
[6] are three brief periods in which Ferenczi was subjected to analysis with Freud.
[7] It seems important to stress, transfer of love that both patients had been Fereczi, and at the same time they were mother and daughter. Finally Fereczi married Gizella not without Freud's insistence that he saw that fact as the only outlet for Fereczi normal.
[8] Allouch, J. Notes on the seminar "modest love? July 2003. translated by Mark Esnal
[9] FREUD, S. Remarks on transference love, new tips on the technique of psychoanalysis, III [1915], p. 168 Volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1996
[10] FREUD, S. Advice to doctor about psychoanalytic treatment [1912] p. 114. Volume XII, Works, Publisher Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1996.
[11] In 1918 Freud and Ferenczi presented at a conference in Budapest the "active technique."
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psychoanalytic technique: "Psychoanalysis is recreated every time"
wanted to start by saying that our work was very good lineup and allowed to make each meeting with my colleagues very productive space for discussion and reading. No pretentious goals emerged different questions, different authors, new approaches to the subject and other suggested readings that were cut according to the interests of the group and then watching as the particular interests of each. Similarly was a long process where we work hard not without mixed emotions.
The theme of the analytical device was interesting because it is placed directly in relation to concerns about the profession in question how can deal with psychoanalysis. Therefore, it seemed important to work this way through the device to exit sign "concern" to create a movement to allow me to think of accompanying a clinical approach, which meant rather "deal" implies, appropriating this space research. There is certainly something of desire put there.
Among my concerns I was wondering how to do to articulate what worked over different years of passing by the faculty, the perspectives of different authors or teachers, different theoretical guidelines, etc., And everything that makes possible the formation, which I mean not merely to college, but other areas and activities that are outside. All with the goal of being able to think myself as an analyst, I think I could find the same question correctly the answer: "the self must be out."
try to go through reading several elements that helped us to think such a device because although we know that there are no recipes or techniques are subject to "management" of the analysis is a rigorous practice subject to certain guidelines of the analyst. This is where your desire comes into play as a guide for the reluctance to go.
Psychoanalysis is a practice of speech within a device where the analyst is to act as a mirror of Lacan empty words, to leave out everything that matches your individual and enable the emergence of the subject of the unconscious that manifests itself in action, so that the word emerge demands. This is the very nature evanescent realizes his ethics. In the analysis of knowledge is waiting, always ahead, located on the side of the analysand, and comes into play when we talk.
I think there is confusion when you believe that psychoanalysis will know where, "Psychoanalysis as all other human activities undoubtedly part of the abuse." [1]
It acts as if it knew something when truly knows is the analysand, the analyst stay away from subject to theory, is placed in a position allowing subject supposed to know the dynamics of transfer of unconscious connection to the unconscious, where free association is started with the objective of not rejecting any occurrence of inappropriate or irrelevant it may seem, according to the fundamental rule, and available as an analyst to expect the emergence of something on the order of truth that can be enacted within this framework, and examine the subject, involved in the question about "what it says," about what he wants. "
It seems necessary to understand what order the analysis is the handling of transference, and the analyst who supports and lends itself to the transfer function is provided, while knowing that the place of the subject supposed to know that fall is attributed to complete the scan.
The analyst's desire is a yearning, and is the analyst who responds to the transfer as desire, which only works well in the context of an analysis. These are all objectives proposed in the preliminary interviews.
is this desire that leads the analysis because it allows the analyst to hold the floating attention that is not attending to anything, but rather allow this as something of a surprise, because it is not important but the content of speech hesitations, scansion, a cut or rupture, that is available to hear significant differences.
is necessary to distinguish what is said at the analyst meeting, not to be confused with his person, not attribute it, and this is hampering work to get involved exposing himself.
This is what neutrality or distance that the analyst must maintain what is meant by "being in function, acting in each analysis without preconceptions and without regard to their own significant.
It is clear that the analyst as subject and object put in place because the analysis there is one subject at stake: the analysand that is its result, its effect.
important thing then is to act against each new case as unique, not lend itself to generalizations.
Of course it is also necessary to consider what is meant conceptually by contratranferencia (what has worked well as resistance to the analyst) is a noise in floating attention, the breaks, the alteration, which should not overplaying no analyst overlooked because it is a phenomenon that is necessary to question and be taken to their own analysis. According to Luis Vicente Miguelez [2] "analysis is something that matters to the singular, specific to each analyst, what makes something effective role is that he may work on their involvement in each analysis. The unique art with which we have not relieve us of what we think conceptually spontaneously. "
Each analysis is different and unique, as every analyst is a different deal with each patient, even though it is the same analyst. It can bring into play similar theoretical positions among professionals, while retaining his own style. It is always unique experience.
the other hand I find it interesting to rescue the differences between certain words can make, that although in many cases are used interchangeably in the discourse of power, deserves to be clarified. The analyst can intervene in various ways in an analysis, but not all of them are understood as interpretations or constructions. That is a scansion or court session is active disruption of the analyst that makes a score in the sequence of what is said and consequently deepens the analyzing you hear about their say in a subsequent session. It achieves an effect of meaning that comes after that score, but it is not an exclusive meaning or significance, but gives the following sentence because it should not be saturated. It is also why we can not hold a fixed-term analysis in advance, this being very important for an analysis will be completed.
An intervention is then directed to an individual decides to talk and get involved in what he says. We could say that interventions can be made outside of the transfer, as suggested by M. Colovini "not necessarily part of the analytic act, you can prepare or result of that." [3]
think differently from the interpretation that the analyst is one that can not be left out of the transfer that can be enabled by certain interventions.
It is also understood by Freud as one undertaken with a single element of material: an occurrence, a failed operation, and so on. " [4] also considered to test the correctness of the interpretation is that bring the subject material to confirm or respond to a similar partnership involving the contents of the building, yet not in all cases.
Freud argues that some of the most reliable corroboration by the analysand are: "I had never crossed your mind," or "never thought of it."
A construction involves the presentation instead the subject of a piece of forgotten history. Anyway, a construction can be seen as right or wrong only during the passage of analysis and is considered only as a conjecture according to Freud.
Still no intervention by the analyst should look like a simple act of intuition and that although the interpretations are not designed or prepared does not mean you do not have theoretical yet make them recipes to follow.
Finally it seems important to understand that psychoanalysis is not taught, is transmitted, which is why there are no rules or steps to follow, despite the fact that Freud often reflected in his writings about an attempt to regulate or make laws for analytical device deployment. It is just be there and ready to listen and their equivalent in the patient, ie that the production of a novel, the exercise of the full speech. Lacan expresses it in a formula in the seminar 11: " art of listening well is equal to the mean. " [5]
is therefore clear that psychoanalysis is a praxis that does not have to be understood as a standard practice, but does not mean that agency analyst who reflect on their work, the consequences of his act and carry forward its own analysis.
[1] Lacan, J. "Opening of the Clinical Section, Page 42, Editorial Paidós.
[2] MIGUELEZ, LV, "Space Ectopic countertransference," in III Latin American Meeting of the States General of Psychoanalysis.
[3] COLOVINI, M. "Devices and Interventions", April, 1997.
[4] FREUD, S. "Constructions in Analysis" 1937, Page 262, Volume XXI, Editorial Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1979.
[5] Lacan, J. "The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, Seminar XI, Chapter X, page 129, Editorial Paidós, Year 1987.
wanted to start by saying that our work was very good lineup and allowed to make each meeting with my colleagues very productive space for discussion and reading. No pretentious goals emerged different questions, different authors, new approaches to the subject and other suggested readings that were cut according to the interests of the group and then watching as the particular interests of each. Similarly was a long process where we work hard not without mixed emotions.
The theme of the analytical device was interesting because it is placed directly in relation to concerns about the profession in question how can deal with psychoanalysis. Therefore, it seemed important to work this way through the device to exit sign "concern" to create a movement to allow me to think of accompanying a clinical approach, which meant rather "deal" implies, appropriating this space research. There is certainly something of desire put there.
Among my concerns I was wondering how to do to articulate what worked over different years of passing by the faculty, the perspectives of different authors or teachers, different theoretical guidelines, etc., And everything that makes possible the formation, which I mean not merely to college, but other areas and activities that are outside. All with the goal of being able to think myself as an analyst, I think I could find the same question correctly the answer: "the self must be out."
try to go through reading several elements that helped us to think such a device because although we know that there are no recipes or techniques are subject to "management" of the analysis is a rigorous practice subject to certain guidelines of the analyst. This is where your desire comes into play as a guide for the reluctance to go.
Psychoanalysis is a practice of speech within a device where the analyst is to act as a mirror of Lacan empty words, to leave out everything that matches your individual and enable the emergence of the subject of the unconscious that manifests itself in action, so that the word emerge demands. This is the very nature evanescent realizes his ethics. In the analysis of knowledge is waiting, always ahead, located on the side of the analysand, and comes into play when we talk.
I think there is confusion when you believe that psychoanalysis will know where, "Psychoanalysis as all other human activities undoubtedly part of the abuse." [1]
It acts as if it knew something when truly knows is the analysand, the analyst stay away from subject to theory, is placed in a position allowing subject supposed to know the dynamics of transfer of unconscious connection to the unconscious, where free association is started with the objective of not rejecting any occurrence of inappropriate or irrelevant it may seem, according to the fundamental rule, and available as an analyst to expect the emergence of something on the order of truth that can be enacted within this framework, and examine the subject, involved in the question about "what it says," about what he wants. "
It seems necessary to understand what order the analysis is the handling of transference, and the analyst who supports and lends itself to the transfer function is provided, while knowing that the place of the subject supposed to know that fall is attributed to complete the scan.
The analyst's desire is a yearning, and is the analyst who responds to the transfer as desire, which only works well in the context of an analysis. These are all objectives proposed in the preliminary interviews.
is this desire that leads the analysis because it allows the analyst to hold the floating attention that is not attending to anything, but rather allow this as something of a surprise, because it is not important but the content of speech hesitations, scansion, a cut or rupture, that is available to hear significant differences.
is necessary to distinguish what is said at the analyst meeting, not to be confused with his person, not attribute it, and this is hampering work to get involved exposing himself.
This is what neutrality or distance that the analyst must maintain what is meant by "being in function, acting in each analysis without preconceptions and without regard to their own significant.
It is clear that the analyst as subject and object put in place because the analysis there is one subject at stake: the analysand that is its result, its effect.
important thing then is to act against each new case as unique, not lend itself to generalizations.
Of course it is also necessary to consider what is meant conceptually by contratranferencia (what has worked well as resistance to the analyst) is a noise in floating attention, the breaks, the alteration, which should not overplaying no analyst overlooked because it is a phenomenon that is necessary to question and be taken to their own analysis. According to Luis Vicente Miguelez [2] "analysis is something that matters to the singular, specific to each analyst, what makes something effective role is that he may work on their involvement in each analysis. The unique art with which we have not relieve us of what we think conceptually spontaneously. "
Each analysis is different and unique, as every analyst is a different deal with each patient, even though it is the same analyst. It can bring into play similar theoretical positions among professionals, while retaining his own style. It is always unique experience.
the other hand I find it interesting to rescue the differences between certain words can make, that although in many cases are used interchangeably in the discourse of power, deserves to be clarified. The analyst can intervene in various ways in an analysis, but not all of them are understood as interpretations or constructions. That is a scansion or court session is active disruption of the analyst that makes a score in the sequence of what is said and consequently deepens the analyzing you hear about their say in a subsequent session. It achieves an effect of meaning that comes after that score, but it is not an exclusive meaning or significance, but gives the following sentence because it should not be saturated. It is also why we can not hold a fixed-term analysis in advance, this being very important for an analysis will be completed.
An intervention is then directed to an individual decides to talk and get involved in what he says. We could say that interventions can be made outside of the transfer, as suggested by M. Colovini "not necessarily part of the analytic act, you can prepare or result of that." [3]
think differently from the interpretation that the analyst is one that can not be left out of the transfer that can be enabled by certain interventions.
It is also understood by Freud as one undertaken with a single element of material: an occurrence, a failed operation, and so on. " [4] also considered to test the correctness of the interpretation is that bring the subject material to confirm or respond to a similar partnership involving the contents of the building, yet not in all cases.
Freud argues that some of the most reliable corroboration by the analysand are: "I had never crossed your mind," or "never thought of it."
A construction involves the presentation instead the subject of a piece of forgotten history. Anyway, a construction can be seen as right or wrong only during the passage of analysis and is considered only as a conjecture according to Freud.
Still no intervention by the analyst should look like a simple act of intuition and that although the interpretations are not designed or prepared does not mean you do not have theoretical yet make them recipes to follow.
Finally it seems important to understand that psychoanalysis is not taught, is transmitted, which is why there are no rules or steps to follow, despite the fact that Freud often reflected in his writings about an attempt to regulate or make laws for analytical device deployment. It is just be there and ready to listen and their equivalent in the patient, ie that the production of a novel, the exercise of the full speech. Lacan expresses it in a formula in the seminar 11: " art of listening well is equal to the mean. " [5]
is therefore clear that psychoanalysis is a praxis that does not have to be understood as a standard practice, but does not mean that agency analyst who reflect on their work, the consequences of his act and carry forward its own analysis.
[1] Lacan, J. "Opening of the Clinical Section, Page 42, Editorial Paidós.
[2] MIGUELEZ, LV, "Space Ectopic countertransference," in III Latin American Meeting of the States General of Psychoanalysis.
[3] COLOVINI, M. "Devices and Interventions", April, 1997.
[4] FREUD, S. "Constructions in Analysis" 1937, Page 262, Volume XXI, Editorial Amorrortu, Buenos Aires, 1979.
[5] Lacan, J. "The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, Seminar XI, Chapter X, page 129, Editorial Paidós, Year 1987.
Daktarin How Long Does It Take To Work?
:: From the word boundaries .
Psychoanalysis had its birth in the inquiry about the particular configuration that the symbolic order attributed to the nature of man.
In analytic practice is speaking, so the analyst has only a medium, the word of the patient. This tool, because only faces its own limitation.
slashing The word truth of the unconscious, comes to the fullness of time in which the subject disappears, but that has reared, briefly. That Truth flows is essential to have movement in the metonymic speech, movement of deception in the inconsistency infinite routing to an insistence that the failure to be made to walk. That territory is unconquerable, impossible to know, the missing portion of the speech aware to realize its continuity and that the road is disguised as a cunning, why not be confused with the unconscious mental process of perception that makes him conscious. "What is involved in the process of Abfuhr and comes under the sign of the pleasure principle, the conscious subject does not apprehend anything, except to the extent that there is something in centripetal movement, in which there is an impression of movement to speak. " [1]
Adding to the precarious internal capture thought processes, is the device that the word taxed in the joint. So that I illusory dominance keeper of knowledge, diluted in a half that unfailing, the consequent fall in the misunderstanding, the misunderstanding. The existence of truth outside discourse, is the need to continue talking because everything can not be said.
The not-all leading to an opening whose shape is created by molding the signifier is linked to the articulation of demand, burial of sheer necessity, the primary state of deprivation that subjugated the helpless body in its own invalidity a state of tension without resolution, rather than through the intervention of one who, with significant response in both obviate the need for specific action, and acquires the privilege of occupying the place of the Other. In that mythical first experience is experienced in the enjoyment gained immediacy that has not been asked, nor expected, resulting in the introduction and disappearance of the purely organic in the universe symbolic. It constituted a track association to guide the way to take the desire in your search, put the memory of the first, unique and unrepeatable satisfaction. Once installed, the mark sense, this phase shift occurs which renders impossible the adequacy of the defendant so desired, thus condemning immortality eternally unsatisfied desire, so to face the reality will always lead to an inevitable failure. The caesura introduced leaves something to be sure, the
enjoyment of that first encounter with the Other all remain inaccessible. He returns to find as nostalgia, and longing, but at this time and lost necessarily has left a void, nothing in the living la Cosa. It has existed in the privacy of others that such accounts, has left his mark as unbridgeable gap, giving in the absence of the condition of possibility of the formation of significant styling man with his hands. Making fundamental to the distance on this thing, ensuring a full enjoyment, and as such is deadly. Here is the interdiction of incest function as touch point between law and desire, makes the mother thing, that essential desire, the forbidden object, lost. With the introduction of significant is the way for the downfall of that enjoyment comes in order to live in the absence of any enjoyment. The distance kept
in relation to das Ding, takes to return a long way but never finding, keeping his end away and unreachable, the orientation is governed by the law of pleasure. Rule the collation of significant for the maintenance of homeostatic levels, installing energy quiescence for this free guided as to the discharge dynamics. Thus, regulation is in terms of discourse, so that "the pleasure principle are signs things" [2] . Significant of these bonds, gravitational representations, something beyond their domination, freely moving energy is the rest elusive, exiled to the outside of meaning, in that irresolute silence, the Thing. Despite being hole, nihil for nothing, forms the scaffolding upon which will be held throughout the gait of the subject in terms of their desire. As the organizing principle of subjective events, being the occupant of that central place, to escape structuralism structure and in this sense is both inside and outside, in a position extimia, which allows its role attributed cause and be a condition of existence of the word.
Here we have the word natural defying that trend back to a former state and initial opposition to the only goal that any living organism can be death. Being inaccessible speaker significance, subject to man slavery speech in which truth is shifted by sliding the desire in their endurance. Talk is a more complicated detours that imposed a deviation from the original vital goal. The word back from the dead while condemning the tragic incompleteness.
Where does the silence, the unspeakable, where do you inarticulable takes refuge in words? Psychoanalysis has discovered the word means that gives meaning to the individual functions in the discourse rather than search for truth. However, at the instant in which the patient meets the impossibility of say, does present distress. As repetition of a primitive reaction against a significant threat at the origin triggered the absence of the object is an index of the real return of the deadweight loss, emptiness that can not be represented either by image or by the signifier. Where the case begins to walk for psychoanalysis, in the same place runs into its limit.
Jacques Derrida - "Two essays."
Freud, Sigmund, "The unconscious."
Freud, Sigmund, "Beyond the Pleasure Principle."
Freud, Sigmund, "Inhibitions Symptoms and Anxiety."
Lacan, Jacques, "Function and field of speech and language in psychoanalysis. "
Lacan, Jacques, "Opening the clinical section."
Lacan, Jacques-Sem.XI. "The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis."
Lacan, Jacques-Sem. 7. "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis."
Massot, Oscar, "" Essays Lacanian. "
Salafia, Anabel, "Practice and discourse of psychoanalysis."
[1] Lacan, Jacques. Seminar "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis" Chap. V Das Ding. P. 64.
[2] Lacan, Jacques. Seminar "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis" Chap. IX p. 148.
Psychoanalysis had its birth in the inquiry about the particular configuration that the symbolic order attributed to the nature of man.
In analytic practice is speaking, so the analyst has only a medium, the word of the patient. This tool, because only faces its own limitation.
slashing The word truth of the unconscious, comes to the fullness of time in which the subject disappears, but that has reared, briefly. That Truth flows is essential to have movement in the metonymic speech, movement of deception in the inconsistency infinite routing to an insistence that the failure to be made to walk. That territory is unconquerable, impossible to know, the missing portion of the speech aware to realize its continuity and that the road is disguised as a cunning, why not be confused with the unconscious mental process of perception that makes him conscious. "What is involved in the process of Abfuhr and comes under the sign of the pleasure principle, the conscious subject does not apprehend anything, except to the extent that there is something in centripetal movement, in which there is an impression of movement to speak. " [1]
Adding to the precarious internal capture thought processes, is the device that the word taxed in the joint. So that I illusory dominance keeper of knowledge, diluted in a half that unfailing, the consequent fall in the misunderstanding, the misunderstanding. The existence of truth outside discourse, is the need to continue talking because everything can not be said.
The not-all leading to an opening whose shape is created by molding the signifier is linked to the articulation of demand, burial of sheer necessity, the primary state of deprivation that subjugated the helpless body in its own invalidity a state of tension without resolution, rather than through the intervention of one who, with significant response in both obviate the need for specific action, and acquires the privilege of occupying the place of the Other. In that mythical first experience is experienced in the enjoyment gained immediacy that has not been asked, nor expected, resulting in the introduction and disappearance of the purely organic in the universe symbolic. It constituted a track association to guide the way to take the desire in your search, put the memory of the first, unique and unrepeatable satisfaction. Once installed, the mark sense, this phase shift occurs which renders impossible the adequacy of the defendant so desired, thus condemning immortality eternally unsatisfied desire, so to face the reality will always lead to an inevitable failure. The caesura introduced leaves something to be sure, the
enjoyment of that first encounter with the Other all remain inaccessible. He returns to find as nostalgia, and longing, but at this time and lost necessarily has left a void, nothing in the living la Cosa. It has existed in the privacy of others that such accounts, has left his mark as unbridgeable gap, giving in the absence of the condition of possibility of the formation of significant styling man with his hands. Making fundamental to the distance on this thing, ensuring a full enjoyment, and as such is deadly. Here is the interdiction of incest function as touch point between law and desire, makes the mother thing, that essential desire, the forbidden object, lost. With the introduction of significant is the way for the downfall of that enjoyment comes in order to live in the absence of any enjoyment. The distance kept
in relation to das Ding, takes to return a long way but never finding, keeping his end away and unreachable, the orientation is governed by the law of pleasure. Rule the collation of significant for the maintenance of homeostatic levels, installing energy quiescence for this free guided as to the discharge dynamics. Thus, regulation is in terms of discourse, so that "the pleasure principle are signs things" [2] . Significant of these bonds, gravitational representations, something beyond their domination, freely moving energy is the rest elusive, exiled to the outside of meaning, in that irresolute silence, the Thing. Despite being hole, nihil for nothing, forms the scaffolding upon which will be held throughout the gait of the subject in terms of their desire. As the organizing principle of subjective events, being the occupant of that central place, to escape structuralism structure and in this sense is both inside and outside, in a position extimia, which allows its role attributed cause and be a condition of existence of the word.
Here we have the word natural defying that trend back to a former state and initial opposition to the only goal that any living organism can be death. Being inaccessible speaker significance, subject to man slavery speech in which truth is shifted by sliding the desire in their endurance. Talk is a more complicated detours that imposed a deviation from the original vital goal. The word back from the dead while condemning the tragic incompleteness.
Where does the silence, the unspeakable, where do you inarticulable takes refuge in words? Psychoanalysis has discovered the word means that gives meaning to the individual functions in the discourse rather than search for truth. However, at the instant in which the patient meets the impossibility of say, does present distress. As repetition of a primitive reaction against a significant threat at the origin triggered the absence of the object is an index of the real return of the deadweight loss, emptiness that can not be represented either by image or by the signifier. Where the case begins to walk for psychoanalysis, in the same place runs into its limit.
Jacques Derrida - "Two essays."
Freud, Sigmund, "The unconscious."
Freud, Sigmund, "Beyond the Pleasure Principle."
Freud, Sigmund, "Inhibitions Symptoms and Anxiety."
Lacan, Jacques, "Function and field of speech and language in psychoanalysis. "
Lacan, Jacques, "Opening the clinical section."
Lacan, Jacques-Sem.XI. "The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis."
Lacan, Jacques-Sem. 7. "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis."
Massot, Oscar, "" Essays Lacanian. "
Salafia, Anabel, "Practice and discourse of psychoanalysis."
[1] Lacan, Jacques. Seminar "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis" Chap. V Das Ding. P. 64.
[2] Lacan, Jacques. Seminar "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis" Chap. IX p. 148.
Monday, October 13, 2008
What To Write On A Work Wedding Card
: Inhabiting the world with our little worlds
The discourse of normal and pathological through us. What has this to do? Addressed some issues. We say in principle that the concepts of normal and pathological are linked closely to the activity of the doctor, then see what it says about psychoanalysis.
"Typically comes not from any apprehension of the average balance or conceived in the body. Typically appears as a misnomer and a concept merely refers to a detached evaluative status of all biological reference. "At the same time which states as a value, its contractor, the abnormal, is rejected as a negative value. Thus normal weight has a strong prescriptive "ought."
"The concept of normality is an invention of modernity, which is established as a category that governs the eyes of doctors, educators and criminologists from the nineteenth century. But it is a category that is built from its negation, because it synthesizes its origin is not normal, but the abnormality, which confirms the very membership of the One, to the Same.
One category invented to confirm itself and install the control, remove, destroy, edit, censor, moralizing, tame anything exceeding its own limit, all the Other. "
This category becomes the measure of the world, qualifying and productive producing subjectivities of bodies. Normal, thought from statistical criteria in relation to the concept of the average man, is taken as "given" the law natural. However, for that matter, from ordinary people is not spoken, it really forbidden to talk of the rule, not of his transgression. We reached a point where normal is blurred ("Every healthy person is a patient who ignored"). Or, "Typically what can be assumed, for obvious, known to all, and therefore naturalized. Therefore produces no normal interpellation, not disturbed, no worries, as its counterpart, the abnormal challenges, disrupts, disturbs produce fears, imbalance, uncertainty. The transgression, deviance, abnormality are and have been objects of measurement, limit setting, monitoring, correction, removal of insulation. (...)
identify, classify, find the margin, divide, separate, select, diagnose, predict, forecast, prescribe treatment, all supported operations performed in the asymmetry of power between an individual classifier and an object subject to classification, are embodied respectively in the professionals, experts, and the disabled, the patient and sometimes family. (...) The subject is no longer such, but only one object, lose your name will be called by its deficit (...) "Practice desubjectivating which removed the patient to be objective with the disease, and threatens to wipe out the person of the physician, replacing it with the technical apparatus of diagnosis, in an effort to scientism. What causes
delivering a diagnosis made to believe that appointment of a person? Here the line between subjectivity and objectivation own language. The illusion of suturing the devastation causes subjective phenomena involved, at least, alienation to a word. That force standardization
is held through two strategies. On the one hand, the constitution of the concept of "abnormal", essentially a logic of opposites, so that normality is claimed, even inseparable. However, working with different laws, so that the abnormal is less biased than different. How we see it so differently?
On the other hand, the medicalization of society.
live in an age where there seems to be a pill for every ailment. You probably know someone or we ourselves, in relation to analgesics, decongestants, antihistamines, pills to control blood pressure, for a heart problem, antibiotics, birth control pills, pills for heartburn, sleeping pills, pills to control the level of anxiety, etc.
however, and you do not make a profound study to realize, we live daily life with a degree of stress, dissatisfaction, irritability and malaise that seems to be increasing in proportion to the feeling that time is accelerating. Effect of exacerbation of the global capitalist system that drives us to the cement, which dominates the law of the jungle.
However, the so-called medicalization of everyday life does not come from one day to the other, but that has to do with a journey where medicine, rather, the medical model is imposed. "The use of the term" medicalization "shows the influence of medicine in almost all aspects of daily life, and connotes a critical appreciation for the negative effects, paradoxical or undesirable, such a phenomenon. In fact, medicine has always exerted a normalizing power or social control, primarily by the concepts of health and illness, normal and abnormal, setting up a rival normative order of religion and law, which has been increasing since the modern with the achievement of a genuine scientific status, professional and political. But another story begins with the dominant health care model after the Second World War, when the medicalization becomes the equivalent of a "culture of health = good," clearly visible in postmodern society. "Galende
As stated, the medicalization of society is a symptom of the progress of scientific medicine and the new kind of subjectivity that produces fragmented. Expression of power that establishes a so-called proportional relation between consumption and production of health, medical concepts proposed as criteria of morality (in terms of responsible behavior and lifestyle) and stealing the body. Thus, the medical institution with its normative and normalizing says what is right and what kinds está mal en términos de salud y enfermedad, normal y patológico. Esto también se sostiene a partir de la referida asimetría de poder del médico respecto al enfermo.
La medicalización no solo se relaciona con clasificar lo desviado, lo enfermo, y luego corregirlo, medicarlo, “enpastillarlo”; sino, que más profundamente se medicaliza la vida a través del lenguaje y la manera en que éste organiza la experiencia y construye el mundo. Aparecen las metáforas médicas y entre ellas, configurando el paradigma médico-político, la de sociedad como cuerpo enfermo. Si, viendo la situación caótica de la sociedad, pensamos por un momento “está enferma”, esto implies that we may diagnose and then treat it. "The argument medicalized paradigm of political code (or politicized medical code) provides as follows: The country (society) is sick (or sick). The diagnosis (impeachment) is such a disease. Treatment (recipe) consisting of these measures. (...) There are parallels between the government or body system and society, so that in modernity somatocracia is performed in order to match the doctor and politician, medicine, politics and politics as medicine. We are all patients of the policy, while it requires us or formulating standards, but as Nietzsche said, there is no health as such, normal health, but health of everyone. "
This coincides with the position of psychoanalysis, where therapy is case by case and the question is about the suffering and welfare of the subject may a time and a culture. Each of the subjects. Psychoanalysis emphasizes the gap that opens between the pathological and natural, that is the psyche.
So what to do with those conditions of speech (normal and pathological) that produce subject positions? Denature the standard and nature of exclusion is a key operation, which comes into play our ability to reflect and critique. Reflection on the collective level; clinical reflection on practice, and his statements on the patient.
From psychoanalysis we can say that the individual pre-existing social norms are necessary for life in society. However, these laws and rules may generate more or less discomfort. Do not forget that Freud, in "Civilization and Its Discontents" refers to the society of 1900, where it is immersed. Bet planning on setting up the possibility of other modes of relationship, bond, without prejudice to the wolf side of human beings. Not forget that Freud himself considered psychoanalysis as a force for change in society. With Freud we affirm the discontents of civilization, yet culture question the fact discomfort.
Psychoanalysis does not promise happiness, nor without contradiction or conflict. The analytical pretense is not related to a classification of mental disease, nor with the over-medication which involves a subjective silencing. The differential diagnosis does not name transfer and subjectivities. Analytical listening listening (and again on this.) It is there a subject, not a sphere, but split. Subject of the unconscious, unlike the Cartesian subject, of consciousness, which is a unit, a concept that comes from the philosophy and maintains a Christian. If the logic of normal and pathological talk of the Same and the Other. Here we say that the same is in itself diverse, as it is the other.
In psychoanalysis we talk about different ways of inhabiting the world. Negotiations, hopefully, with that civilization and its discontents. Opens the ear to the ability to surprise and change. The unexpected, the unexpected.
Words, words and more words. Eye, the words body and the bodies are also words. It is curious, almost paradoxical that reading without a human being with no ego entity, as a kind of completeness, the analysis also holds the duality of body / soul. In this sense, speaking of psychosomatic is redundant. Saying "entanglement" not applicable, subject and body are not separable. Nor is there subjectivity. But countless, infinite, ineffable subjectivity. How
normativizante discourse inhabits the mental health institutions? Our point of view varies greatly we position ourselves in relation to the person who approaches: "We will heal," "Let's lock him up" or "We'll handle it." The latter creating a space where there may be a singularity. In this dichotomous logic
always "crazy" is another. This has to do with a process of psychic constitution. We need to differentiate from the other to exist. This does not mean we have to incorporate it as another enemy, threatening or correct. Although today we see the other as a competitor, in a kind of general paranoia. How to listen to the other? How, beyond taking personal positions, continue to be willing to argue the difference, not trying to ignore it? Building along with other support space of subjectivity.
And beyond the everyday, but just because that is anchored, the discourse of psychoanalysis has to do with it. With: "Psychoanalysis hear" I meant it, listening to something escapes us after making fleeting appearances. This at the clinic. And expanding the picture have to do with the appropriation of the word, where we see different dialects of each group, we demonstrate the use of language subjectivating, making loop.
How do you know like you see red?
Go walking down the street, looking up, looking at each of the countless windows of the buildings and think about each of the people who live there, live, pass. Think that each has a different story, a different body, is wonderful and scary. Unique in the world, is saddled with the deep loneliness forever. But, why go out of our mouth holes these strange forms we call words? Why go to other and ignore the abyss? Start turning over the abyss, start to talk about the abyss. Bibliography
or Colovini, Marit. "The normal and pathological." Notes and lecture notes. In http://clínicayactualidad.blogspot.com April 2008.
or Freud, Sigmund "The malaise of civilization." Amorrortu Ed. Buenos Aires 2004
or Galende, Emiliano "Psychoanalysis and Mental Health." Bs As1990 Paidós Ed
or Mainetti, José Alberto. "The medicalization of life and language." In http://hipócratesyfreud.blogspot.com April 2008.
The discourse of normal and pathological through us. What has this to do? Addressed some issues. We say in principle that the concepts of normal and pathological are linked closely to the activity of the doctor, then see what it says about psychoanalysis.
"Typically comes not from any apprehension of the average balance or conceived in the body. Typically appears as a misnomer and a concept merely refers to a detached evaluative status of all biological reference. "At the same time which states as a value, its contractor, the abnormal, is rejected as a negative value. Thus normal weight has a strong prescriptive "ought."
"The concept of normality is an invention of modernity, which is established as a category that governs the eyes of doctors, educators and criminologists from the nineteenth century. But it is a category that is built from its negation, because it synthesizes its origin is not normal, but the abnormality, which confirms the very membership of the One, to the Same.
One category invented to confirm itself and install the control, remove, destroy, edit, censor, moralizing, tame anything exceeding its own limit, all the Other. "
This category becomes the measure of the world, qualifying and productive producing subjectivities of bodies. Normal, thought from statistical criteria in relation to the concept of the average man, is taken as "given" the law natural. However, for that matter, from ordinary people is not spoken, it really forbidden to talk of the rule, not of his transgression. We reached a point where normal is blurred ("Every healthy person is a patient who ignored"). Or, "Typically what can be assumed, for obvious, known to all, and therefore naturalized. Therefore produces no normal interpellation, not disturbed, no worries, as its counterpart, the abnormal challenges, disrupts, disturbs produce fears, imbalance, uncertainty. The transgression, deviance, abnormality are and have been objects of measurement, limit setting, monitoring, correction, removal of insulation. (...)
identify, classify, find the margin, divide, separate, select, diagnose, predict, forecast, prescribe treatment, all supported operations performed in the asymmetry of power between an individual classifier and an object subject to classification, are embodied respectively in the professionals, experts, and the disabled, the patient and sometimes family. (...) The subject is no longer such, but only one object, lose your name will be called by its deficit (...) "Practice desubjectivating which removed the patient to be objective with the disease, and threatens to wipe out the person of the physician, replacing it with the technical apparatus of diagnosis, in an effort to scientism. What causes
delivering a diagnosis made to believe that appointment of a person? Here the line between subjectivity and objectivation own language. The illusion of suturing the devastation causes subjective phenomena involved, at least, alienation to a word. That force standardization
is held through two strategies. On the one hand, the constitution of the concept of "abnormal", essentially a logic of opposites, so that normality is claimed, even inseparable. However, working with different laws, so that the abnormal is less biased than different. How we see it so differently?
On the other hand, the medicalization of society.
live in an age where there seems to be a pill for every ailment. You probably know someone or we ourselves, in relation to analgesics, decongestants, antihistamines, pills to control blood pressure, for a heart problem, antibiotics, birth control pills, pills for heartburn, sleeping pills, pills to control the level of anxiety, etc.
however, and you do not make a profound study to realize, we live daily life with a degree of stress, dissatisfaction, irritability and malaise that seems to be increasing in proportion to the feeling that time is accelerating. Effect of exacerbation of the global capitalist system that drives us to the cement, which dominates the law of the jungle.
However, the so-called medicalization of everyday life does not come from one day to the other, but that has to do with a journey where medicine, rather, the medical model is imposed. "The use of the term" medicalization "shows the influence of medicine in almost all aspects of daily life, and connotes a critical appreciation for the negative effects, paradoxical or undesirable, such a phenomenon. In fact, medicine has always exerted a normalizing power or social control, primarily by the concepts of health and illness, normal and abnormal, setting up a rival normative order of religion and law, which has been increasing since the modern with the achievement of a genuine scientific status, professional and political. But another story begins with the dominant health care model after the Second World War, when the medicalization becomes the equivalent of a "culture of health = good," clearly visible in postmodern society. "Galende
As stated, the medicalization of society is a symptom of the progress of scientific medicine and the new kind of subjectivity that produces fragmented. Expression of power that establishes a so-called proportional relation between consumption and production of health, medical concepts proposed as criteria of morality (in terms of responsible behavior and lifestyle) and stealing the body. Thus, the medical institution with its normative and normalizing says what is right and what kinds está mal en términos de salud y enfermedad, normal y patológico. Esto también se sostiene a partir de la referida asimetría de poder del médico respecto al enfermo.
La medicalización no solo se relaciona con clasificar lo desviado, lo enfermo, y luego corregirlo, medicarlo, “enpastillarlo”; sino, que más profundamente se medicaliza la vida a través del lenguaje y la manera en que éste organiza la experiencia y construye el mundo. Aparecen las metáforas médicas y entre ellas, configurando el paradigma médico-político, la de sociedad como cuerpo enfermo. Si, viendo la situación caótica de la sociedad, pensamos por un momento “está enferma”, esto implies that we may diagnose and then treat it. "The argument medicalized paradigm of political code (or politicized medical code) provides as follows: The country (society) is sick (or sick). The diagnosis (impeachment) is such a disease. Treatment (recipe) consisting of these measures. (...) There are parallels between the government or body system and society, so that in modernity somatocracia is performed in order to match the doctor and politician, medicine, politics and politics as medicine. We are all patients of the policy, while it requires us or formulating standards, but as Nietzsche said, there is no health as such, normal health, but health of everyone. "
This coincides with the position of psychoanalysis, where therapy is case by case and the question is about the suffering and welfare of the subject may a time and a culture. Each of the subjects. Psychoanalysis emphasizes the gap that opens between the pathological and natural, that is the psyche.
So what to do with those conditions of speech (normal and pathological) that produce subject positions? Denature the standard and nature of exclusion is a key operation, which comes into play our ability to reflect and critique. Reflection on the collective level; clinical reflection on practice, and his statements on the patient.
From psychoanalysis we can say that the individual pre-existing social norms are necessary for life in society. However, these laws and rules may generate more or less discomfort. Do not forget that Freud, in "Civilization and Its Discontents" refers to the society of 1900, where it is immersed. Bet planning on setting up the possibility of other modes of relationship, bond, without prejudice to the wolf side of human beings. Not forget that Freud himself considered psychoanalysis as a force for change in society. With Freud we affirm the discontents of civilization, yet culture question the fact discomfort.
Psychoanalysis does not promise happiness, nor without contradiction or conflict. The analytical pretense is not related to a classification of mental disease, nor with the over-medication which involves a subjective silencing. The differential diagnosis does not name transfer and subjectivities. Analytical listening listening (and again on this.) It is there a subject, not a sphere, but split. Subject of the unconscious, unlike the Cartesian subject, of consciousness, which is a unit, a concept that comes from the philosophy and maintains a Christian. If the logic of normal and pathological talk of the Same and the Other. Here we say that the same is in itself diverse, as it is the other.
In psychoanalysis we talk about different ways of inhabiting the world. Negotiations, hopefully, with that civilization and its discontents. Opens the ear to the ability to surprise and change. The unexpected, the unexpected.
Words, words and more words. Eye, the words body and the bodies are also words. It is curious, almost paradoxical that reading without a human being with no ego entity, as a kind of completeness, the analysis also holds the duality of body / soul. In this sense, speaking of psychosomatic is redundant. Saying "entanglement" not applicable, subject and body are not separable. Nor is there subjectivity. But countless, infinite, ineffable subjectivity. How
normativizante discourse inhabits the mental health institutions? Our point of view varies greatly we position ourselves in relation to the person who approaches: "We will heal," "Let's lock him up" or "We'll handle it." The latter creating a space where there may be a singularity. In this dichotomous logic
always "crazy" is another. This has to do with a process of psychic constitution. We need to differentiate from the other to exist. This does not mean we have to incorporate it as another enemy, threatening or correct. Although today we see the other as a competitor, in a kind of general paranoia. How to listen to the other? How, beyond taking personal positions, continue to be willing to argue the difference, not trying to ignore it? Building along with other support space of subjectivity.
And beyond the everyday, but just because that is anchored, the discourse of psychoanalysis has to do with it. With: "Psychoanalysis hear" I meant it, listening to something escapes us after making fleeting appearances. This at the clinic. And expanding the picture have to do with the appropriation of the word, where we see different dialects of each group, we demonstrate the use of language subjectivating, making loop.
How do you know like you see red?
Go walking down the street, looking up, looking at each of the countless windows of the buildings and think about each of the people who live there, live, pass. Think that each has a different story, a different body, is wonderful and scary. Unique in the world, is saddled with the deep loneliness forever. But, why go out of our mouth holes these strange forms we call words? Why go to other and ignore the abyss? Start turning over the abyss, start to talk about the abyss. Bibliography
or Colovini, Marit. "The normal and pathological." Notes and lecture notes. In http://clínicayactualidad.blogspot.com April 2008.
or Freud, Sigmund "The malaise of civilization." Amorrortu Ed. Buenos Aires 2004
or Galende, Emiliano "Psychoanalysis and Mental Health." Bs As1990 Paidós Ed
or Mainetti, José Alberto. "The medicalization of life and language." In http://hipócratesyfreud.blogspot.com April 2008.
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