Monday, October 13, 2008

Leg Itching And Herpes

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"false picture! Mazes wrong way! Anagrams
transferable to name the reality exigua multiple!
Every body shut up in his babel free translation from birth "Olga Orozco


I find superficial schematic distinction between words full of empty words. The question of writing and repetition is framed in what would be the function of the word clinical. So when I refer to that dispute by appealing to restore some hope around the empty word. I say illusion without innocence, I say illusion with the intention of filling it with the imaginary word, in order to provide meaningful ways to what is just empty. Then at some point I think the writing is empty.
I consider that the empty word is full of meaning and full of empty knowing that is the effect of an individual who lives and reigns in ignorance, is that I insist on the schematic of the conceptual differentiation.
As regards the word a paragraph of "Function and field ... "directed my ideas:" By the word is already a presence made of absence, the very absence comes at a time appointed original whose life recreation of Freud's genius caught in the child's play. And this couple modulated presence and absence, it is also sufficient to establish the trail on the sand of simple lines and the broken line of Koua mantic of China, created the universe of meaning in a language where the universe of things come to be ordered " [2] . The emergence of symbolic that dominates human beings, which comes as only acquiring language structure and establishing the possibility that the presence is such that can cancel the absence and vice versa. There appears the child's play, the passage of the unique significance of all, as opposed to the meaning of the logic significance. The word is there to name the missing word is what is present in the very act of doing away with the object, the referent. With their presence is intended to mean finishing. Maintains the illusion of the sign. He knows his hands wielding the weapon that has killed the thing, doing this act to the persistence of desire [3] . A desire that seems to be the mark of difference, the gap between need and demand satisfaction incolmable always completely. A desire unthinkable without the Other without language, which is the effect of language, logic residing in the always significant one for another, while pursuing the identity of proper understanding to the pleasure principle and tends to resemble the logic of necessity. Yes! The desire to move trying to find a satisficing unique for his anxiety. But never once found that the satisfactions sought. Renewing the difference ... and the situation is repeated. Something is missing, the search is established, something is missing but fails and is present. Is that the horizon which is motorized by a desire: to find an object to the lack missing. And that's where the pleasure principle clashes with the past. That is not a place within the limit, they really know the limit, which could have been left out of writing and seeks achieved every time ... every time the search is repeated, and each time the subject is known to subject itself desire and not necessity. Which means, be the subject of dispute. The perpetuation of desire is the perpetuation of the difference never indifferent, always irreverent for its lack of respect. That is the difference that meets desire. The hole in the place of reference. The vacuum which is expected fulfillment. The full fullness of emptiness. On the difference
to quote Derrida, "From that comes a sign, starts repeating itself. Without that, there would be a sign, not be what it is, namely, that non-identity which refers regularly to the same. That is another sign that, in turn, born to be divided ... can not say the irreferencia the center rather than mourn the absence of center? ... Not the center, the absence of play and difference, another name of death? Does reassuring, soothes, but from his hole, and also panic at stake? " [4] . Because there
difference is that the tendency to center is established as fundamental reference while impossible. Lose the characteristic marks of what we have tried to enter, is the footprint, which is the first erasure of that which may be originating and prior to that point is, another language, word. Logic of the signifier is what underlies the question of difference. And the question of the signifier is the lack of respect is the absence that occurs with every word. The pun is born and reborn to express something of the arbitrariness of the setbacks, the ambiguous definitions, lack of meaning.
To name a vacuum devoid of name and order the real thing comes into play of interpretations, translations. Of the various ciphering that run through the aforementioned lack of reference, is bitten by the signifier that gives a random version of the same thing that happens to be written and therefore to be estimated, a translation and interpretation has operated and therefore something real that is lost on their way to find multiple versions for the same thing that is impossible to be written as such in its own terms. Some of it is lost. And is that what you want to find tirelessly. "As the site of a pleasure not limited and that the myth of the lack of failure, the thing is presented as the absolute goal of desire, the site or the condition will be met the abolition of the lack in being, state of Nirvana, removal of any voltage difference to the world, indistinctness of being and nonbeing " [5]
The lack of equality. Something that is written as one, without even a sense, but capable of assuming one. Braunstein in his book "The enjoyment" addresses somehow the question of writing based on the idea of \u200b\u200bpleasure as that prior to another and desire, as prior to language but under their avatars: "Language is what works as barrier to an enjoyment that would not exist without it " [6] , and locates the word as diaphragm enjoy trying to submit to the laws of the signifier, signifying that real advance to do so inaccessible and unrecoverable. Somehow this is something real before Rodriguez Ponte places, with some suspicion, as "what has no words," which in other words can be the "thing" which is written ceasing to be that which is for ever to be appointed just because of a different order of words. And I repeat: the impossibility of equality, which is written as another. And I move: it seems that this script sets up the difference differential carries in itself the impossibility of repetition that merely repeated.

The impediment to identity is the time. The time to which it seeks to emulate a time that has been lost in the fleeting circumstances of pure encounter with real things that makes the subject be, without being ... to clarify I would only quote Heidegger: "The jump is the door that opens abrupt entrance to the domain in which man and being found always in essence because they have become themselves from each other from the moment that have been achieved. " [7] Being without being ... just cancel the (im) possible finish, so it really does be subject, while a significant meaning for another signifier. Pure relationship, purely arbitrary, pure contingency. Contingent
the meeting, the "appointment with a real that eludes to which we always called" [8] . Quote unplanned, unexpected event that leads to place on what is heterogeneous by definition, radically other [9] that ultimately, despite the emergence, over registration, will never have a more than what has been lost, having been always full of empty. The Tyche is the encounter with the real, which introduces the dimension of random causality subject [10] , which can not be forced to do something which will restrict the hole edge and word incolmable. Hole for which words can be full to empty while (depending on your perspective) and vice versa.
The past and future are nothing more than articulate product of the imaginary and the symbolic. In reality there seems to be more correlative succession of presents. To be more precise and time out of the triad: correlative succession of moments. Unique. That can only refer to themselves isolated from the meaning, which is found in time. It's like the 0 to 1 is written in math and that makes "the non-identical to itself" ... the impediment of identity is that the identical at some point admit that something can be replaced by itself: 0 is 0 ( No: 0 = 0). This formula establishes the impossible from the point where this second 0 never be first himself. Returning to the moment: a moment can not be replaced by itself, because by adding the vicissitudes of evolution and time, as the title of the work of René Magritte, "This no es una pipa”, no es una pipa porque es la representación de la pipa, la pipa está en otro lado, o en ningún lado, o sea, en lo real.
En el momento del encuentro, de la tyche, algo viene a ese lugar y lo ocupa pretendiendo estar en el “es” (del 0 es 0) no pudiendo en realidad salir jamás del parecer, asemejar, traducir.
Algo viene a significar eso que esta fuera de las palabras, que una y otra vez queda en ese más allá y que jamás cesará de no inscribirse. Y esa significación se desplazará una y otra vez e insistirá incansable, es el automatón tras el cuál yace la tyche; es la inscripción en el retorno de aquello que en el origen no cesa de no inscribirse. The attempt to abolish this meeting made [11] . Automaton related to the significant flow to the chain, what works in the mode of writing that does not stop being written [12] , the insistence of the signs, the inscription on the back [13] "is signifying chain which emphasizes meaning, but none of the elements of the chain is the significance of which is capable at the moment " [14] ; finished the impossibility of meaning involves the insistence of the sense in an empty space wanting to reaffirm the status of enrollment in its ongoing and deferred writing on the eternal return, in the course of becoming time.

On the subject I have worked with me some aspects are still pending. I think I've done a little closer to certain concepts and issues from which could lead to other thoughts. The approach we present here is a base, is the beginning of writing, the possibility that something is registered from the chaotic void of concepts. Structuring and managing a first written based on multiple and varied readings on the same thing is always different. The order of the difference is essential to meet the need of the same illusory to embrace the boundless. Exist in the difference, going to the conviction that encases the body in a free translation babel between images, and anagrams fallacious transferable multiple naming the meager reality ... since time is time and the moment was lost. Bibliography

§ Blasco, JM, "Sameness and repetition in psychoanalysis." 2004. § Braunstein, N., "The enjoyment, a Lacanian concept" Siglo XXI Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2006. §
Derrida, J., "Writing and Difference", Anthropos, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1989. §
Heidegger, M., "The principle of identity." § Kowensky, L., "Logic and math." § Lacan, J., "Function and field of speech and language in psychoanalysis", Siglo XXI Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008. §
Lacan, J., "The instance of the letter in the unconscious or reason since Freud." Siglo XXI Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008. §
Lacan, J., speeches and articles 2, "third", Editorial Manantial. §
Lacan, J., "About the structure as a mixture of Otherness, the sine qua non of absolutely any subject." § Lacan, J. Seminar XI § Naranjo
Mariscal, J., "The repetition in Freud and Lacan." §, O., "Poetry. Anthology, editor of Latin American Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1982; Song Berenice. §
Szulman Pérez, L., "Regression, repeat and enjoy." § Prandi, MV, "Modes of treatment in the enjoyment." § Rodríguez Ponte, Ricardo, "On tuche and automaton." Intervention in the fourth session of the Seminar "Repetition and drive" Network seminars Freudian School of Buenos Aires. June 23, 1997. § Sofiyana, A. and Mosquera, M., "Tyche and automaton. " Intervention in the internal meeting of the psychoanalytic school of the Salpetriere. § Terrab, P., "Writing and writing in psychoanalysis."

Notes [1] Orozco, O., "Poetry. Anthology, editor of Latin American Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1982; Song Berenice. P. 59.
[2] Lacan, J., "Function and field of speech and language in psychoanalysis", Siglo XXI Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008.
p. 266 [3] Idem. Page
[4] Derrida, J., "Writing and Difference", Anthropos, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1989.
[5] Braunstein, N., "The enjoyment, a Lacanian concept" Siglo XXI Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2006. P. 80
[6] Idem.
p. 79 [7] Heidegger, M., "The principle of identity." [8] Lacan, J. Seminar XI
[9] Rodríguez Ponte, Ricardo, "On tuche and automaton." Intervention in the fourth session of the Seminar "Repetition and drive" Network seminars Freudian School of Buenos Aires. June 23, 1997. [10] Sofiyana, A. and Mosquera, M., "Tyche and automaton." Intervention in the internal meeting of the psychoanalytic school of the Salpetriere. [11] Naranjo Mariscal, J., "The repetition in Freud and Lacan"
[12] Sofiyana, A. and Mosquera, M., "Tyche and automaton." Intervention in the internal meeting of the psychoanalytic school of the Salpetriere. [13] Rodríguez Ponte, Ricardo, "On tuche and automaton." Intervention at the fourth session of the Seminar "Repetition and drive" Network seminars Freudian School of Buenos Aires. June 23, 1997. [14] Lacan, J., "The instance of the letter in the unconscious or reason since Freud." Siglo XXI Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008. Page 470


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