Thursday, March 31, 2011

Waxing For Men.ottawa


José Enrique González Ruiz
Nature had wisely provided
that the follies of men were passing;
and behold, the men become immortal.

strong presence
By accepting the Mexican government this month is March, a mission on the ground of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention of the UN to our country. As with this type of mission, there were interviews with officials, with organizations of society, specialists and human rights defenders. Three experts represented the Group: Ms. Jasminka Dzumhur, Mr. Osman El-Hajjé and Mr. Ariel Dulitzky, who were accompanied by members of its Secretariat and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
The group, which is based in Geneva, Switzerland, works with the Human Rights Council of the UN and acting on specific mandate. Concerned about the recurrence of enforced disappearances, which considered a crime against humanity, the Council in its Resolution of March 27, 2007, número7/12, encouraged, among other things:
a): promote communication between families of missing persons and governments "in order to ensure that individual cases are investigated fully documented and clearly identified .... "
b) Examine issues of impunity.
c) Addressing especially where children are missing.
ch) Pay special attention to cases that are reported as urgent, or those who threaten witnesses.
d) pay special attention to where the missing is defender or promoter of human rights.
e) apply in their reports a gender policy. And
f) Assist States in implementing the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.
Among the terms of reference is that of making calls urgent to governments, in connection with cases submitted to them. That was why the Commission of Mediation between the EPR and the Federal Government (EAT) was asked to deliver one of those calls in order to open ways to find alive Edmundo Reyes Amaya and Gabriel Alberto Cruz Sánchez.

A case
critical phase of the missing
The RPA is, no doubt, a critical case. For the next May 25 will be four years of his disappearance and to date there is no sign that it may be a solution. Fully implemented the motion that the Human Rights Council Member States did UN in March 2008:
governments to take a long time without giving a substantive response to allegations of enforced disappearances in their countries to do so and to give due consideration to relevant recommendations concerning this issue made by the Group Working in their reports. "
Like a glove, because although the Mexican government has produced documents that seem to respond to the issue, none of them are substantive, while not lead to truth, justice and reparation, which is what is sought in these issues.
Nothing would be better that this case was resolved in Mexico. When carried to international awareness of these issues, although the defendant is the State and appear on behalf of the government, is all the people who goes into disrepute. The shame falls on all Mexicans and Mexican as American Court of Human Rights handed down sentences against the formal representatives of Mexico. Worse, when the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina plays that may not be binding resolutions.
The EAT considered that the case of the EPR is paradigmatic, for several reasons: a) not a thing of the past PRI, b) there was insufficient evidence to find and punish those responsible for the disappearance and c) there is a recommendation NHRC and two orders of federal judges who recognize the disappearance forced. Successfully solved this case, a light would go on over a thousand that have occurred in the country.

COMED's expectations
As the EPR active armed group, the truce that has committed to the EAT should be highly valued by the government. But some instances of this, as the PGR, seem to give importance, as the investigations remain open for kidnapping and not enforced disappearance. Mediation have been administered properly.
The new government of Oaxaca, which is different from its predecessor, also should play an active role in investigations. Not replace the authorities federal, but to assist in finding a solution.
is not found soon the Truth and Justice, surely we will see new international bodies to judge and condemn the government of Mexico.

Honey X Honey Drops Read Raw

WEINGLASS (1933-2011)

writing to add our voice to commemorate the contributions and show the example of my dear colleague and comrade in arms, the lawyer and U.S. human rights, Leonard Weinglass, who has just died at age 77 in New York. Until the last moment he devoted his energies to cases paradigm as the 5 Cuban antiterrorist fighters and victims of political persecution unjustly imprisoned for more than 10 years for "conspiracy to commit espionage." Submitted its final brief in defense of the 5 on 5 March, three weeks before his death.
The case of the 5 is representative of the depth of commitment to the causes Weinglass harder for justice "from the bowels" of the empire, since he assumed the defense of the "Chicago Eight" in 1968 (trial for "seditious conspiracy" of the main leaders of the anti-war and Black Panther accused of organizing a "mutiny" on the streets of Chicago in August of '68 for the Democratic party convention, shortly after the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King); of Angela Davis in 1970 (academic and accused African-American activist for his alleged complicity in the attempted escape of George Jackson's prison, military leader of the Black Panthers), that of Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo 1972 for his role in the leak (in a key antecedent of "Wikileaks") of the "Pentagon Papers" (documenting the scenes of U.S. genocidal aggression in the Vietnam war) - all successful cases resulted in the exoneration and release of their constituents, against the weight of the political machinery, judicial, and ideological in its anti-and a series of cases defending activists accused of involvement in armed movements in the United States, to the activist , journalist, and African-American prisoner of conscience Mumia Abu Jamal recently.
The remarkable and courageous participation Weinglass, teaming up with another great lawyers and human rights defenders of his generation, William Kunstler, both linked to the National Lawyers'Guild (U.S. equivalent of the National Front and National Association of Democratic Lawyers and as the Union of Jurists in Mexico, and how are you organizations, a subsidiary of the American Association of Jurists and the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, IADL) in the case of "The Eight" in Chicago, was a turning point in his career , to radicalize its critique of the shortcomings of the judicial and political system in their country. He was also very close to cost him his career and a jail sentence for "disrespect" the trial judge, reversed itself was achieved in the appeals process with a public reprimand of Judge Julius Hoffman for his arbitrary handling of the case, resulting the exemption of Eight and Kunstler and Weinglass in a landmark decision. Similarly his defense of Ellsberg and Russo for the filtration of secret Pentagon documents not only ended his exoneration but a forceful statement of the Supreme Court against the Nixon administration and in favor of freedom of expression and the right to information, canceling the government's attempt to "prior restraint" to prohibit the publication of documents by the New York Times (and also setting a precedent that protects this and other media in the current context of leaks "Wikileaks"). Both cases-that of the Chicago Eight and the Ellsberg-contributed heavily to strengthen and legitimize the mass movement against the Vietnam War and its premises, and some similia has happened with his defense of Angela Davis, Mumia Abu Jamal, as successors of the movement for civil rights, and the 5 Fives, as an expression of solidarity between the potential American people and the Cuban people, among many other possible examples. Goodbye to the friend and advocate of democracy: a graduate course on Human Rights at the Autonomous University of Mexico City. José Enrique González Ruiz, Camilo Perez Bustillo, Clemencia Correa Eduardo Correa, Ruben Garcia Clark, Carlos Fazio, Oscar Gonzalez, Hassan Dalband.

Ovarian Cysts Brown Discharge

Debate Day on the Migration Act

Rights The Graduate Human City Autonomous University of Mexico, the Ministry of Rural Development and Equity for Communities and the Mesoamerican Migrant Movement invite the university community and the general public to

Day Debate on Immigration Law ,

That will take place on 1 April this year, from l0 am in the Valley Campus, located at Calle San Lorenzo 290, Del Valle (behind the Hospital "November 20", near Metro Zapata).
participate Dr. Rosa Marquez, secretary SEDEREC, Rep. Teresa Guadalupe Reyes Sahagún, Deputy Hector Pedraza Olguin, Jose Jacques Medina, Elvira Arellano, Luis Angel Nieto, Marta Soler, and Ruben Sanchez Figueroa.

Note .- With the conclusions of the Day, it will be a consensus document for submission to the House of Representatives.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Excedrin Migraine Exertion Headache


Today, coming home, I have come to the head loads of scams that surround us every day. Business scams, frauds and scams people ideologies. Political news defraud and fraud. And a more porroncito I can not because I fall to sleep ...

Good night.

PS. Go entry fraud!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chex Mix & Seaweed Recipe

The Story of Stuff

FA Jafeht happened to me, as on many previous occasions, the link to this interesting and educational video. Although, sometimes, basic and SimpleTable in explanations, clearly shows how our system of consumption. So, I share with you, because I'm sure they will invite reflection:

Thanks for the input.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where To Buy Horderves

Spring Contest: Track 02

The name is known to the person who made the work is not really yours. Come on, you use a pseudonym.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Iud Was Placed Incorrect

Asquith subjective

is curious to observe how each person is susceptible to disgust with certain things. But also, how the same person tolerates some things more than others, perhaps, could be much more aquero comparison.

I remember when I was in high school, thrown into the late night in good hands, a program where out operations as varied. Several among my friends as they could not even see. I, however, I recorded it and view while eating. So while sipping my favorite dishes I could see all kinds of interventions. Remember, those that drew the intestines without any shame, or that they removed all the skin of the face and at the end of the operation to put it back. All more or less, I could tolerate while I got delicious morsels of food in the mouth. Then came horrible day: liposuction. It was horrible to see that great tube was filled with yellow fat. I could not stand. I put a thousand faces of disgust and had to divert the vision of the screen at once. And so I came up with a simple operation for bunions.

Cosic notice also gives me the feel of creams, oils, greasers ... in the palms of my hands, while crowds of people like or even relaxes them. Asquith

subjective, of course.

Monday, March 21, 2011

What Would Appropriate Evening Casual Attire Be

Spring Contest: Track 01

To start the spring as it should be, start a new competition. He had been long without loop to give this section of the Blog, so today, I was a little bit lazy, I've been preparing a first track. The rules are the same as always:

1 - tries to find work and author of the same.

2 - There will be a track per week, which can be answered in "bullshit number." You can not put two pieces and two authors in the same comment. When in doubt, leave a comment first and then another. As I read the other, all / as it will help each other with new ideas and relevant discards.

3 - The winner or the winner has the prize, which in this case you can choose between:

a) A brooch felt by me.

b) An original and unopened DVD (of Audience), also choose from the following list: No Man's Land, Bitter Moon, Saw II, The Assassination of Richard Nixon, Monsoon Wedding , Luna de Avellaneda, Motorcycle Diaries, Free Zone, 24 Hour Party People, Spirited Away; Signal, and I think some more ...

4 - With luck and enjoy playing:

Here is Track 01:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What If My Dog Is Having Mini Strokes


There are times when I would get on all fours and start bark. Approaching a tree, get the colic and begin to pee. What I say in a tree ... In an exhibition hall full of people or any formal event. There in the middle, in the ice bucket of champagne or clean white wall near the ashtray where smoking is no longer.

I leave hair all over body start to grow the snout and pointy ears take shape. I noted with excitement, with wonder, with some surprise. And there are those who say: "What makes this pooch here"

Wow, wow, wow!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

To Kill A Mockingbird Southern Language

2 more cranes to Japan ... Quote

Today, Martha and server have two cranes to assist with the proposed Makiko: The 1,000 cranes. With this project, she wants to be granted a wish, and encourage your country, Japan, and especially the people in the areas most affected by the disaster.

Each person has to make an origami crane, take a photo with the crane, and send it to the following address:

Since we have found a very nice initiative, we are willing to work with two Grullita made with love. And, obviously, from between cassava and Palma, Makiko expanded the proposal by sending a lot of encouragement to the Japanese people and hoping to meet the best wishes for a population that suffers from such a catastrophe.
Back where it comes from this tradition, it is a story, although very sad, beautiful:

Las Mil grullas de origami (千羽鶴 Senbadzuru ) son un compendio de mil grullas de origami unidas por cuerdas.

Una antigua leyenda japonesa promete que cualquiera que haga mil grullas de papel recibirá un deseo de parte de una grulla, tal como una vida larga o la recuperación de una enfermedad.

Las mil grullas de origami se han vuelto un símbolo de paz, debido a la historia de Sadako Sasaki (1943-1955), una pequeña niña japonesa que deseó curarse de su enfermedad producida por la radiación de una bomba atómica (leucemia).

Sadako Sasaki (佐 々 木 祯 子 Sasaki Sadako), January 7, 1943 - October 25, 1955) was a young woman who lived near the bridge Misasa in Hiroshima (Japan). On August 6, 1945 was only two years when the United States detonated two atomic bombs on civilians. At the time of the explosion was at home, which was 1.5 km from ground zero of the blast. Nine years later, Sadako was a strong girl, athletic and energetic. While running a race, began to feel ill and collapsed. He was diagnosed with leukemia, known as "the A-bomb disease."

Her best friend, Chizuko Hamamoto, he recalled an old tradition about someone who made a thousand cranes in the form of figures of paper (origami) and as a result the gods granted a wish. With his own hands, Chizuko gave the first crane you made in gold paper and said, 'Here's your first crane. " Sadako hoped that the gods grant him the desire to return to run again. Shortly after starting his work met a child who was very little time for the same cause, leukemia, encouraged him to do the same to her with the cranes but the boy replied, "I know I'll die tonight '.

Sadako did not think it fair to ask the only cure for her, and asked that the effort was going to serve to bring peace and healing to all victims of the world.

With the role of medicinal and other boat that was found was to complete 644 paper cranes. The progression of the disease prevented just completed the task, died on October 25, 1955 (at 12 years old) after 14 months of hospital admission. His classmates, after his death, came to complete the number, giving the cranes that missed to make up to 1,000. The

classmates and friends thought to dedicate a monument which would represent Sadako holding a golden crane in her hand, also dedicated to all children who died because of the two atomic bombs.

And finally, in the Peace Park in Hiroshima was built the statue of Sadako in 1958, the base is written "This is our cry, this is our prayer: peace in the world '. The story was so shocking that transcended the boundaries of Japan, becoming a world leader in the peace movement.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

People Using The Breast Ripper

"The male gaze has been described and with frequency. apparently rests on the woman coolly as if mediese, the weighed, the values, as if I were, in other words, as if becoming a thing.
But what is less known is that since she is not so completely defenseless against that look. If it is turned into a thing, look at both men with the eyes of a thing. "

Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cubefield Secret Level



José Enrique González Ruiz

Peace is the highest aspiration of mankind,
but lasting only if it is based on justice. Events

Mexican nation unreleased live
Whipped by extreme violence, Mexico is going through a bitter, leading to the outside is assigned all kinds of defects and lead to even threats of military intervention part of the United States. Suffer the consequences of three decades of implementation an economic model, that of neoliberal globalization, which brought disastrous results to the country in all spheres of their existence.
At the beginning of the 80 decade of the twentieth century spread worldwide a reprint of liberalism, which began in the middle market. Under the dogmatic assertion that everything is inefficient and corrupt public, was relaunched in the world's view on the privatization of all economic activity, this came after the political and even social and cultural. The synthesis was the so-called Washington Consensus, which drafted the American economist John Williamson on the basis of these dogmas:
a) should reduce to a minimum state, so that will not obstruct the free development of market forces. They are able to correct any excess or defect of capitalism (as Adam Smith said in speaking of "the market's invisible hand.")
b) The economy must be internationalized, so it is still important to the existence of an internal market. In the global competition we all win, because we all buy and sell all.
c) No matter who originally produced the concentration of wealth, because later will come "The trickle-down" or "drip" and be distributed throughout society.
d) freedom economic and political freedom will cough democratic regimes that we obey no other interest than that of its people.
e) At the end, the changes are structural and respect for human rights is a culture, a way of life of peoples.
Williamson neoliberal stipulates the Ten Commandments: 1 .- fiscal discipline. 2 .- Change in public spending priorities. Fiscal Reform .- 3 .- 4 .- Proper management of interest rates. 5 .- Freedom in the exchange rate. 6 .- Trade Liberalization. 7 .- Openness to foreign direct investment. 8 .- Privatization. 9 .- 10 .- Deregulation and Ownership Protection. The translation is: more gain the capital and job insecurity.
The failure of this recipe is in sight, with the financial crisis of U.S. taxpayers pay the same across the globe. Because, at bottom, is globalizing model of debt by the nations who have it. (See Llista David, Observatory on Debt in Globalization, UNESCO Chair, November 2002).
For Mexico, which has the misfortune of being located next to the American giant, the effects of that policy were devastating: within a few years the field is completely ruined, weakened industry almost irreversibly and raised the importance of services sector, particularly financial ones. The economy turned in exports and increase U.S. dependence: the majority of Mexican exports to the U.S. made, 90% of banks in Mexico are owned by foreigners, and migration grew disproportionately.
By staying without sufficient revenue for the delivery of strategic areas to investors home and abroad, the State abandoned social responsibilities. Gone was the idea of \u200b\u200bcommitment to sectors hurt by the current development model, and body took the view that each person is individually responsible for their situation and its future, so it must be competitive in the market. If you do not have access to goods and services, the responsibility is yours and the state should not intervene. Again the time of savage capitalism.
As areas of society were abandoned by the public authorities, private actors filled, many of them outside the law. Bands that worked previously on the margins of society, were occupied territories even in big cities and organized crime became large. The violence reached a hitherto unknown proportions between us. And their operation filled with fear of ordinary people.

The roots of violence are institutional
Globalization, inter alia, transnational economic actors. Large companies are active in various parts of the world, as witnessed by the Canadian mining. His power to impose rules and modes of operation is huge, compared to the USA weakened by its foreign debt. The free trade agreements are the instruments that these players put into action to make their businesses flourish even if the recipients of their investments facing serious difficulties.

the view is accurate Magdalena Galindo, a teacher at the Faculty of Economics, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
To address the economic crisis, the capital applied a little blind and a bit of bad faith, several strategies. The two main ones were the permanent war on the one hand, and productive land, the process of globalization whose goal is the free mobility of capital in all its forms, ie productive capital (through the internationalization of the production process ) and capital goods (which has determined the lowering of economic barriers, which threatens the very existence of nation-states) and as capital money) through two very important phenomena: the hypertrophy of the financial sector of the economy and internationalization Stock Exchanges), alongside the emergence of derivatives markets for the exchange of future values, especially foreign exchange. ("Criminal Capitalism, Highest Stage of Imperialism", Mexico, 2005).
For Mexico, the era of free trade has meant, on one hand, accession to international organizations that present it as if it were on the threshold of "First World", such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) , and other phenomena of the emergence of highly dangerous organized crime resulting from the deterioration in economic conditions of millions of its inhabitants.
So we suffer violence no proviene de nuestra naturaleza, sino de las condiciones materiales en las que estamos inmersos. El narcotráfico es el negocio más próspero del mundo, debido a que la demanda es descomunal en los países ricos. Mientras haya quien compre las drogas y las pague a precios elevados, habrá quién o quiénes se dediquen a producirla, transportarla y venderla.
Pero semejantes empresas delincuenciales no pueden sostenerse sin la protección de los gobiernos o al menos de parte de éstos. Su magnitud (y ahora su abierta presencia pública) sólo se explican en función de sus relaciones con el poder.
El floreciente y redituable negocio criminal es una tentación irresistible para jóvenes que have lost their jobs due to the effects of neoliberalism. Thousands of men and women who start taking the stage at which decisions are drawn into a maelstrom of horror. It is painful to hear them say they prefer to live a few years with money and toys, and not many years amid shortages.

government's response: more violence
Rather than ask their partners to review the effects of NAFTA (or NAFTA for its acronym in English), the government of Mexico has followed to the letter devastating rules. Part of the false basis that they can compete without compensating the historical imbalances caused a secular relationship of injustice.
As if that were not enough, the current government, from an electoral fraud in 2006 - led to military commitments, closing what Carlos Fazio calls "the third link." The drug war Felipe Calderon unleashed the beginning of his presidential term glitch was a desperate search for legitimacy. Knowing that most of the people of Mexico as repudiated at the polls, wanted to become legitimate spreading fear, as he had done-successfully-indeed, George Bush junior when he launched his "war on global terrorism."

Vicente Fox had already signed the Partnership for Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), which strengthened the dependency of Mexico to the USA, and brought painful events. Among them:
1 .- The Mexican territory became a nightmare for our Central American brothers who migrated to America in search of American dream. Thousands of people have died and disappeared at the hands of criminals that haunt and abuse, when in the past, our country was a refuge and sanctuary for them. Not be amiss to say that we are a barrier to this migration, and many Mexican resources are used to prevent or discourage. Nor is worth mentioning that the fearsome and bloodthirsty Zetas, a group that does business with the pain of these migrants, is composed of former soldiers who were trained in American schools.
2 .- The asymmetries between the economies of NAFTA (NAFTA) did not decrease with the implementation of that treaty, so that the Mexican countryside is depopulated of young men. At the same time, education in the country was privatized, so that these quotas followed two paths: to go to the United States (which are criminalized by laws like Arizona) and contracted with criminal groups. An estimated 7.5 million youth neither work nor study, for which they are calling them makes a bad joke Ninis.
3 .- The militarization of national life: the army and navy have been responsible for public safety, impersonating the police. In addition, police authorities are mostly military or former military commissioners in retirement. Also the police training academies are run by members of the military corps. It tends to create a single command, so that there is a "Czar" American style.
4 .- The physical and political expansion of organized crime, which now controls some areas and requires the payment of taxes (like the American mafia in the last century, during alcohol prohibition). But it also influences politicians to finance campaigns, as the market's electoral system is based on the amount of money available to candidates.
5 .- The Human Rights and lost ground and even in government discourse are important. Punished not only the historical crimes of the PRI-government, but remains in imposing greater responsibilities designated individuals such as former governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz in Oaxaca. The impunity protecting, as viscous mantle, criminals against humanity.
And the situation worsened when Felipe Calderón was aligned to the Merida Initiative, which is nothing else than the Mexican version of Plan Colombia, which was installed around the United States twenty military bases in that Andean country.

tasks all Mexicans
Mexico has a tradition of struggle for independence, freedom and self determination. There are a nation that tolerates the boot conquest. The alignment of the current U.S. government guidelines will not last long.
The Mexicans and we strive every day because ours is a State of Law, where the people's will prevails and not the transnational entrepreneurs (an example is the Broad Opposition Front, which seeks to prevent mining Canadian St. Xavier, further damage to the town of Cerro de San Pedro, San Luis Potosi). For that effort, neoliberals have been unable to dismantle the constitutional structure, although they try every day (at this time move to perform the "labor reform" that would destroy historic labor gains).
In the background is the need for a policy change that cleared the principle of popular sovereignty, enshrined in Article 39 of the Mexican Constitution. The military and police action against violence, which caused more than 35 thousand dead, will not solve the problem and will only guide to American interventionism, we know he feels "the world's policeman."
This task includes to any and all Mexicans, indigenous and non indigenous people, women and men, intellectuals and workers, employed and unemployed. Mexico go out before this crisis of violence and recover the site that was among Latin American nations.
March 2011.
José Enrique González Ruiz is Coordinator of the Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights at the Autonomous University of Mexico City.

How To Get Out Of The Helicopter In Rct

Among Beatles film goes

last two weeks we have seen two movies in which the presence of The Beatles is more than evident.

The first is I am Sam, on the life of a bushing "mentally retarded who must fight in court to retain custody of her young daughter, as the State considers that it is able to handle of their education. " In this, the soundtrack is composed of different versions of songs by The Beatles and, well, Sam is a crack remembering a lot of data about Liverpool quartet, which serves to make similarities with situations everyday life.

The movie I liked, although there are moments when the plot falls into easy sentimentality, implausible moments (most of the scenes of the trial) and ends with the usual top happy ending. However, calls to break stereotypes and reflect on the socially established concept that gives the intelligence and the needs we have supposedly cover to develop fully. For me, a highly recommended film. In addition, Mr. Sean Penn is coming out.

The second of the round is Across the Universe, a musical rhythm that runs versions of songs by The Beatles and displayed in several references not only to this band, but also to various characters in the 60's. It is a romantic comedy that has as backdrop the remarkable events that took place in that decade: the Vietnam War, the peace movements of protest and the European depression.

As such, the film is fairly porous, with a plot very silly and sometimes fairly predictable. Moreover, the end is embarrassing, and stupid, sappy and implausible. However, the images that sometimes border on psychedelia, groovy music and some cameos make this film more than two hours spent in a blink of an eye.

is recommended if you like The Beatles , because throughout the film are developed thirty-two temiquis. That is the reason why I enjoyed it to burst.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Coffie Table Cubefield

Maria and I

has and I spent a few days by Pantera Rosa and could not resist to go and buy a present for Martha. It was the cartoon book Maria and I, in which Michael recreates situations and daily lives with her daughter Maria, a girl with autism.

Here, referring to "Everything is Falling Into Place "by Kevin Johansen. So, a few days ago, Marta left in my mail a link to a video of the song in the Blog autism in my family there and more . As I liked I decided to share it here.

I got an email the other day. It sent me the official program of film series and human rights of Huesca. The random link again: Maria and I are going to project. Many things did not stop prowl around this publication and film. As there, the search for an image, I ended up in his blog: MARY AND I

It's funny how, when you see something or some event in your own life, many situations revolve around that. And I, meanwhile, can not stop listening to The Beatles ...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can You Use An Epilator For A Brazilian

Video: Statements by famous bottle''The Secret''in the program Your Morning

Famous Bottle and his lawyer gave strong statements about the case "the girl" where they show photos of the lower back a year ago in a swimsuit in disco Wett

Design Your Wrestling Singlet

Omega "El Fuerte" not advertised in Twitter returns to the country for now

As many were thinking and predicted, the merengue Antonio Peter de la Rosa will not return to the country for now for activities that were announced over the weekend and included an activity Gotik Club tonight, called "The Comeback."
Fort twitter published in the decision and arguing that " unfortunately does not come to be in Santo Domingo " because "no had knowledge of the dance "and that" he had heard until recently by the promo. "

Mario Salieri Film Blog

! Incredible! Six children try to go to Puerto Rico in a refrigerator used as Yola in Ramón Santana. Dominicans are

SAN PEDRO DE MACORIS . Six children were caught trying to leave the country on a refrigerator, which dismantled for use as yola and reach Puerto Rico.

Reports from the municipality of Ramon Santana indicate that children were caught by a fisherman when navigating within the dismantled bar that used to leave the country illegally.

Being caught was observed in the interior of the refrigerator, which had removed the door, had clothing and food to those who intended to make the voyage.
was reported that six children were pulled from river by a fisherman, known only as Bil'in and returned to their families.

versions indicate that the stream had gone Guaza and reached the Soco River, where the fisherman asked where they were going and they replied: "Let Puerto Rico in search of a better life ".

said the fisherman was made to minors returned to Ramon Santana, where they were returned to their families.

The largest of the minor is 14 years old and their names are omitted for reasons Legal.

The failed attempt to reach Puerto Rico on a refrigerator dismantled bard, is the comment required in the municipality of Ramon Santana, according to a version of Mr. Domingo Roa Mars, Inhabitant of that community .

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Male Genitourinary Exam Procedures

gasoline by walking NY, "says the mayor in an interview with The Pasha

NEW YORK._ Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that Dominicans are the petrol and the New York walk, while the Creole community ranked as one of major platforms of the overall development of the metropolis. The mayor was interviewed by Frederick Martinez (El Pacha) for their program "From here over there" which airs Saturday Television Dominicana. The municipal executive described the versatile communicator as "the joy of New York" and considered it one of the best entertainers in recent years in the Hispanic television and radio in the city. Bloomberg and speaks very fluent Castilian and keeps track of the work of local Latino media.
The show airs from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm and is pre-recorded and repeated Sundays at 11:00 pm and Mondays at 3:00 pm. Referring to the interview, El Pasha, said he was very flattered by the opportunity to interview the mayor of New York.
Bloomberg said in turn, feel very proud. The interview came during a recognition ceremony where the mayor acknowledged to journalists from Univision. "I am more than honored and happy to share this interview with the Pacha," said the mayor.
invited to the event were community activists, political leaders, businessmen and corporate representatives of the metropolitan area. The Pacha said it is the second most important political interview he has done in his career.
In 1994, the communicator drew national and international attention to interview then-president Dr. Joaquin Balaguer, who is accused in the elections of that year, of stealing the presidency to Dr. José Francisco Peña Gómez of the PRD, who denounced "a colossal fraud."
In the interview, El Pasha became his trademark quips and style that made her laugh jocosidades Mayor Bloomberg.

Artificial Money Party

In the U.S. and used the Internet more than television

Internet is already beginning to go well beyond the traditional media like newspapers or television, at least in the U.S.. This is a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) reveals that Americans visit and see more news more content over the Internet than in other media.
According to the report, Americans aged 18 and 60 spend an average of 7.3 hours weekly watching TV by the Red and only 6.1 hours a week doing the same in front of the TV. These data are significant even in the youngest age group: the population between 18 and 34 consume about 8 hours of TV weekly online vs 5.6 hours of traditional TV.
Differences between Internet and traditional media are even more marked in the books and films. Americans spend 4.4 hours a week to read publications online More than double the time reserved for reading print, only 1.9 hours. For the seventh art, its manifestation online reaches 5.1 hours a week watching movies compared to 1.5 hours that Americans spend on average in the rooms.
The sector traditional video games is the only one still remains, though very slightly, its superiority over the internet: the use of the consoles is 2.4 hours per week compared to the 2.2 hours that dedicated to playing online, either via computer, mobile phone or other device.
The total sum shows that the digital consumer information and entertainment is 19.3 hours a week while consumption of traditional media is in a 15.8 hours.

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Facebook integrates alerts to prevent suicide

social network Facebook enlists the formal launch of an application that allows users to report to the friends who think they're contemplating suicide.

to the new company based in Palo Alto is working with the Samaritans in the UK group, which provides guidance to people who are experiencing depressive stages can send kids to think suicide as their only option.
As reported in the BBC, anyone who is concerned for a friend can fill out a form that will appear on the site, which asks about the reasons for making the report, and these will be sent to administrators.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis application came in the wake of several cases in which network users have been through it announced its intentions to commit suicide.

The form you fill out asks for the URL of the profile where the messages are being suicidal type published as well as the user's full name and details of some of the groups to which it belongs.
The new system has been working on a preliminary basis, with no advertising on it for a period of three months in which alerts were several actual suicide that could be avoided .-- For THE UNIVERSAL internet Photo

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President Leonel Fernandez will speak to the country next week

President Leonel Fernandez will address the nation next week to announce the measures adopted Wednesday during the session of the Council of Ministers of Government Press said the head of the Presidency, Rafael Núñez, who did not specify what day the president will speak nor elaborated on the measures identified in the meeting.

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Tremendous anti-smoking campaign

The Department of Health, the city launched a new and powerful anti-snuff campaign.
The images show a man who suffers from emphysema and a woman recovering from a stroke with the help of a relative.
The department says that videos and posters, which are in both English and English, seeking to show how the diseases caused by smoking affect the quality of life.
La publicidad dice: "Morir por el tabaco rara vez es rápido y nunca indoloro".
La campaña lanzada este miércoles coincide con la repartición gratuita anual de parches y chicles de nicotina, que continuará hasta el 24 de este mes.

Los interesados pueden llamar al 311. Click aqui ver video

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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PRD investigate allegations of Miguel Vargas

SANTO DOMINGO - Las denuncias hechas por  precandidato presidencial de PRD Miguel Vargas Maldonado, de supuestas irregularidades en la convención de ese partido on Sunday, will be investigated by the Commission of the Partido Revolucionario Dominicano.
has been appointed a committee will be headed by Alfredo Bautista García, Luis Orlando Martinez Virgilio among other leaders, who investigate the alleged involvement of the Dominican Liberation Party, the PRD convention this weekend.
On the other hand, Vargas ended the license it had taken to the fundraising and regained the presidency of the organization.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Almeyda and were carried

Holy Sunday. The Executive Branch tonight dismissed the ministers of Education, Interior and Police and the director general of the Dominican Institute of Aviation (FAA) by Decrees 90-11 and 91-11.Ahora the new Minister of Interior and Police is José Ramón Fadul , who took office in Franklin Almeida Rancier, who became vacant with the issuance of Decree 91-11.On the decree as 90-11 Josefina Pimentel who was in charge of Infotep, was appointed Minister of Education to replace Melanio Paredes who did not were assigned new positions. By the decree

91-11 sacked and José Fernandez Tomas Perez and instead appointed Marcelino Alejandro Herrera Rodriguez.
With the same decree the executive branch dismissed the director of the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP) Prestol Roberto Obando, who was replaced by Oquendo Medina. Decree 90-11
By Leonel Fernandez appointed Daniel Toribio Finance Minister Vicente Bengoa and directed that portfolio, went to the front of the Reserve Bank.
So far the Executive Acephale left the Ministries of Industry and Commerce and Infotep. Decree 92-11
With Leonel Fernandez ascended to the rank of Brigadier General of Police Colonel Antonio Jiménez Agramonte who was placed on enjoying retirement with pension. Source: Listin Diario

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Paredes Denied Bail

NEW YORK .- The employer Franklin Romero pleaded not guilty this afternoon to charges of drug trafficking, conspiracy and money laundering, which were put in 15-D room, which was presented at the Southern District Federal Court in Manhattan.

defense attorneys opened the hearing asking the judge, Lawrence McKenna, to grant bail to the artistic entrepreneur, to which federal prosecutor objected on the grounds that the employer is a new flight risk.

Franklin Romero is the owner of the rights of bachata group Aventura and Premium Latin Music label.

violet dress Wearing a federal prisoner, and with tearful eyes, Romero was guarded by several marshals and secret agents at 4:20 pm the court. Looked briefly at his wife Helen, who accompanied by about 15 relatives and friends of the accused could not help crying.

Helen and other relatives of the employer refused to speak to the media about the case and said they will soon convene a press conference.

A new hearing was set for Thursday at 10:30 am in which they will to assess the bail request of defense lawyers, who belong to the signature Jack Goldberg.
Diario Libre