Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Convertible Bond List

TRANSFER:: The normal and pathological

Throughout history, human sexuality has known many threats: from the condemnation claims included any appetite for meat during the Middle Ages until today, the specter of AIDS spread . At all times, is repressed sex in all possible ways. But today things have changed because we no longer believe what the stork, or the machismo of all, not that of chastity until marriage ...

Now we can see a little more clearly the lies of the past. Lies, as suggested by Foucault, was built for discipline, SHAPE, limit, restrict, dominate, intimidate, control and manipulate the human

know that not all cultures see sexuality in the same way: in the Islamic tradition, for example, as in thirty other countries, currently there are still those who would amputate the clitoris without anesthesia to women, thinking that nature has put some more or on behalf of a religion or a God who creates something and then realize that would not have put it. Here
might ask yourself some questions:
Could it be that is to suppress its enjoyment and contact with pleasure, your life force?, Why he is forced to cover their face Muslim women?, Could it be that can not contain the beauty that we produce and we lose control, beliefs and strength?, why people are conditioned to be wearing two pieces of clothing to the beach?, why just cover their breasts and sexual area?, What's different?, Is not that a bikini is the hallmark of repression?. Because if we show face, hands, shoulders, legs ... Why not sexual areas? The Eskimos, for example, offered to women if one goes home as a sign that everything belongs to them is shared if you are his guest, and not go that far, in our country, in many indigenous cultures that are indigenous rituals our culture are crimes such as sexual initiation of girls after menarche, are often initiated by family members or direct, we consider this to be a violation of these cultures and ritual

We must see that the mind change in sexual vision of each other. What for some is normal and natural, others are tearing their hair out and release pent up anger. For example the ancient Jews put a sheet with a hole at the height of the sexual organs to place between two bodies or whether it is man, the sheet and women ... Why put distance between you? Why can not the body to sweat, vibrate, to feel, shake to lose the limits of the mind and open doors to ecstasy (Greek for "out of oneself").

Researching the subject on the Internet, I found very interesting the emergence of sexual freedom during the 70's. I was surprised by the many publications on sexual techniques during that time, we ask that What if it was necessary to write so much about getting pleasure in our relationships, it was precisely because we did not know it?

Today things seem to have changed a bit. The task of educating ourselves about our sexuality became experts on the topic of New Age teachers, but apparently still need to instruct us.
Sex is a natural phenomenon, attached to our existence and also the means of propagating the human species. Sex is the way that two people may feel a desire through the bridge that unites them. Sex revolutionizes our biology constantly producing endorphins, adrenaline, excitement and addictions, dependencies, controls.

When people are sexually well this translates well to other spheres of life. Sexuality is socially linked to mood, but once we heard phrase with some irony as "what, you had a bad night you're in that mood?" "What are ill-served / a?"

The sexual theme is close to the surface in all discussions in the media, in advertising. There is sexual hunger.
Many people do not conform to the typical sex act that lasts a few minutes to release ejaculation, turn back and sleep.

Sexuality is a need all human biology
But it has always been very little natural, ie human desire always be fed some kind of obstacle or difficulty.

all know that a perpetually unsatisfied desire is not just happiness, but at least the guarantee of a longing that never stops. Exhibit, spy, search for clandestine sex, etc, taken to the extreme that we introduce in the field of pathology

Perhaps this theme of desire is the only domain of human experience in which we know not of any kind brings with advantage. It would appear that when we know, that is, inform us, is because somehow there is something that we can not at all. In fact, no one seeks to find out how to enjoy what it already enjoyed spontaneously, that is why sexual information overload, such as pornography, immorality and even fail to change anything in the sexual economy of our societies.

For Freud all human conduct is motivated by the drives, any human behavior can be reduced to the autonomous power source is the drive and is aimed at leisure.
As for Freud, the drives is the authentic, natural, must be satisfied forever. This release of the drives produce harmony, psychological maturity and health. However, any repression or brake them, otherwise it would be something the nature of which would cause disorder, stress and disease. A big mistake

therefore, is to consider sexuality as something "natural." Invoked this supposed naturalness to reject any regulation of sexual orientation in accordance with the dignity and moral norms. At this point confuses the natural and instinctual. "Natural is what nature requires for its development perfect for harmony, for their overall development, so that failure to achieve is a natural limitation in its very essence and existence. However, it does not have to drive , not necessarily morally good, even physiologically healthy.
trends may be instinctual distorted and harmful, even to the body and health. "(García Hoz, V." Maturity and sex education "in sex education,)

It raised so far, we can see that every culture and historical time, have their own way of life and sexuality see beyond what is normal in the east, can be seen as aberrant in the West, or what is natural for some, it is perverse to others. To understand these issues, necessary historical context, social and cultural events. But I think beyond cultural traditions are important individual acts, or rather, in what way the context has its implications in cultural behaviors whether individual or collective. And from here, we can say, for a deviant behavior can be defined as necessary comparison with an ideal model considered normal. And this model is never alien to the moral and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the time.

In the historical context of Victorian society and the rise of modern mechanistic the sexuality had been confined to the privacy of bedrooms and brothels. Just as the romance was born almost as a protest against the cold rationality of the nineteenth century, psychoanalysis was born out of what medical science could not explain: hysteria. The Freudian method change the writing of history does not follow at all the usual linear chronology. Rather seeks to take into account the essential notion of retroactivity in Freud, that the sense of an experience or a print is delayed in time, where what appears to delay gives new meaning to marks made earlier, where just at a time yet to come will know of the promises or threats by fingerprints on file yet.
As for the concrete forms of the unconscious and of history, Freud breaks sharply with all submission reduction practices that have marked Western history. Whether peeling from the doctor / patient the power conferred upon a knowledge and ignorance on the other to return to the latter knowledge is not known stored in your symptoms, or to abolish the boundary between normal and pathological, between the individual and collective, between the rational and irrational, to accommodate what is beyond consciousness into their own heart and the madness in reason, or also, and especially the times, to establish an analysis of sexuality as a producer of meaning within the uniqueness of a story, as opposed to the use made of it all systems of power to tame the "users" of life, to "normalize" to assess, qualify or quantify.
will have witnessed the most extreme forms of biopolitics that accesses involved with disciplinary power. about it, Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, paid tribute to Freud as follows: "Psychoanalysis is political honor  or at least of what he may have more consistent  as having suspected of proliferating could irreparably be on the mechanisms of power that sought to control and manage the everyday of sexuality ... "

Desire is the place of the subject, the place needs social role. Therefore, the desire has always been seen as dangerous, dark , scary, most of the time. The institutionalized fear the desire, the instituted trembles at the liberty of the subject. The desire is also a place of freedom, the construction site of the subject as being free, the place of choice.

no coincidence that the speech from the power, the discourse from the institution that tries to perpetuate itself, is to format the subject from the constraints of the needs of the social. And Plato's utopia to establish their ideal city is the need to operate on the desire of the subjects. Therefore, the speech from the power has always tried to be subject, format the desire, at least by presetting the range of possibilities of satisfaction, making them believe it is necessary to understand the need as desire, confusing the life of the institution with the subject's life. Thus the realm of morality has tried to establish a priori identifying areas of good and evil, from early hits. So advertising trying to tell us what freshness we feel when we drink this or that or try to convince us that what is there is just what we were looking all our lives. The place of need is the place of the policy, the social imaginary place. The place of desire is the place of autonomy, where sits the possibility of freedom explanatory, the reinvention of the reading of the meaning of things and the world.

Freud raises the discomfort the culture that suffering is normal and the theme is to see how we managed with it, some people can tolerate such suffering, and some people can not. Can speak of a weak I can not stand the destructuring impact of this void and anguish it causes.

And the question would be who likes to suffer? I think even a masochist. It also does for duty. And when you do for pleasure is too young to have experienced from an eroticism of their suffering. And in this case, is not paying the price of suffering a share of erotic enjoyment a heavy price for something that gets much cheaper?

On the other hand, the side of those who can not or will not want to take the suffering, there
Another category of subjects who simply feel they "must not" escape the pain, but know, recognize, accept and assume because that it imposes a certain religious or ideological conception of human life.

may be missing, according to people, different things. Since the memory away from a happy childhood until the current feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. From the experience of guilt to the need for forgiveness and absolution. From a lack of love (loved the experience of knowing) to the lack of gratification and pleasure even in the context of a relationship. From an experience of helplessness and vulnerability hostile and aggressive world to the neglect of loving and protective figures. Last, since the lack of any faith, to serve as a lifeline to the most satanic evils imaginable: that is without a doubt, the conviction or even simple questions about the meaninglessness of life. What to do? fill that void. What? as to what, for lack, becomes specifically what you want. Or, if this impossible, with anything.

What we know works as a wildcard that replaces a decent fill most gaps. Are love and sexuality.

But what happens when the fill to cover an evil act committed by subjecting to another desire? or as suggested by Dr. Robert Mazzuca
"We need to distinguish the category of antisocial, using violence and coercion against the will of another," the real psychopath in that, even criminal acts occur intervention stimulating until you get their complicity and, therefore, the consent of his will. "

The origin of the term perversion, should be placed in the work of Krafft-Ebing a generation before Freud. Set out to address a scientific perspective the study of human sexuality and its disturbances. That is, he pursued the aim of entering the consideration of sexual problems in medical and legal discourse, thereby taking away from a moralistic position primarily intended to prosecute and convict them.

certainly following in the footsteps of his predecessor, who manages to Freud is a concept of perversion itself, ie not as a form of pathology but as a fundamental characteristic of human sexuality. Not so much about the evolution of a perverse sexuality child to adult genital sexuality, but human sexuality is evil and it is structurally perverse sexuality that men and women are having to fix so as to obtain and to choose, or not the traits that define the old ideal concept of normal sexuality, ie heterosexuality and parenthood

The concept of infantile sexuality involving a broadened notion of the concept of sexuality and top Freudian formula known as a polymorphous perverse child. This hypothesis states that there is a natural form of sexuality but it, including the acquisition of an identity in sexuation is subject to a process of training through various vicissitudes from child to adult. These vicissitudes in the Freudian view, are governed by the Oedipus as the way it passes through and completed it will be some form of sexuality and sexual identity. That is, Oedipus is a device sexuation. Raises

P. Julient in his book Psychosis, neurosis and perversion: The French psychiatrist Ernest Dupré said in a Congress of alienists:
"The term perversion is one of the most frequently used in psychiatric language, as usually found in clinical observations, forensic reports and certificates of admission. Now it covers the current literature on mental alienation, if you view the great treatises of psychiatry is not any work, no chapter devoted to that title to the subject. "
But what about today, man is a duplication, one wants the good, believes in him and he says, but does evil. The act of perverting the twist comes from good into evil, what was good is diverted and becomes its opposite, will speak well of evil deeds.
If we left the church the right field seeks a judicial accountability based on the medical discourse, then it was a moral evil or a pathological perversion.

Following this, recently we had two very well-known cases of pedophilia charges were made public, I mean the cases of Ps. Corsi and the priest Jorge Julio Grassi

Jorge Corsi was until this year the most recognized person in the academic environment for their development on of sexual violence, gender-against women, children. The highest-ranking figure in the field as owner of the respective graduate in the state university in Buenos Aires, which has trained more professional, the highest recognition for his writings.

Father Julio César Grassi is a Catholic priest in his life set a clear goal: To rescue the street children. Foundation created a Work Happy Children attending great children and youth. Jorge Corsi

OR FATHER Grassi, why would be the exception? ...
They meet all the variables that we know of sex offenders: Inserts socially capable of sustaining a double life that makes an unthinkable sight of their crimes expert, someone who found his metier in a field suitable to deploy its aberration.

is logical that those who have not controlled drives, create conditions of possibility in their environment to carry them out. Where a violent but in the army, a morgue, a massacre or an operating room? , Where a pedophile but at school, church or office???.

Beyond that, what is it that so surprising? Corsi did nothing but write what I knew and both wanted to show what he knew to be encouraged to show, the father Grassi could say that perhaps created a place where kids go to see him be he who comes to look.

The worst that can happen in a process like this is a perversion. He who knows not, knows that he knows and can say what they do not know ... not sick. He who knows not and knows not what he does not know ... soon be evident. The problem, the risk is that, knowing or not knowing "is making a psychopathic, perverse, his knowledge or ignorance, it does not matter what ails, what kills is the perversion. Bibliography

García Hoz, V. "Maturity and sex education" in sex education

The current crisis of love. Thibon GLa modern crisis of love, Edit.Fontanella, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1966

Roberto Mazzuca. The clinical category of perversion in psychoanalysis. Paper presented at the 8th International Congress of Psychiatry organized by the Argentina Association of Psychiatrists, Wednesday October 24, 2001, Buenos Aires. Roundtable: "Issues of Psychopathy."

Michel Foucault, La Volonté of savoir. Gallimard, 1976. Philippe Julien

. Psychosis, perversion, neurosis. Amorrortus Editors. buenos aires 2002

S. Freud Works. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. VII.Amorrortus Volume Editors. Good


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