Sunday, October 12, 2008

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:: The analyst's desire in the direction of the treatment

"I will not say that I have not named the analyst's desire for how to name a wish? A wish a fencing going. For this we are seeking history tracks and traces. " [1]

We all know that the analyst's desire is a fundamental concept in Lacan's teaching, central to tackling it pertains to the direction of the treatment. However, as with much of this theory is not an easy concept to grasp. It is for this reason that we try to explain it from the introduction of the concepts that relate to it and therefore say something about that.
Lacan in Seminar XI, as its name indicates, deals with the fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis: the unconscious, repetition, transference and the drive. When does the development of the concept of transfer, known as the enactment of the reality of the unconscious, and more accurate than the analysis must prove "with respect to the nodal point through which the pulse of the unconscious is linked to reality sexual. This nodal point is called desire ... " [2] , which, as Lacan teaches, is in strict dependence on demand. The rest is metonymic, dissatisfied, which inevitably exists as such, given the subordination of subject to the signifiers of the Other. Desire is the subject for this condition is imposed by the existence of the speech to pass their need for the defiles of the signifier.
Thus, having described the transfer and desire as it has done is clear that the weight of sexual reality is part of the transfer. Following this logic, Lacan takes up the case of Anna O, whereby, said that the transfer is discovered. In that case, sexuality entered more than Breuer did not want to know anything about it. There is no reason that, after Breuer, before a claim of his wife has decided to end treatment, Ana has had a pregnancy "which is described as nervous." What Lacan said at this point is that it is possible to consider this pregnancy, according to the formula the desire of man is the other's desire, the desire to Breuer, since he, after leaving the analysis of Bertha, traveling with his wife and she becomes pregnant.
Anyway, Freud at that time desculpabiliza Breuer saying that the transfer is the spontaneity of the unconscious of Anna is her desire and not his. According to Lacan, Freud's attitude that made him unable to really capture the transfer as being presented. Interestingly, Moustapha Safouan argue that makes in his book "Lacanian" on this point. Lacan says that does not hesitate to designate the desire for which the cure presentifica sexual incidence, as being the desire the analyst. Says in a footnote: "Certainly the desire to Breuer can not be taken as a model of what Lacan designates as the analyst desires. For Breuer, the desire of the therapist would have exceeded the analyst's desire insidiously. Freud notes that Breuer had always shown reluctance to acknowledge it sexual hysteria [3] , this clarification allows for an approach to which involves the analyst's desire. Clearly, is a desire that separates and distinguishes the subject's desire to do the work of the analyst, not to be confused with that. You can also say that when the analyst's desire is not working as a driver of a cure, it does not develop as suggested by an analysis since, as seen in the case of Breuer with Anna O., he had no good end.
In writing "The direction of the treatment and the principles of its power," Lacan says that the analysis there is indeed a strategy, but you should not believe that this is the metaphor of the mirror surface that is presented the patient. "Face and lips sewn shut, do not have here the same purpose as in the bridge. Rather, this analyst with the aid wins in that game what is called the dead, but to bring up the room is going to be here a couple of review, and whose game analyst will strive, (.. .), to give a hand guess: this is the link say, of abnegation, which requires the analyst and the pledge of departure in the analysis. " [4] In the course of treatment, the analyst's task is to make it impossible for the analysand are sure you know what the analyst want it: the analyst must make sure your desire "to remain an x \u200b\u200bfor the analysand" [5] . Thus, the desire that he is the analyst becomes the driving force of the analytical process, as it keeps the analysand working, trying to discover what the analyst wants him and which says nothing. The analysand is a desire in the analyst but known, and since all desire is desire for desire, this is how the analyst is put in the place of object, the object cause of desire.
Thus, the analyst's desire is presented as a force for healing, for that which the patient would be impossible to do productions in its analysis if it were not driven by his desire, that in the analytic device, is caused by that. Anyway, it's impossible not reasaltar everything said about the desire of the analyst makes the ethics of psychoanalysis. It is the goal of analysis, which the patient identifies with the analyst as many analysts argue that Lacan confronts explicitly: "Any analysis whose doctrine is complete identification with the analyst reveals his true engine is elided. There is something beyond this identification, and is defined by the relationship and distance between the object to lowercase and uppercase I idealizing of identification. " [6] The analyst does not seek such identification, but the cure emerge own unique truth of the analysand, a truth that is not the analyst. If the analyst is presented with all the badges, with their meanings and ideals, will necessarily lead to the patient's identification with him. If the analyst is on the device as a subject who responds to ideals and mandates, will be with those with whom the patient is identified, rather than engage with its own desire. It is the desire of the analyst which enables the analysis not be achieved; identification, since, according to Lacan, is not taking on a subject of the insignia of another, but "this condition has subject to find the basic structure of his desire in the same hiancia opened by the significant effect on those that he comes to represent the other, in that its application is subject to them. " [7]
is relevant introduce here a brief reference to the theory of Lacan in Seminar XI on the alienation and separation, and which thus can give an account of what is meant by interpretation fundamental element in the direction of the treatment. Alienation, dependency does not mean the subject to another, but a condition that results for the subject of their relationship with the signifier, which is a forced choice between being and meaning for meaning. The subject did not emerge as meaning only the price of blurring of his being: aphanisis. "If we choose to be, the subject disappears, it eludes us, falls into the non-meaning, if we choose the direction, it only remains cut off from that position of non-sense that (...) is, in the realization of the subject the unconscious. " [8] Following the reasoning , Lacan says that the function itself is significant makes this regard has largely eclipsed the field, the disappearance of being. From these concepts, we can say that the aim of interpretation is not so much sense, but the significant reduction of their non-sense so, find out what is behind the subject's behavior. For precisely that part of the severed nonsense by the way, what is more typical of the subject, the subject is suspended in the unconscious.
Lacan locates the original mechanism of alienation in the first mating signifier by which the subject appears first in the Other, as the first signifier emerges in the field and represents the subject for significant other, one whose effect is the subject aphanisis. That's why the subject is divided, a party is as meaning, and another is manifested as disappearance. Is the separation mechanism that the subject is the way back from alienation. It is this operation which allows you to find the weak point of this early articulation of the signifier. "In between these two significant housing the hope that it gives the location of the subject in the experience of the discourse, the first Another has to deal with ..." [9] Thus, the subject becomes the starting point, the lack as such, as it appears some of the enigma of desire from which is structured yours.
Regarding the interpretation, Lacan says that she is not open in all directions, is not significant either. What is essential for the advent of the subject is that this will only be present on the subject, but he looks beyond the significance, what is significant subject as subject. The interpretation inverts the relationship between signifier and signified: for normal production of meaning, interpretation operates at the level of s to generate S. These conceptualizations are unavoidable to account for what the direction of the treatment, since the value of interpretation not in its correspondence with reality, but in its power to produce certain effects. The goal of analysis is not about the subject to readjust to the reality that you do suffer by changing their behavior, but rather, to know what that is unknown to it that determines, for this way, knowing something of their desire and act in accordance with that reality. The analysis does not seek the disappearance of a symptom without more, but a search of the true self of each subject.
Another central concept to introduce to go around the desire of the analyst, is the subject supposed to know, according to the analyst plays in healing, necessary for the establishment of the transfer. The analysand is a knowledge of the analyst, is that he knows about what they know of their suffering. Lacan emphasizes the analyst should clarify that no claim to represent absolute knowledge, understand that no longer occupies the position of someone in whom the analysand is a knowledge from which he really knows nothing. But the analyst does not take this place from the start of treatment, the analysand is not so easily granted. The reason for this, is that the subject fears that the analyst be fooled by some of what he says. Save some information for fear that the analyst makes false conclusions from that. But once assumed that the analyst knows, is also will go to meet the unconscious desire. "So I say (...) that desire is the pivot, the pivot handle, Matilla, thanks to which it applies the element-force, inertia, after which there was first formulated in the discourse patients, such as demand, or transfer. The axis, the point of this double-edged ax, it is the analyst's desire, I designate this as an essential function. " [10] The same reasoning , Lacan says is that desire, the analyst's point which is only articulated by the relationship of desire to desire. Relationship is internal, as the desire of man is the desire of the Other. If the subject can only recognize their desire to level the Other's desire, it is essential that the analyst is presented as desiring, as the subject's desire is when you see the game in a signifying chain at the level of the Other's desire. In the "Proposition of October 9, 1967", Lacan says: "The analyst has no other recourse than to be placed in the level of pure signification s to know, that is the subject that is still only determinable by a landslide which is the desire, to become the Other's desire, the pure form that is isolated as a desire to know. " [11]
back to what has been said, the transfer can only be thought from the subject to which knowing you, you are supposed to know by the mere fact of being subject of desire. But what happens as a result of the transfer is love, and as such, given that the narcissistic character, wanting to be loved. Here, Lacan says, the love involved in its role of deception. It is the face of resistance transfer. The analysand, while subject to the desire of the analyst, wants to mislead you about the subject making love for him. This is why Lacan says that behind the transference love is the affirmation of the link of the analyst's desire with the desire of the patient. Posed in this way, you can see the overlap between the subject supposed to know, the analyst's desire and transfer. They are presented as inherent in the analytical device whose work is necessarily a whole as well as that around which rotates the direction of the treatment and therefore, the possibility or not the analysand knows something of the unknown for him to know that inhabits and determined. Returning
the above about the importance of the analyst's desire as something that mobilize the desire of the analysand, it is clear that in the first half of the transfer, the center of the subject's relationship with his analyst is the ego ideal, and that from there you will feel as satisfied as loved. The demand analysand the analyst to be loved, and demand as it is a knowledge. But this position requires a correction, since it is necessary for the commencement of consultations, but can not function as an engine for analysis. The analyst should I leave that position to provide support for the object separator. The seminar
XI, Lacan defines the object as something which must be separated to become subject. Vale as a symbol of failure, of the phallus, not as such, but as needed. "The subject, object function, separated, no longer tied to the hesitation of being, the meaning that is the essence of alienation" [12] This object, says Lacan, is distinguished by a status special.
To overcome the initial phase of analysis, one in which the analyst is in place of I, there must be a shift. The analysand must tell your analyst "- I love you, but because inexplicably I love in you more than you, the tiny object, mutilate you." [13] Is this what should appear as a product of analysis rather identification with the analyst, the analysis revolves around it. Lacan says that the fundamental movement of the analytical operation is to maintain the distance between I and, and in that sense the analysis is different from hypnosis, as this is based on the overlap in the same place and from the point of view significant reference ego ideal. Finishing with this reasoning Lacan says: "... tell -If the transfer is what separates the drive demand, the analyst's desire is that the returns to lead the drive. And, in this way, it isolates the object, it places the greatest possible distance of I, the analyst is called by the subject to embody. The analyst must leave that position to provide support for the object separator, to the extent that you desire using hypnosis allows the reverse, to embody the hypnotized. " [14] In general, it can be said, broadly Overall, what Lacan expressed in this paragraph is that the analyst's function, made possible by his desire, is to go beyond identifying and achieving placed to support the object, making the analysand reunited with the drive, plan where you can presentificated reality of the unconscious. If the transfer tends to demand identification, the analyst's desire that makes the drive should be extended, thus removing a. I
At this point, I can confirm what Lacan says, the analyst's desire can not be named if not for their tracks. You can say that its place in the direction of healing is central, to the extent that is what enables the patient to get to work thanks to his desire, so we know something of that truth that inhabits it. As noted, the analyst's desire is also essential for the establishment the subject supposed to know and therefore also the existence of the transfer, both critical elements for the analysis work. Finally, it has been said about the goal of an analysis, how far is of course I identify with strong analyst, which would in turn, a rehabilitation of the subject to reality. Again stands as essential to what the analyst's desire, as it is so, the analyst can I fall out of place, to get support of the object to and thus settle the deception of the transfer which, as Lacan says, is that which, under the shade of resistance, close access to the unconscious. As seen
far, the analyst's desire is a concept that covers all the problems of direction of the treatment, because if that was not active, neither can do the other essential elements for analysis. In this way, we can say that when talking about the direction of the treatment from Lacanian psychoanalysis, is necessarily naming the analyst's desire, to the extent that you can not say anything about that if it is including such desire as central point thereof.


· Eidelsztein, A, "Topology in the psychoanalytic clinic" Editorial Letra Viva, Buenos Aires, 2006.
· Evans, D, "Dictionary of Lacanian psychoanalysis introductory" Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2005.
Lacan J; Seminar XI "The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis" Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2001.
Lacan, J, "The direction of the treatment and the principles of its power." Editorial Siglo XXI, Buenos Aires, 2003.
Lacan, J, "Proposition of October 9, 1967";
· Lacan, J, Seminar VII, "The Ethics of Psychoanalysis" ; Editorial Paidós, Buenos Aires, 2007.
· Safouan, M, "Lacanian. The seminars of Jacques Lacan. 1964-1979. "Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires 2008.

[1] J Lacan, Seminar XI "The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis", pg. 262; Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2001
[2] ibid. 160.
[3] Safouan, M, "Lacanian. The seminars of Jacques Lacan. 1964-1979. "Page. 48; Editorial Paidós, Buenos Aires 2008.
[4] Ibid, pg. 569.
[5] J Lacan, Seminar XI "The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis", pg. 282; Editorial Paidós; Buenos Aires, 2001
6 Ibid, pg. 279.
7Ibídem, pg. 608.

[8] J Lacan, Seminar XI "The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis", pg. 219; Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2001.
[9] Ibid, pg. 227.
[10] J Lacan, Seminar XI "The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis", pg. 243; Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2001.
[11] Lacan, J, "Proposition of October 9, 1967";
[12] J Lacan, Seminar XI "The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis", pg. 265; Paidós Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2001
[13] Ibid, pg. 276.
[14] Ibid, pg. 281.


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