Miranda Coral Films and Productions today began shooting the new Dominican film "I Love Bachata" to be directed by Roberto Angel Salcedo. The musical comedy, peppered with dramatic elements, will feature the performances of young and mood such as Fausto Mata, Manolo Ozuna, Raeldo López, Colombia Alcantara, Mia Taveras, Zeny Leyva and special appearances by some exponents of bachata.
The film that caught the attention of passersby and residents in the University area, will last about five weeks until 7 May to be in theaters in October 2011. Roberto Angel Salcedo, acts and directs the film, said he has a preference for comedy and that of all movies-until now-is having a very distinct and strong message. Tells the story of a group of bachata and things evolve around them and the essence of the genre of bitterness.
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