Young gay dance against homophobia
Interview with Oscar Garcia, member of "Udiversidad
Adriana Tapia
Oscar Garcia, one of the organizers of the event. Photo: Adriana TapiaMéxico City, April 18, 2011.
Oscar Garcia is a member of the Collective Udiversidad-group formed by university students dedicated to promoting respect for sexual diversity and identity sexogenéricas-and student in the Bachelor of Social Work at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He is currently general coordinator and organizer of the First Dance Contest Against Homophobia, to be held May 16 at the Teatro Carlos Lazo, Faculty of Architecture of the Leading Academic.
How did the idea for this contest?
Following an event also done before the World Day Against Homophobia which presented a choreography, but we needed more support from participants and other bands from other rock groups to complete the events, but many of those groups charged us and we had to pay. So we decided to organize separately and no longer depend on other bodies, but actually build a community with leisure and recreational issues.
What is the aim of the competition? Spreading
date of May 17 as World Day Against Homophobia. Obviously, as a collective, we are against the decree of "Day of Tolerance and Respect Preferences" issued by the government of Felipe Calderón. Many people still do not know or not know that there is a day against homophobia, or unaware of the legal reforms that permit marriage between same sex in the Federal District and the right of these to be taken. Even know the concept of homophobia, they wonder what is it?, I consider this a serious situation that must be fought.
That is why the group has been invited to participate in civic organizations and institutions of sexual diversity, human rights and sexual health for those who attend the event to obtain information from various authorities. We seek to raise awareness about the importance of combating homophobia and to maintain good sexual health.
Who will join the dance?
launched a call in the blog of the group, there are set rules, specifications, and whether the call is opened. Participating teams will be comprised of at least six people and a maximum of 15. Fortunately we already had eight response groups themselves who are already enrolled, including associations such as Mexico Lobos, a diverse group of the National Pedagogical University, a group of an Internet channel, and our collective.
Who is addressed and why?
Our target audience are college students, because the information will be disseminated in University City, we will do as long as possible, but it is mainly the university band. This as a result of that in academia the sexual diversity is often not taken into account the importance it deserves.
is believed or assumed that by virtue of being within the Maximum House of Studies has a broader view of the topic, however, tolerance of sexual diversity is still limited within the same university. In their classrooms still plays discrimination against those who are assumed to be gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. I bet that many times things more complex and academic, not recreational and artistic initiatives.
Where the competition take place?, Are relocated to other places?
The venue will be the Teatro Carlos Lazo, Faculty of Architecture, tentatively begin at 12:00 pm that day. Previously, Friday 13, will be a lottery in which teams will get the number of contestants. There will be a jury and outside the theater is set up tables of information from civil society organizations that provide the public with more detailed information on sexual diversity and the World Day to Combat Homophobia. Is
require a specific genre?
The call, which will close next Friday, we say that gender is free. Each team will decide the dance music but we suggest some pop, electronica and remixes to be a varied competition. The musical genre is open.
What is the prize for the winning team?
be awarded to the second and third with a symbolic trophy which will have recorded the hallmarks of the World Day Against Homophobia and the Class Udiversidad. The prize for first place is a surprise.
Will there be more events like this during the course of the year?
I think so. We have other events that have already become a tradition for us. For example, each year the group performed the Cultural Days of Sexual Diversity. Is also offering Day of the Dead each year, but these activities depend on the response of the university band and the people attending that day.
Those wishing more information can be found
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