Friday, April 15, 2011

Picnik Quotes Best Friends

waiver of fundamental rights as a result of governmental terrorism encouraged by Javier Sicilia Lanza

waiver of fundamental rights as a result of governmental terrorism encouraged by the televicracia
Never before, the sentence "we are afraid because we are not afraid" was most timely and essential.
With increasing substance and marked enthusiasm, media mercenaries have been spreading a series of massacres perpetrated against the population and, specifically against youth in various cities of our country, resulting in hearings before the sickening fear fostered rampant violence, intentionally, for the production of macabre scenes, scary that engender that feeling of intense fear that, on many occasions has pushed whole societies, to give up their fundamental rights in what is known as "State of Emergency." And therein lies the crux.
Here, one of the things that should be asked is: Who benefits to be spread so promptly and in detail about the many crimes committed by the so-called "organized crime" - which, of course, much @ s of us s includes the mafia that took over Mexico and residing within and outside our borders?
We have witnessed, thanks to Wikileaks and the supreme folly of that mercy of a coup technician arrives at Los Pinos, how this gray character - illegitimately called "President" of the Republic - through targeted communications Nortamericano State Department has asked for "help" (read: interference) the government of that country to "fight the drug gangs" which has not only sparked a scandal of major proportions, but the intervention has become increasingly clear and blatant U.S. armed officers in police tasks that are unique to the Mexican state. We also know that one source of income millionaires to the neighboring country is, without doubt, the indiscriminate sale of weapons to anyone with money to buy them.
These circumstances, among others, have been on the one hand, triggers an extreme that every day becomes more present in the multiple and horrific murders of innocent citizens whose relatives and friends have launched a series of protest marches as intolerable situation. On the other hand, have had a role in this unprecedented escalation of crime that obviously creates ideal conditions not only to justify U.S. interventionism in pursuance of Merida, but even worse, pull over to a society terrified of any intention to to support this intervention because "the U.S. do know how to do" and as unfortunate corollary, to give up fundamental rights such as sovereignty, self-determination, privacy in his personal life, the principle of "one is innocent until proven guilty "to the promotion of anonymous reporting of" enemies "would never have the opportunity to defend himself at trial, arbitrary arrests without proper warrant issued by a judge and a series of violations of individual rights which are and still leaving large segments of the population in abject helplessness.
should not be an intellectual eminence to reach the conclusion that those who benefit from the terror instilled in the minds of millions, are just the big corporations and arms tankers, the former for reasons more than obvious, the latter because by militarization may suppress any movement to oppose unconstitutional delivery of energy resources, food and others to the endless greed of domestic and foreign private capital.
The movement known as MORENA and its leader, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has repeatedly, and rightly so, that should change the direction of the country through a peaceful revolution of conscience, a regeneration of public life to rescue millions mexican @ s of the growing impoverishment of the survivors, to the detriment of national progress. One of the main reasons for such a warrant is wise, just, not giving a pretext for repression of the people unhappy, by soldiers and Marine-trained "experts" imported from USA Corporation Unlimited. History has shown that an armed revolution, with all the moral justification behind them, would not solve the underlying problem: the lack of real democracy, ie the real power exercised by l @ s @ s citizenship to design social programs on their behalf.
approval by the Senate of the "public-private partnership" that has gone unnoticed for a vast majority of society, is an incontrovertible shows the speed with which the mafia in power is taking steps towards complete annihilation of education as a sine qua non for the achievement of democracy participatory translated, among other things, the very necessary weight by different social sectors regarding the seriousness of the IMF, World Bank and the Vatican, impose public policies - educational, fiscal, social security, etc. and therefore, act against the alarming and increasing privatization of everything ...
This can only be explained by the fear experienced before defendant denied the probability that a leftist government, which opposes this predatory neoliberalism, is established in Mexico, a key strategic country for the continuity of control for decades has have conducted foreign capital and national resources belonging, by constitutional law, to everyone and every one @ de l @ s inhabitants of our territory.
principles are everything, men do not. Benito Juárez

Patricia Barba Avila
Holder From the root program broadcast by Radio New Republic on Monday from 22 to 24 hours and on Wednesdays from 21 to 22 hrs (CST)
Member of the International Court of Conscience (ICT) - World Social Forum (WSF)


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