Monday, April 4, 2011

Where Do I Get A Gryffindor Scarf In Toronto

Lizamoon virus affects millions of web pages in just one week

L izamoon is the name of the new virus that threatens the web for a week and has already infected millions of pages with a system of "massive injection" of code to queredirecciona a fake page to defraud Internet users, according to security company Websense. An estimated 1.8 million pages could be infected by the virus, a figure that increases to four million as calculated CNNMoney.
Data aside, the fact is that the scale of this virus, it surf the Net since December 2010, has grown exponentially in recent days, March 25, when all the alarms were triggered.

The virus injects SQL code on pages that aims to attack with the objective that users access when they are redirected to pages, the first fake site that was located a score of domains to links the virus.

In these pages, users are presented with a message that is passed by the Center for Windows stability to trick users saying that their computer is infected with a high number of viruses and recommending the acquisition of an antivirus. The malicious code is then stored on the surfer's computer and software with the name Windows Stability Center is installed on the system.
From there, the program uses a fairly common use in this type of virus to earn income: informs the user of a large number of problems on your PC and recommends using the paid version to resolve them. The malicious code only redirects to a fraudulent site once for each IP to detect, so that the user who has been linked to a page as, you can access the site looking for a second attempt.
According to data collected by Websense, only 0.4% of patients are English, a percentage that rises to 47.2% in the case of Americans, the most affected with Canadian (9.23%), Italian (8.89%) and Brazil (7.92% of total infected).
sized pages are the most affected as the larger portals such as iTunes, which was assaulted by the virus in the first instance, often have filters to detect such malicious code attacks .


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