VIOLENCE IN MEXICO: A PRODUCT SYSTEMIC José Enrique González Ruiz Peace is the highest aspiration of mankind,
but lasting only if it is based on justice. Events
Mexican nation unreleased live
Whipped by extreme violence, Mexico is going through a bitter, leading to the outside is assigned all kinds of defects and lead to even threats of military intervention part of the United States. Suffer the consequences of three decades of implementation an economic model, that of neoliberal globalization, which brought disastrous results to the country in all spheres of their existence.
At the beginning of the 80 decade of the twentieth century spread worldwide a reprint of liberalism, which began in the middle market. Under the dogmatic assertion that everything is inefficient and corrupt public, was relaunched in the world's view on the privatization of all economic activity, this came after the political and even social and cultural. The synthesis was the so-called Washington Consensus, which drafted the American economist John Williamson on the basis of these dogmas:
a) should reduce to a minimum state, so that will not obstruct the free development of market forces. They are able to correct any excess or defect of capitalism (as Adam Smith said in speaking of "the market's invisible hand.")
b) The economy must be internationalized, so it is still important to the existence of an internal market. In the global competition we all win, because we all buy and sell all.
c) No matter who originally produced the concentration of wealth, because later will come "The trickle-down" or "drip" and be distributed throughout society.
d) freedom economic and political freedom will cough democratic regimes that we obey no other interest than that of its people.
e) At the end, the changes are structural and respect for human rights is a culture, a way of life of peoples.
Williamson neoliberal stipulates the Ten Commandments: 1 .- fiscal discipline. 2 .- Change in public spending priorities. Fiscal Reform .- 3 .- 4 .- Proper management of interest rates. 5 .- Freedom in the exchange rate. 6 .- Trade Liberalization. 7 .- Openness to foreign direct investment. 8 .- Privatization. 9 .- 10 .- Deregulation and Ownership Protection. The translation is: more gain the capital and job insecurity.
The failure of this recipe is in sight, with the financial crisis of U.S. taxpayers pay the same across the globe. Because, at bottom, is globalizing model of debt by the nations who have it. (See Llista David, Observatory on Debt in Globalization, UNESCO Chair, November 2002).
For Mexico, which has the misfortune of being located next to the American giant, the effects of that policy were devastating: within a few years the field is completely ruined, weakened industry almost irreversibly and raised the importance of services sector, particularly financial ones. The economy turned in exports and increase U.S. dependence: the majority of Mexican exports to the U.S. made, 90% of banks in Mexico are owned by foreigners, and migration grew disproportionately.
By staying without sufficient revenue for the delivery of strategic areas to investors home and abroad, the State abandoned social responsibilities. Gone was the idea of \u200b\u200bcommitment to sectors hurt by the current development model, and body took the view that each person is individually responsible for their situation and its future, so it must be competitive in the market. If you do not have access to goods and services, the responsibility is yours and the state should not intervene. Again the time of savage capitalism.
As areas of society were abandoned by the public authorities, private actors filled, many of them outside the law. Bands that worked previously on the margins of society, were occupied territories even in big cities and organized crime became large. The violence reached a hitherto unknown proportions between us. And their operation filled with fear of ordinary people.
The roots of violence are institutional
Globalization, inter alia, transnational economic actors. Large companies are active in various parts of the world, as witnessed by the Canadian mining. His power to impose rules and modes of operation is huge, compared to the USA weakened by its foreign debt. The free trade agreements are the instruments that these players put into action to make their businesses flourish even if the recipients of their investments facing serious difficulties.
the view is accurate Magdalena Galindo, a teacher at the Faculty of Economics, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
To address the economic crisis, the capital applied a little blind and a bit of bad faith, several strategies. The two main ones were the permanent war on the one hand, and productive land, the process of globalization whose goal is the free mobility of capital in all its forms, ie productive capital (through the internationalization of the production process ) and capital goods (which has determined the lowering of economic barriers, which threatens the very existence of nation-states) and as capital money) through two very important phenomena: the hypertrophy of the financial sector of the economy and internationalization Stock Exchanges), alongside the emergence of derivatives markets for the exchange of future values, especially foreign exchange. ("Criminal Capitalism, Highest Stage of Imperialism", Mexico, 2005).
For Mexico, the era of free trade has meant, on one hand, accession to international organizations that present it as if it were on the threshold of "First World", such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) , and other phenomena of the emergence of highly dangerous organized crime resulting from the deterioration in economic conditions of millions of its inhabitants.
So we suffer violence no proviene de nuestra naturaleza, sino de las condiciones materiales en las que estamos inmersos. El narcotráfico es el negocio más próspero del mundo, debido a que la demanda es descomunal en los países ricos. Mientras haya quien compre las drogas y las pague a precios elevados, habrá quién o quiénes se dediquen a producirla, transportarla y venderla.
Pero semejantes empresas delincuenciales no pueden sostenerse sin la protección de los gobiernos o al menos de parte de éstos. Su magnitud (y ahora su abierta presencia pública) sólo se explican en función de sus relaciones con el poder.
El floreciente y redituable negocio criminal es una tentación irresistible para jóvenes que have lost their jobs due to the effects of neoliberalism. Thousands of men and women who start taking the stage at which decisions are drawn into a maelstrom of horror. It is painful to hear them say they prefer to live a few years with money and toys, and not many years amid shortages.
government's response: more violence
Rather than ask their partners to review the effects of NAFTA (or NAFTA for its acronym in English), the government of Mexico has followed to the letter devastating rules. Part of the false basis that they can compete without compensating the historical imbalances caused a secular relationship of injustice.
As if that were not enough, the current government, from an electoral fraud in 2006 - led to military commitments, closing what Carlos Fazio calls "the third link." The drug war Felipe Calderon unleashed the beginning of his presidential term glitch was a desperate search for legitimacy. Knowing that most of the people of Mexico as repudiated at the polls, wanted to become legitimate spreading fear, as he had done-successfully-indeed, George Bush junior when he launched his "war on global terrorism."
Vicente Fox had already signed the Partnership for Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), which strengthened the dependency of Mexico to the USA, and brought painful events. Among them:
1 .- The Mexican territory became a nightmare for our Central American brothers who migrated to America in search of American dream. Thousands of people have died and disappeared at the hands of criminals that haunt and abuse, when in the past, our country was a refuge and sanctuary for them. Not be amiss to say that we are a barrier to this migration, and many Mexican resources are used to prevent or discourage. Nor is worth mentioning that the fearsome and bloodthirsty Zetas, a group that does business with the pain of these migrants, is composed of former soldiers who were trained in American schools.
2 .- The asymmetries between the economies of NAFTA (NAFTA) did not decrease with the implementation of that treaty, so that the Mexican countryside is depopulated of young men. At the same time, education in the country was privatized, so that these quotas followed two paths: to go to the United States (which are criminalized by laws like Arizona) and contracted with criminal groups. An estimated 7.5 million youth neither work nor study, for which they are calling them makes a bad joke Ninis.
3 .- The militarization of national life: the army and navy have been responsible for public safety, impersonating the police. In addition, police authorities are mostly military or former military commissioners in retirement. Also the police training academies are run by members of the military corps. It tends to create a single command, so that there is a "Czar" American style.
4 .- The physical and political expansion of organized crime, which now controls some areas and requires the payment of taxes (like the American mafia in the last century, during alcohol prohibition). But it also influences politicians to finance campaigns, as the market's electoral system is based on the amount of money available to candidates.
5 .- The Human Rights and lost ground and even in government discourse are important. Punished not only the historical crimes of the PRI-government, but remains in imposing greater responsibilities designated individuals such as former governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz in Oaxaca. The impunity protecting, as viscous mantle, criminals against humanity.
And the situation worsened when Felipe Calderón was aligned to the Merida Initiative, which is nothing else than the Mexican version of Plan Colombia, which was installed around the United States twenty military bases in that Andean country.
tasks all Mexicans
Mexico has a tradition of struggle for independence, freedom and self determination. There are a nation that tolerates the boot conquest. The alignment of the current U.S. government guidelines will not last long.
The Mexicans and we strive every day because ours is a State of Law, where the people's will prevails and not the transnational entrepreneurs (an example is the Broad Opposition Front, which seeks to prevent mining Canadian St. Xavier, further damage to the town of Cerro de San Pedro, San Luis Potosi). For that effort, neoliberals have been unable to dismantle the constitutional structure, although they try every day (at this time move to perform the "labor reform" that would destroy historic labor gains).
In the background is the need for a policy change that cleared the principle of popular sovereignty, enshrined in Article 39 of the Mexican Constitution. The military and police action against violence, which caused more than 35 thousand dead, will not solve the problem and will only guide to American interventionism, we know he feels "the world's policeman."
This task includes to any and all Mexicans, indigenous and non indigenous people, women and men, intellectuals and workers, employed and unemployed. Mexico go out before this crisis of violence and recover the site that was among Latin American nations.
March 2011.
José Enrique González Ruiz is Coordinator of the Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights at the Autonomous University of Mexico City.